Wu Rebellious Universe

820 families now, the spirit has to be refined again

In the Shenwuhou Mansion, in the secluded house, there is no building cloister, let alone a water table, painting carved beams; there is only a courtyard covered by green bamboo, some elegant flowers and plants, the breeze, the flowers and plants sway, swaying out of comfort and coolness.

Lin Xueran rushed straight into a small house in the courtyard with her son. The decoration in the small room was also extremely simple. The most eye-catching thing was a troupe, and there was a string of rosary beads with sandalwood on the hearth next to him. It was Lin Xueran's prayer for his son.

"Is this the futon where my mother knelt down and prayed for me for three years?" Chu Nan read it, knelt down, picked up the rosary beside him, rubbed it, and said something. Lin Xueran hurriedly helped her son up and said, "Nan'er, have you eaten well in the past three years? Are you dressed warmly? Does your body often hurt?

"Mom, don't worry. If the child doesn't eat well and wear warm clothes, can he grow so strong?" Chu Nan suppressed his thoughts and said with a smile as much as possible, "As for the pain, I have defeated it."

Lin Xueran smiled and said, "Where have you been in the past three years?"

Chu Nan roughly talked about his three years of experience. As for those dangerous scenes on the front line of life and death, Chu Nan didn't even mention it at all. Of course, Lin Xueran knew that his son reported good news or bad news. When he was about to ask further questions, Chu Nan said first, "Mother, I learned a lot of things Let me show you."

With that, he didn't even give Lin Xueran a chance to think, so he pulled Lin Xueran out of the room, and then asked excitedly, "Mom, what do you want to see?"

"What Nan'er performs, my mother will watch whatever she does."

Chu Nan knew that his mother would answer like this, and he also knew that even if he casually emitted a spark and asked his mother if she was good, she would definitely say yes. Even if the spark was pitifully small, the hearts of parents all over the world were here.

Of course, Chu Nan will not perform so simply. He wants to see his mother to have a surprise; close his eyes, Chu Nan thought of making the flowers and plants in the secluded courtyard grow more and more and more popular, thinking of using dazzling martial arts, thinking of turning into a dragon, thinking of using five elements to transform the four seasons...

After thinking a lot and denying a lot, there is only one picture left in Chu Nan's mind. There is a simple but spacious room. There is a big green pine in the yard, and some chickens cackling below. There is an iron shop next to it. There is a sound of "dangdangdang", and there are sparks blooming, /P>

The name of this picture is Home!

His eyes were still tightly closed. Chu Nan raised his hands and came out magnificently, but there was no power or a little forceful breath. They were all controlled by Chu Nan, like a stream ripples.

It's like this for Lin Xueran!

The place in the yard was already shrouded in light yellow, and the soil on the earth began to squirm, and then stood up from the ground like a drunken man, standing up from the ground, and this stop became a wall...

Lin Xueran has opened her mouth wide and her eyes are full of surprise.

Then, wood green, golden yellow, fiery red, water blue and other lights flashed one after another; then, there were trees, fences, iron, wooden windows, tables, ditches, and chickens that were about to run...

With Chu Nan's current strength, it is quite simple to transform these doors, windows, trees, iron tools, etc. with Yuan Li; but Chu Nan does not simply transform these items, but the texture on the doors and windows, or the uneven part of the ground, or that How tall is the big green pine, or the rice grains occasionally scattered on the table, the flaming flame shape of the oil lamp, etc.

As long as what Chu Nan can think of and recall, Chu Nan presents them one by one; these consume a lot of Chu Nan's energy and mind, but Chu Nan is not tired of it and does not feel tired at all. Fortunately, the power in his body is enough.

In fact, these are not the most difficult and the most important!

There is a tree and a house, but if there is no such "home" atmosphere, that kind of "home" atmosphere, how can it be called home?

Therefore, Chu Nan soaked all his feelings and thoughts into the artistic conception of "home". Every piece of earth brick, every tile, every leaf, and even a star spark splashed out by the impact of iron weapons contain the taste of "home".

Lin Xueran looked straight at it, and the emotion also melted into Chu Nan's performance. In the past scenes, scenes appeared in front of him...

A full hour later, Chu Nan finally stopped. The home in Baijia Village, which belongs to their family of three, stood lifelikely in this courtyard...

Lin Xueran burst into tears, and the acceleration was still like a river, rushing endlessly.

Chu Nan didn't open his eyes. At this moment, he is having a feeling when watching the butterfly fairy dance "None Dance". This feeling shows that Chu Nan's spirit has been refined again!

However, this time, the mental quenching is a little different.

In the first two spiritual refinements, Chu Nan felt that the spirit was bathed in the clear spring; but this time, Chu Nan felt that the spirit was like a mountain peak, surrounded by curling clouds and fog, and in the washing of clouds and fog, the peak was still growing, getting higher and higher, and about to break out of the sky.

Chu Nan didn't think about why he reproduced that "home", which could make the spirit so refined, because he was completely immersed in the quenching. Heaven and earth seemed to exist, only the mountain peak, the cloud...

Outside the Shenwuhou Mansion, Mrs. Xuanyang came outside the gate with a large number of people such as Gongsun Qing, Weiwuhuang, the housekeeper Qu, and Chu Ao. When the guard at the door saw Mrs. Xuanyang, he recognized her at first glance, but she was not afraid at all. Instead, she shouted, "Outside Shen Leave." The guard dared to shout so much, of course, borrowed the prestige of Shenwuhou Mansion.

"Be bold, little guard, and dare to scold Mrs. Ben..." Mrs. Xuanyang was very angry. Before she finished her words, Gongsun Qing had waved his hand and asked his two men to push Chu Ao out of the crowd.

When several guards saw Chu Ao, they called "Chu Gongzi" reflexively, and then they reacted again, full of doubts, "Didn't Mr. Chu enter an hour ago? Why is there another Mr. Chu?"

A guard has shouted fiercely, "Who the hell are you? What do you want to dress up as our Mr. Chu?

"Presumptuous, Ma Shunlai, I'm your Mr. Chu, how can I dress up?" Chu Ao got a lot, but Ma Shunlai was stunned and said doubtfully, "But we, Mr. Chu, have already entered!"

(PS: Writing this kind of plot is the most time-consuming, repeated thinking...)