Wu Rebellious Universe

854 tough lesson?

The house on Shizi Street in Tianyang City is the headquarters of the Wind and Rain Building.

When the assassin rushed back and passed on what Chu Nan said to his organization, he fell down and died.

Impo, in the fastest time, the headquarters of the wind and rain building heard Chu Nan's arrogant words, "In three days, send the client's head to him, otherwise, step on the headquarters of the wind and rain building."

This group of controllers of the wind and rain building are naturally very angry.

Because no one has ever dared to say such cruel words to the wind and rain building like this. The wind and rain building can *** the third place, and its strength is also good. The top strength of the wind and rain building is five people, three junior martial emperors, two middle martial emperors, and one high-level martial emperor.

Be a killer with the high-level martial emperor. As long as the strong person who stepped into the realm of the martial emperor is not the strong person who stepped into the martial arts emperor, or the great perfection of the strong man of the martial emperor, I'm afraid it is a little dangerous.

With such strength, it is still relatively strong, so they can never do what Chu Nan said. Since they will not kill the client, they will kill Chu Nan first.

If you want to kill Chu Nan, there is another obstacle to get rid of the ancestors of the Chu family!

"It is said that the young master of the Chu family is crazy. Sure enough, he is not an ordinary madman. He dares to step on the wind and rain building!" An old man said disapprovingly, "There has been news below that the ancestor of the Chu family is indeed not far from death, and even the forbidden place of their Chu family has been destroyed; without the ancestor of the Chu family, then the Chu family is nothing!"

"That's right, but you still have to be careful. Even if the strong Wu Zun is about to die, you can't act rashly. After all, the thin camel is bigger than the horse. I believe that many forces will be interested in the ancestors of the Chu family. What we have to do is to find a good time to intervene. The other two killer organizations hesitated and did not take this task. This is our opportunity for Fengyu Building. If it succeeds this time, the *** of Fengyu Building will no longer be the third!"

The owner of the wind and rain building continued to say coldly, "Before that, we will teach the young master of the Chu family a fierce lesson, catch his mother, and then let the young master of the Chu family kneel down and knock on the wind and rain building!"

"The news we got is that this young master of the Chu family is very filial to his mother. For the sake of his mother, he did not hesitate to tear his face with the Gongsun family, went to the hall of immortality, and asked for a special title for his mother. As long as we catch his mother, we are not afraid that he will He has to do what he does! Jie Jie Jie..."


"Don't be happy too early. His mother is in Shenwuhou's house." A man took cold water, but the man said indifferently, "Do you think that at this time, when the Chu family is about to live and die, will you put your strength on a woman? No, the Chu family has concentrated all their strength to protect their ancestors. Moreover, I have already received the news that many descendants of the Chu family are looking for a way out. In this case, isn't it easy to catch a woman?

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and the landlord of the Fengyu Building ordered, "For the absolute success of this mission, give the young master of the Chu family a fierce lesson, rejuve my reputation in the Fengyu Building, and send ten high-level martial emperors at the same time!"

"Ten high-level martial arts emperors must be safe."

Everyone in the high-rise of the Wind and Rain Building thought so. The order was immediately passed to the hands of ten high-level martial emperors at a speed, and the ten high-ranking martial emperor killers immediately set out to go to Shenwu Houfu...

At this time, Chu Nan had returned to the small courtyard with a thousand-year-old purple gold toad. Chu Nan came back safely, which made Gongsun Xian very angry and looked pale. He said with hatred, "The wind and rain building is really unreliable. Unfortunately, the other two killer organizations do not take this task. Otherwise, how can this It doesn't matter. You can escape this disaster, but you are doomed to not escape the next disaster!"

Chu Nan didn't hear this sound. He is a little happy now. He went to the Holy Fire Gate and gained a lot. In addition to the sound that made his heart palpitate and almost roared to death.

However, the thousand-year-old purple golden toad brought back by Chu Nan was a little a little aggrieved. When he was in 100,000 mountains, Chu Nan's ruthless, Chu Nan's lifeless, and Chu Nan's fear of poison left too deep impression on it, even with instinctive fear. Therefore, when the Holy Fire Gate, the He also surrendered to Chu Nan.

Despite this, it was still a little reluctant, and it thought it was the super combat effectiveness in Chu Nan's hands, but when the thousand-year-old purple golden toad arrived in the courtyard, a monkey immediately made it dumbfounded.

The thousand-year-old purple gold toad is a fierce beast, or a twelve-level fierce beast; but compared with the king's beast, it is far away, even if the little monkey is not fully mature; as soon as the king's beast is pressed out, the thousand-year-old purple gold toad immediately tremble.

When the psychic thousand-year-old purple golden toad saw the little monkey, his reluctance immediately disappeared without a trace, and the king beast gave in, not to mention him; so, the thousand-year-old purple golden toad looked at the door honestly.

Those forces are getting more and more urgent. In broad daylight, those who come to the Chu family to investigate the news are one after another, and there is an endless stream.

However, these are all pawns, and no one can break through to the forbidden place!

In this situation, ten high-level martial emperor killers with extremely efficient wind and rain buildings went to the courtyard where Chunan was located and wanted to catch Lin Xueran. At this time, Chu Nan was cooking delicious food for his mother, and Chu Zhuer was talking with him.

At the moment when ten high-level martial arts killers surrounded and fell into hospital, Chu Nan felt that a sneer immediately appeared at the corners of his mouth. Who else could take action against him at this time, or to attack his mother?

"Little monkey, someone has brought you food." Chu Nan said to the little monkey that what he said about "giving food" was naturally the core of the ten high-level martial emperor killers in Dantian; the little monkey understood Chu Nan's words, squeaked non-stop, drew a figure, and rushed out quickly.

"Xiao Zi, guard the door. If someone disturbs me and my mother, I will forgive you." Chu Nan's voice sounded in the ears of the thousand-year-old purple golden toad. His huge body shook, and the poisonous fog condensed into an arrow and shot somewhere.

At that time, there was a scream, but the little monkey came alive with a "little monkey to take out the core". These martial emperor killers' defense was not bad, and there were many means, but under the little monkey's sharp monkey claws that could scratch the martial arts, it was completely useless. The little monkey took out several people's cores

The rest was caught off guard by the poisonous arrow of the thousand-year-old purple golden toad, and the flesh and blood rotted and died...

Ten killers died without even getting into the courtyard. After a while, Chu Nan came out and saw the sign on the killer's body. After confirmation, he said coldly, "It seems that it doesn't need to be three days later!"

Immediately, he asked Chu Ying, "Where is the headquarters of the Wind and Rain Building?"