Wu Rebellious Universe

869 Dragon Kirin

As soon as the blood of the Holy Sha Kirin entered his throat, Chu Nan felt that his whole body was about to be burned. The fire power contained in the blood of the Holy Sha Kirin was more powerful than the firepower in the rock lake, and it was more powerful than one or two minutes, but dozens of times, which was the tendency to burn Chu Nan

In addition to burning, there is also that evil spirit that pierces the soul of God.

In addition, Chu Nan's whole body is still immersed in the holy magma. In addition to internal and foreign affairs, the situation is more than dangerous!

However, Chu Nan did not stop swallowing the blood of the holy evil unicorn!

On the other hand, the blood in Chunan's body was reborn through Longdan, which was not so easy to be burned. In addition, the tenth meridians are constantly releasing vitality, repairing the part burned by the blood of the holy evil unicorn.

As for the evil spirit, Chu Nan is against each other with a murderous spirit; Fortunately, the murderous spirit is also extremely extraordinary, and he can compete with the evil spirit, and even has a slight advantage.

The situation of Shengsha Kirin is not optimistic. The dead spirit invaded the head, and the thunder and lightning kept chopping, so that it had no resistance, and a large amount of blood was lost. The black egg hit again and again, and it was about to break up its body.

The speed of sinking is getting slower and slower. Even the cry of Shengsha Kirin is getting weaker and weaker, and the degree of struggle is getting weaker and weaker. Chu Nan has a little advantage, but he still dares not be careless at all. As a result of carelessness, it is likely that the ship capches.

In the body, the blood of the holy evil unicorn and the blood of Chu Nan are torn back and forth, and the fierce struggle has been from the flesh under the skin to the blood cells in the bones. Although the dragon's blood is not ordinary, after all, the Xuanhuo blood python was just a dragon, and the dragon's power is In terms of Kirin's blood, the advantage is not too large; and Chu Nan's continuous swallowing of Kirin's blood is far greater than the blood in Chu Nan's body. Chu Nan's face is pale, like the earth that has been dry for a long time, cracking.

If the Holy Sac Kirin is still jumping around at this time, then it is estimated that Chu Nan will really die!

It's a pity that the Holy Sage Kirin is not far from death, and there is no power to fight back.

The blood in Chu Nan's body was all concentrated in the bone marrow. The blood of the Holy Evil Kirin poured in crazily and was about to devour and burn it, but the blood was like a fierce beast fighting back in a desperate situation, bursting out a terrible power and rushed up.

Chu Nan is very familiar with this power, because it once saved Chu Nan's life twice. Chu Nan knew that this energy was stored in his body by the dragon elixir in those years. The energy he could not refine was stimulated twice when Chu Nan's life and death.

At this moment, it is the third and last time!

Two different bloods launched the most fierce, tragic and final attack!

At the same time, Chu Nan clearly felt that he could not control the blood that originally belonged to him!

This made Chu Nan feel shocked and vaguely guessed whether it belonged to the instinct of the Xuanhuo blood python...

While shocked, Chu Nan was also very angry!

"The blood that belongs to my Chunan, how dare you not listen to my order?" Chu Nan shouted angrily to seize the control of the blood. In the dispute, the blood of the Holy Spirit Kirin took the opportunity to attack spiritually. Chu Nan's eyes were fierce and gritted his teeth and said, "Even if you are the Blood of the Holy Spirit Kirin, as long as you are in my territory, you have to listen to me!"

Chu Nan released thunder and lightning from Dantian. The lightning surged all over his body, poured into the bone marrow, and surrounded the bone with thunder and lightning. Maybe he felt the pressure of thunder and lightning. The blood of the holy evil unicorn was like its owner, and immediately became honest, even the dragon. The blood is also docile.

In such a situation, it was entirely up to Chu Nan. Chu Nan did not let the blood containing Long Dan Wei Neng destroy the blood of Sheng Sa Kirin, nor did he let the Holy Sa Kirin expel his blood in turn. Instead, he said word by word, "You all melt and merge together!"

Under the thunder and lightning circling, the blood of the Holy Sac Kirin and the blood containing Long Dan's power were immediately like water and milk, blending together without any repulsion and became the fresh blood of Chu Nan.

With more and more holy evil unicorn blood fused, the holy evil magma in the rock lake can no longer cause him great damage. Even if the defense of the five elements vortex and the mixed finger is removed, there will be no problem.

But Chu Nan was still very cautious, and at the same time, an idea came out in his mind, "This holy evil unicorn has not gone through thunder and lightning, and his blood is really a little wasteful. If I chopping blood with thunder and lightning now, will it achieve such an effect?"

Thinking about it, Chu Nan has been struck by thunder and lightning.

Thunder and lightning split on the blood of Longdan Weineng and Shengsha unicorn blood at the same time. immediately, more than half of the blood of Shengsha unicorn was split, that is, the blood containing Longdanweineng also has some losses, but this loss, compared with the blood of the holy fish group, is completely negligible.

Although more than half of the blood of the Holy Sa Kirin has been lost, after all, there is still a small part left. Words such as "the survival of the survival of the strong" flashed in Chu Nan's mind, "Even if it can't replace the disaster of thunder, at least the blood that can be left is higher than the diss

Thinking of this, Chu Nan immediately stopped the fusion of the two kinds of blood, kept splitting the thunder and lightning, and refined it.

Every time you split, a large amount of blood disappears. Fortunately, the amount of holy evil unicorn blood is very large. Every time the remaining small part of blood is added together, the amount is still very considerable!

Chu Nan has been quenched until the thunder and lightning strikes, and the blood no longer disappears.

Then, let the two merge.

After this fusion, Sheng Sha magma has no effect on Chu Nan. Chu Nan is like bathing in Sheng Sha magma.

That's it. Chu Nan still did not rejoice. Instead, he split the thunder and lightning again to quench the blood after the fusion. Sure enough, a small amount of blood disappeared in this quenching, and part of the disappeared blood was impurity for Chu Nan!

It took a lot of time. After the fusion of blood, there is no less than a single point. Chu Nan can feel the energy in the new blood just a little, which is magnificent!

"In the blood, there is both the power of the dragon and the power of the unicorn. The two are completely inseparable. Then this blood is called the dragon unicorn!" After Chu Nan finished speaking, the holy evil unicorn in his hand was already dying.

Although Chu Nan sucked a lot of blood, there was still blood splashing out of Shengji Kirin's body, and all of this blood was swallowed up by black eggs.

Chu Nan took out the dragon's tooth and stabbed it again. This time, it was the location of the inner elixir of the Holy Dragon Kirin.

At the same time, Chunan and others fell to the bottom of the rock lake!

In the center of the bottom of the rock lake, there is also a hole...

(PS: I returned to the city today and cleaned up for a long time. Now I'm a little sleepy. Today is the third update, tomorrow, at least the sixth update!)