Wu Rebellious Universe

886 You are playing with fire

The world is always greedy, as long as there are enough benefits.

In the face of 50 million top-quality Yuanshi, Yu Tianqing can definitely say no; with another 100 eleven-order Warcraft internal elixirs, Yu Tianqing can still say no; that is, adding the elixir that prolongs the vitality of the martial artist, Yu Tianqing can still have some scruples and refuses decisively.

However, when he saw the storage ring in Chu Nan's hand and thought about the great treasure in the storage ring, Yu Tianqing could no longer refuse, because those interests were enough to burn his greed.

Greed together, it's hard to extinguish it again.

When his mind was occupied by terrible greed, he didn't care about the identity of the young master of the Chu family, the ancestor of the Chu family at the level of the strong martial arts, the collapse of the Pingsheng volcano before the wind and rain building, etc.

It's no wonder that Yu Tianqing would think like this. Why did he sit in the highest position of Yuhua Gate? It's not that someone can provide him with enough cultivation resources, such as Yuanshi, Neidan, elixir, etc., so that he can practice wholeheartedly, so that he can go to the next level and then go to the next level.

Now, the resources in Chu Nan's hands are more than ten times stronger than that of a Yuhuamen. Those cultivation resources have made him not have to worry about the resources for thousands of years, especially the elixir that prolongs the vitality of the martial arts. Can he not be moved? Can he not be greedy in his heart?

Of course, Yu Tianqing, who is so greedy, will not exchange the sacred weapon feather fan with Chu Nan. What Yu Tianqing thought was: "The feather fan is mine, and those storage rings and those treasures are still mine!"

Not only did Yu Tianqing's greed, but also the *** Lao San, who was beaten from a thin man to a fat man by Chu Nan and a thin man, also forgot to be surprised and forgot the pain. He just stared at Chu Nan with bright eyes. Specifically, he was staring at the storage ring in Chu Nan's hand!

"How can I grab those storage rings?" Yu Tianqing thought for a long time, and there was a plan in his mind, "You have to cheat him into the battle first, and then kill the young master of the Chu family with *** Lao San. Even if you can't kill him, it's absolutely no problem to take away those storage rings. As long as the storage ring arrives, retreat immediately. As for this Just go to those treasures."

Yu Tianqing thought about it several times and confirmed that there was no future trouble. "I have a holy weapon feather fan in my hand, and no one can catch up with it. As soon as they come, they directly fan and fly. I will find a hidden place to practice in isolation, and wait until my strength increases greatly before leaving the customs. At that time,

These thoughts flashed in his mind and stared at Chu Nan and said, "Young Master Chu, are you really willing to exchange all those treasures for this feather fan with me?"

"If you don't think it's enough, I can give you a little more!" Chu Nan did not hide his desire for the feather fan, and the old monster also rushed over. Hearing this, he couldn't help saying, "Young master, do you believe what this old man Yu said? Let me tell you, this old man Yu looks like a fairy. In fact, they are all sanctimonious, and his heart is extremely evil. He kills people and does everything. His hands are stained with blood, and more than half of them are the blood of innocent people. He has a very sinful hobby, just like that Wu Mu. I like young and beautiful little girls, and when he has played with it, none of these little girls have survived; Yuhuamen can develop to what it is today, all based on the bones, and..."

The old monster spoke super fast. It was just a moment to say such a lot of words. Yu Tianqing's face was already ugly. He shouted, "Old monster, you don't spit blood, these things..."

"Old man Yu, *** is not a man. Do you dare to admit it? Young master, I'm sure that Old Yu has made up his mind in his heart. He not only wants to rob your treasure, but also won't give you a feather fan. Maybe he wants your life..."

Yu Tianqing was caught and said the central thing. His face was full of anger. He waved the feather fan and immediately waved the feather fan. The old monster was fanned away, and the weak voice of the old monster came from the void: "Young master, don't... don't... believe him..."

Slapping away the old monster, Yu Tianqing's face turned a little white, but he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, "I'm more confident with only this boy left." Thinking about it, he said, "Master Chu, it seems that we need to talk about it in detail. Let me do it."

With that, Yu Tianqing's figure fell to the ground, and *** Lao San seemed to know Yu Tianqing's plan. The light flashed in his eyes and his figure fell sharply; Chu Nan's eyes were extremely clear, and he fell down.

When Yu Tianqing saw Chu Nan following him, he laughed strangely in his heart. On the surface, he quietly walked into the central hall of the Yuhua Gate. Yu Tianqing went directly to the chair in the central hall. *** Lao San stood on both sides. Chunan stood at the lower head, and the door of the central hall had been automatically closed. Chu Nan ignored it at all.

"Master Chu, hand in all your storage rings." Yu Tianqing smiled meaningfully. Chu Nan did not hesitate at all and directly threw out several storage rings in his hand. Yu Tianqing and the other three of them couldn't help but be stunned. They didn't expect Chu Nan to be so straightforward. Yu Tianqing waved his hand and grabbed the storage ring in his hand. The conditioned reflex wanted to investigate, but this The layer of marks blocked him.

Yu Tianqing secretly wanted to break the marks, but he couldn't. Yu Tianqing stopped and thought, "When I kill you, these marks will naturally disappear."

Chu Nan asked, "Where's the feather fan?"

"What feather fan, I've never heard of it!" Yu Tianqing smiled ferociously and said, "***Lao San, have you heard of Yuhua Fan?"

"What is a feather fan? Is it for food?" *** All three of them said innocently.

Chu Nan's face remained unchanged and said lightly, "You are playing with fire."

"What about playing with fire? Can you still eat me?" ***The trembling hit the thin body and shouted, and the third brother followed, "Kid, you have fallen into our hands. It's the fish on our kitchen board. Damn, dare to beat me into a fat man. I have to turn you into a fat man on the left and a thin man on the right!"

"Are you sure you want to play with this fire?"

"Master Chu, don't think that your ancestor will save you. Today, no one can save you, so just accept your fate obediently; don't blame us, blame yourself, such a treasure, who is not tempted!" Yu Tianqing showed his true face.

Chu Nan still said lightly, "Since you want to play with fire, I will play with you."

As the words fell, with Chunan as the four hearts, a sea of fire spread out...