Wu Rebellious Universe

892 champions, send them to your door

The word "Chu Nan" flashed in the mind of the Lord of Daqing. Huang Fuye couldn't see whether it was happy, angry, sad or sad, and a very playful smile appeared.

"Aren't you going to be the king? I'll give it to you! With the spear of the son, the shield of the son, or the knife of the son, the sword of the son! This game of chess is getting more and more interesting!" Huang Fuye read it, as if he had seen the scene of the two armies fighting desperately in the sand table deduction, and the two armies had the same surname as Chu!

"Come on!"

Huangfuye's majestic voice echoed in the Hall of Immortality, and a man immediately entered the Hall of Immortality and knelt on the ground!

"Draft the purpose!"

The four treasures of the study immediately appeared in front of the man, but the paper was not white rice paper, but golden yellow, and there were scrolls printed with dragons on the left and right!

"Kang Chunan as the champion!"

A short seven words bloomed from Huangfu Ye's mouth, and the person who wrote the decree was shocked all over, and then some materials about Chu Nan were thrown in front of him. The person who wrote the decree quickly turned over and read it, and then wrote: "Feng Tian Chengyun, the emperor's edict said..."

Although Huang Fuye only said seven words, the will always needs to be polished, so on the golden scroll, there are words such as wisdom and courage, the crown of the three armies and so on!

When the decree was completed, the golden scroll flew in front of Huangfuye, and then, the jade seal, which was also golden yellow, appeared out of thin air and printed on the scroll. The scroll immediately glittered, and a "imperial grace"-like energy was fluctuating.

Huangfu Ye waved his hand to make people retreat, and said fiercely, "If you can't become my sharp knife, then I can make you a king, and I can make you fall into the dust, and even destroy this knife!"

The news that Chu Nan became the champion came from the Yongsheng Hall, and soon the city was full of wind and rain. When Gongsun Xian heard the news, he was immediately stunned on the spot and sat on the ground. He knew that the Gongsun family no longer had the emperor's favor. This time, it was really over.

In Jinling City, there is another mansion, far beyond, which is Wumu Mansion on Wumu Street!

The only Wu Mu in Daqing, got the news that Chu Nan was awarded the title of champion. He smiled without saying anything, but the smile made people feel like a spring breeze, but it was cold. "The boy who is not yet 20 years old will be awarded the title of champion. The Chu family has two waits. What's the emperor's idea

Chu Nan, who is not far from the skeleton killer organization, doesn't know this. He doesn't know that he has become a champion. He doesn't know that there are countless ups and downs in Jinling City because of him. He is just trying his best to collect the medicinal materials of the longevity elixir and the crazy magic elixir Xuanwuqi did not come to the door immediately. One day, he will fight with Xuanwuqi. This is fate. From the moment he got the relics of the magic Taoist in the belly of the Xuanhuo blood python, it was doomed!

"The alchemy, the alchemy, time..." Three words flashed in Chu Nan's mind, and then said firmly, "The longevity elixir must be refined, and the epee must be restored!" When Chu Nan was collecting the elixir of longevity elixir, he also found a lot of rare refinery materials, which were prepared for the epee.

Chu Nan's movement has been watched by many forces. Everyone is guessing about Chu Nan's where he is going, including the skeleton, the secret collection of the big man in the skeleton, and a person wearing a fox-shaped skeleton storage ring in his hand said: "It is preliminary estimate that if the value of the property on Chu Nan In that case, it should not be less than 800 million, and it is also possible to exceed 1 billion!"

"What can I do with one billion? Do you know where he is now? Besides, do you have the strength to eat a billion? The person who said this was wearing a tiger-shaped skeleton storage ring!

"Of course I don't, but there are skeletons!"

"Fox skeleton, do you want to drag all the skeletons into the fire pit? Who do you think got into trouble with the evil star, the wind and rain tower, the sacred flame gate, the Nie family, etc., who has a good end?

"Can their strength be compared with that of skeletons? Think about it, has Chu Nan had a rest since yesterday? No! He was either robbing or on the way to the robbery. Yes, he destroyed the Fengyu Building, extinguished the sacred flame gate, and destroyed Gongsun's Nie's family, but didn't his physical strength be consumed? Even if his strength can be supplemented by elixir, what about his tired spirit? Therefore, as long as we have a plan, it is not a problem to take him down. Think about the interests of the billion, and I am sure that there are many things in it, which can never be estimated by Yuanshi.

After the fox skeleton said, there was a burst of silence and heavy breathing, one after another, but many people's eyes flashed with folds. Obviously, they were moved!

"Let's raise your watch!" A man wearing a dragon skull ring said. As soon as the voice fell, five people raised it. The skeletons shared ten people present, and five people raised their hands, just half to half.

However, raising the hand did not end.

After a moment, the owner of the lion-shaped skeleton ring also raised his hand, and then two people raised their hands. Finally, the owner of the dragon-shaped skeleton ring also raised his hand. At this point, nine to one!

Except for the tiger-shaped skeleton, all of them agree to take action against Chunan for the billion-quality Yuanshi!

"Okay..." The dragon-shaped skeleton was about to discuss the plan, and there was a roar from outside, so a voice came into their ears, "I'm robbing, and the people inside come out quickly. The man stands on the left, the woman stands on the right, and the man and the woman stands in the middle!"

The top ten skeletons patted the table and got angry. Unexpectedly, someone dared to rob them on their heads. The bat skeleton said, "Is it that we are so hidden that some eyesless cats and dogs..."

"Idiot, can this noise be made by cats and dogs?" The tiger skeleton sneered and said, "No accident, it should be the person you are planning to deal with!"

"Impossible, how did he know that our base was here?"

"How did he know the base of the Wind and Rain Building?"

The two of them still had to argue fiercely. The dragon skeleton shouted, "Okay, stop arguing. Who is it? Go out and you will know." Then, ten figures stepped up in the air and saw two people standing in the wind opposite.

"Chu Nan, it's you!"

"It seems that you are surprised!"

When the fox skeleton saw Chu Nan, he looked surprised and more happy. He said, "Dragon head, he sent it to the door. It's a good opportunity!"

"A good opportunity? They came to the door without fear. Do you think this is a good opportunity? The tiger skeleton sneered. The dragon skeleton looked solemn and said, "Chu Nan, we didn't provoke you, you..."

Before the dragon skeleton continued to talk, Chu Nan interrupted coldly, "Let's do it. You don't have to leave a living person!"

The old monster was stunned. Because he came all the way, he found that Chu Nan was not a murderous person. As long as those sects handed over the treasure, Chu Nan would not attack them, but the order in front of him...

Although puzzled, the old monster had rushed up and said to the fox skeleton, "I asked you to stand on the right. What are you doing standing on the left?"