Wu Rebellious Universe

928 big deception, mysterious wake up

"Gan give me a drop of blood!" Chu Nan said lightly. Hearing this, the weak eyes of the owner of Beichen Palace suddenly shot out, stared at Chu Nan and said, "Do you want to control me? Control my life and death?"

Chu Nan was not surprised that the owner of Beichen Palace would guess the use of "sex blood". He nodded, and secretly began to accumulate strength and thunder in his fists. One was for the owner of Beichen Palace in front of him to play self-explosion, and the other was for the destroyer who would soon come back...

"It's impossible. I'm the owner of Beichen Palace. My life and death can only be up to me. No one wants to dominate my life and death! No one can!" The owner of Beichen Palace roared crazily.

Chu Nan looked at it as if he hadn't seen it. He shook his head and said with a smile, "You can't control your own life and death!" If you dare to refuse immediately, if you dare to say a word 'no', I will take your life and let you die! Lord, do you want to say 'no'?"

With this sentence, Chu Nan brushed his hand, and suddenly a big whirlpool surrounded the owner of Beichen Palace. As long as there was something wrong with the owner of Beichen Palace, the whirlpool immediately swallowed it clean!

The owner of Beichen Palace looked at Chu Nan with desperate eyes and turned in his eyes. Chu Nan continued, "Don't you want to kill me? Then you can choose to live secretly. Of course, living secretly can also be called humiliation. Maybe you can kill me that day?

"My life and death are in your hands. How can I bear humiliation and kill you?" The owner of Beichen Palace said, and the tone had revealed the smell of "the burning of jade and stone".

Chu Nan said, "A hundred years, a hundred years later, I will set you free!"

"One hundred years?" The owner of Beichen Palace was stunned, and then shouted, "Do you think you will believe what I said?"

When Chu Nan heard the question of the Lord of Beichen Palace, he laughed and said, "Whether it is Lin Yun of Beiqi or Chunan of Daqing, what I have never lost my words. Believe it or not, it all depends on how you choose. I can tell you very clearly that even if you blow yourself up, it will not have much impact It won't hurt much."

The owner of Beichen Palace reflexively wanted to say "impossible", but in his mind, he remembered the previous picture of Chu Nan punching his "heavy earth". He swallowed the three and stared at Chu Nan. The decision of "the jade is burning" was a little shaken. "If I can't drag him to die, Righteousness? What else can I do except to lose my life?

Chu Nan saw the trace of hesitation in the eyes of the Lord of Beichen Palace. He knew that the Lord of Beichen Palace was mostly wavering in his heart. He said while the iron was hot: "Take ten thousand steps back and say, even if I didn't keep my promise, I haven't let you *** for a hundred years, but think about And once you die, you have no hope; and, think about it, the heart and blood vows issued by the martial artist can be broken, and the life and death control of this drop of blood may also be broken, but no way to break it has not been found; above the martial emperor is the martial saint, who understands the rules of heaven and earth, that Why can't you survive before exploring? Maybe, as soon as you enter the realm of martial arts, the life-and-death control of essence and blood will be invalid? Besides, don't you still have a Kuchen ancestor? If he kills me that day, won't I have no control over you?"

These words hit the most critical and important position of the owner of Beichen Palace. The crazy Lord of Beichen Palace really calmed down and thought about Chu Nan's words, "He said well. As long as he lives, there is hope. If Kuchen Laozu takes action, he can indeed kill him. ..." The owner of Beichen Palace guessed the use of essence and blood, but he did not fully understand the effect of "The Secret of Life and Death". He didn't know that Chu Nan's last sentence was fake! If the Kuchen ancestor can really kill Chu Nan, what the owner of Beichen Palace will get is not ***, but to destroy it with his master Chu Nan!

Seeing this, Chu Nan knew that he would not leave ten years to subdue the owner of Beichen Palace. After all, if he can live with hope, who is willing to die? Therefore, Chu Nan put down the last straw to break through the pride of the owner of Beichen Palace. "Don't worry, I won't let you do something excessive, and I won't let people destroy the Beichen Palace with their backhand. On the contrary, if you submit to me, maybe the Beichen Palace will get an opportunity to develop rapidly. For example Let me help you get rid of it!"


The owner of Beichen Palace suddenly looked up, and Chu Nan's eyes were sincere, "Of course it's true." In this regard, Chu Nan did not lie. He really wanted to find Dihao's ninth brother, and the real master of the villain valley was the old nine emperor demon.

One breath, three breaths, until the time of nine breaths, the owner of Beichen Palace finally made a painful decision and handed over a drop of blood.

Chu Nan saw the drop of blood and smiled.

However, Chu Nan still did not relax his guard. The owner of Beichen Palace in front of him was not a shrimp, but a middle-level martial lord. He didn't want to overturn the boat in the ditch because of a little negligence.

After receiving the blood, Chu Nan skillfully used the "Life and Death Secret" to control a middle-level martial arts master, which is indeed much more difficult than controlling those martial emperors. Fortunately, Chu Nan's strength is not weak now. After dozens of breaths, the life and death of the owner of Beichen Palace was mastered between Chu Nan's

After controlling the life and death of the owner of Beichen Palace, Chu Nan immediately stimulated his vast vitality and rushed to the body of Beichen Palace to help Beichen Palace heal his wounds. He also said, "If you have any elixir to restore your strength, take it out and swallow it quickly."

The owner of Beichen Palace felt the huge breath of life in his body. He was dumbfounded again. Hearing Chu Nan's words, he came to his senses. He took out the elixir from the storage ring and swallowed it into his stomach. He couldn't help asking, "How strong are you?"

"Follow me, and you will know that my cards are far beyond your imagination!" Chu Nan said with a smile that he had just said so much and spent so much effort to fool the owner of Beichen Palace into a thongster. It was not full of food and fun. It was very meaningful and prepared for the destroyer.

In a moment, the strength of the Lord of Beichen Palace recovered more than half. Chu Nan laughed and said, "Next, let's play a good play!"

Just when Chu Nan's big deception was successful, Xuan Wuqi on Tianyi Mountain sighed, so he opened his eyes and said, "It's been more than three years, and I still can't see the Wusheng steps again. Am I in a hurry? Maybe there may be unexpected gains when you go down the mountain. I don't know if my brother has found the emperor of Dazhou!"

After reading, Xuan Wuqi turned into a flame all over his body. After a flash, he landed in front of the martial emperor at the foot of Tianyi Mountain. The flames burned and burned out Xuan Wuqi's figure. He asked, "Where's Zhuang Buzhou?"