Wu Rebellious Universe

92 It's a little spicy!

This group of old and ugly women are as old as they are, how ugly they are!

There is only unexpected ugliness, and there is no illusion of ugliness.

Originally, these old women are ugly enough to make people vomit at a glance, but they are still doing those extreme "**" actions; and this is not one person, but a group, dense, as if stretching thousands of miles.

The killer's qi and blood surged up, and the owner of Beichen Palace vomited directly.

"How about it? I'm quite satisfied with the gift I prepared for you. Chu Nan said with a smile that he was unconventional. He did not use beautiful women to **, but fantasy of an extremely ugly old woman.

Because Chu Nan knows that for a strong-willed tall man like the Killer and Beichen Palace, the beautiful woman's ** is useless, but the ugly old woman is different.

People can't help but appreciate or possess good things; and instinctively hate ugly things; this has nothing to do with cultivation, strength, it's just a subjective reaction!

Of course, this subjective instinct can also be controlled; but when they suddenly encountered this scene without any psychological preparation, everyone's first reaction was unhappy, like swallowing a fly; just like the destroyer and the owner of Beichen Palace at this time, they were depressed and disgusted.

Maybe this depression and disgust will have no impact on the killer and the owner of Beichen Palace at all. It is also possible that they are affected by this and feel very depressed and unhappy. In the later fight, there will be a little difference or mistakes.

This level of fighting, a little bit of poor pool or mistake, is enough to become a fatal existence!

"Satisfied, very satisfied, but I'm more satisfied. It's your head!" The owner of Beichen Palace waved casually, and the illusion of the ugly old woman around him disappeared. The destroyer suddenly stamped his right foot, and suddenly shook the mountain, and the illusion disappeared. Then he said coldly, "Lin Yun, do you only have such a little carving skill?"

"The good show is still in the future!"

Chu Nan did not pay attention to the threat in the mouth of the extermination and the owner of Beichen Palace at all. As soon as the words fell, the "fish-killing array" was full of all kinds of killing opportunities. The five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth evolved countless attacks and attacked the two people.

The destroyer snorted coldly, the sword light dissipated, the boulders collapsed, and other attacks were all annihilated. The owner of Beichen Palace was also in a similar situation. He only heard the destroyer say, "Don't take out these people who can't get on the stage. Sacrifice

"I'm so old and I don't have any patience at all. It's really not a good phenomenon. I don't know how you practiced..." Chu Nan still urged the formation to stimulate those useless attacks on the two.

"How about me? It's not your turn to teach you a lesson. Since you don't show up, I will tear down your array little by little." Relying on his profound cultivation, the destroyer broke through the array with strength, and the owner of Beichen Palace on one side also made a big noise.

Chu Nan said, "Well, since you can't wait, let's have the first dish, kill fish array, explosion!" When it came to serving, Chu Nan's figure had jumped outside the "fish-killing array". As soon as the word "explosion" fell, a roar of shocking ghosts and gods resounded in this space.

Covering Donghua City, the huge and unprecedented "fish-killing array" exploded. Chu Nan knew that although the "fish-killing array" he laid was powerful, he could not trap a middle-level martial artist and a high-level martial artist. It was better to simply let the "fish-killing array" explode. The greatest power, the biggest blow to the two martial lords, the heaviest damage!

The explosive power rushed up directly from 7,000 meters under the ground. In an instant, the ground at a depth of seven thousand meters was directly overturned, and all the explosive power directly attacked the owner of Beichen Palace and the destroyer.

The destroyer and the owner of Beichen Palace felt the huge energy, and their faces changed greatly, so they rose to the sky. At the same time, they also sacrificed defensive magic weapons. The two martial arts lords, one is the lord of the Beichen Palace, and the other is the profound and high-level martial arts lord of the Zhou Dynasty. Their The existence between the artifact and the sacred artifact is the so-called pseudo-sacred artifact!

Although their reaction is very sensitive and the speed is even faster, it is still a short time to sacrifice the magic weapon. If they sacrifice these two pseudo-sacred weapon defense magic weapons earlier, they may not suffer any big impact.

But they didn't pay attention to Chu Nan at all before, and they didn't disdain to use the pseudo-holy weapon at all. Because of this contempt, now the two of them are shaken by the explosion of power, their qi and blood are surging up, and there is blood oozing from the corners of Son!

Before they came, the two absolutely superior martial arts lords felt that they wanted to take Chu Nan's life, which was as easy as a bag. Unexpectedly, as soon as they met, they were scolded as dogs. As soon as they fought, they were made into a mess.

"Lin Yun, dare to hurt me, I will make you regret coming to this world!"

"Chu Nan, I swear to kill you."

Both of them were so angry that they roared fiercely, but Chu Nan ignored them. Before they rushed out of the explosive power and had not recovered, Chu Nan had taken back the magic weapon that he had given *** to let *** explode, and brazenly threw all the magic weapons at the destroyer and the owner of Beichen Palace, but he was still there. He joked and said, "Guys, is this first dish still to your taste? It doesn't taste bad, does it?"

"Lin Yun, I..."

The roar of the destroyer, when he said this, he was drowned out by a roar that was more fierce and powerful than the "fish-killing array" explosion!

The more than 5,000 magic weapons full of Chu Nan's energy, more than 50,000 spiritual magic weapons, and countless magic weapons of magic weapons, all exploded in an instant; the self-exploding energy of the magic weapon itself and the energy poured into the magic weapon by Chu Nan vigorously wrapped the killer and the owner of the Beichen Palace and launched Hanging. Killing.

The pseudo-sacred weapon-level defense magic weapon on the two people immediately collapsed, and then the unparalleled *** worked on their flesh. The two of them didn't have time to be angry, so they quickly waved their palms to block each other.

"This is the second dish. Do you feel that the second dish is a little hotter than the first one?"

(PS: I wanted to update more today, but I didn't expect so many troubles to get rid of the troubles and continue to update...)