Wu Rebellious Universe

979 forgetful elixir, deadly bondage

"Think about it?" Yi Lao asked a question and walked forward. He said blankly, "If I didn't think about it, I wouldn't have taken action now. You have disappeared from this continent for a long time ago, and there is no chance to become stronger at all. As for fairness, I don't care. As long as the butterfly is happy. In the past few years, Medicine is called forgetfulness elixir. From then on, there is no more butterfly in the world, only Yidie..."

Hearing the word "forgotten love elixir", Chu Nan's heart gushed out an indescribable taste. Everything yesterday was still in his eyes, but today, he has become a stranger and no longer knows each other!

"However, the forgetfulness elixir is not the most perfect, and because of this, Dieer just stabbed you and felt heartache; however, I believe that as long as you never appear in front of Dieer, there will be no inducement to stimulate her memory, and Dieer will completely forget you and live a new life! Happy life!"

The little black dragon turned around and wanted to take Yi Lao down, but was stopped by Chu Nan again. He said, "If you really think that this is really good for Dieyi, I promise you that I will never appear in front of Dieyi."

When Dieyi heard this, her facial muscles twitched, but she didn't know why. Looking at Dieyi's pain, Chu Nan felt a lot of pity in her heart. The song was in her mind, dancing.

Yi Lao replied, "I believe what you said, but I believe in fate. Fate is a very strange thing. You and Dieer were originally two people who had nothing to do with each other. One was in the sky and one was on the ground; one was in the east and the other was in the west. But in the end, you still walked together. You died; so, I want to make sure that you will never appear in front of Dieer, and the best way is to let you completely disappear from this Tianwu Continent!"

After saying that, Yi Lao stretched out his hand, and the emperor immediately knew his intention and handed the fragment to Yi Lao!

Chu Nan said, "I will do what I say, senior, take Die Yi and leave. I won't hurt you!"

Mr. Yi did not reply, but took out a broken card from his storage ring, which was three times larger than the fragments given by the emperor. The emperor was shocked. He knew that the fragments were not simple, but he did not know that Mr. Yi had a bigger piece in his hand. Seeing that Mr. Yi was for his daughter, he did not hesitate to After taking it out, the emperor believed more that Mr. Yi could make Chu Nan really disappear!

"Stop him. Don't let them disturb me until I succeed." Yi Lao ordered, and then sat cross-legged, emitting light in his hands, as if to put the two pieces together.

Chu Nan said, "Senior, you should know very well that no one can stop me when I'm present." With this, Chu Nan gathered the dead spirit in his chest. Immediately, the shadow of the ancient sword was broken under the corrosion of the dead spirit.

In fact, if you hadn't seen the butterfly fairy, you would have been stunned for a moment and lost your defense, and the ancient sword shadow would not have been able to hit Chu Nan's body!

Mr. Yi said coldly, but said to the fairy Dieyi, "Die'er, if he does something, do you know what to do?"

"Dad, Dieer knows."

Chu Nan frowned. If Dieyi came to stop him, he really didn't know what to do. He could never kill Dieyi. Chu Nan muttered in his heart, "It seems that all of them can only be restrained in one move."

When his mind moved, Chu Nan sent a message to Xiaohei and let him cooperate. Xiaohei immediately shouted a dragon, and the dragon roared. When Chu Nan was about to determine the overall situation, Dieyi Fairy took out a dagger, crossed his neck and said, "You...you...don't move!"

Chu Nan's face changed, but he was still ready to take action without hesitation. He was confident that Deyi Fairy had no chance to hurt herself at all. Even if Deyi Fairy wanted to blow herself up, Chu Nan could completely stop it.

But at this time, Yi Lao's voice came out again: "Chu Nan, you'd better not take action rashly. I had already let Dieer swallow a special elixir. As long as there was a little external force to break in, it would immediately be destroyed by the elixir!"

Chu Nan's eyes were cold, turned around and said coldly, "You are Die Yi's father. How can you be so cruel? If something happens..."

"So, you have to protect Dieer, don't let her be attacked by a little external force, and don't let a little accident appear. When you disappear in this world, I will relieve the power of the elixir to Dieer, and Dieer will be safe; unless you want Dieer to die!"

Mr. Yi's voice did not have a trace of emotion, but he thought through Chu Nan. He knew that Chu Nan was an affectionate and righteous man. Die Yi almost died for him and saved Chu Nan's life several times. If it hadn't been for the seed of the destruction of Yuan Mingteng, Chu Nan would have died in Dongyue Ling With Chu Nan's character, he concluded that it was impossible for Chu Nan to watch Die Yi die in front of him!

Indeed, Mr. Yi grabbed the most critical part of Chu Nan. What floated in Chu Nan's mind was also the scenes of acquaintance with the butterfly fairy, the seed that can release vitality, the blood-stained dance that can never forget...

Chu Nan is not a saint, let alone a savior, not even a good man. He has a reputation that shocked everyone, and his hands are stained with countless blood, but his hands will never be stained with Dieyi's blood!

Chu Nan, I really can't do it!

Not only can't do it, but he also needs to protect the safety of the butterfly fairy, and can't let the butterfly fairy appear a little unexpectedly!

At this time, Chu Nan also believed that Yi Lao could make him disappear. Even if Chu Nan had all kinds of means, he was completely bound by the butterfly fairy who was convinced by the "forgotten elixir".

Even the strong Xiaohei was involved. The little black dragon's voice was full of anger!

The brilliance in Mr. Yi's hand was getting more and more prosperous. Qingfeng, who fell to one side, knew what the situation was like at the scene. Frost floated in her eyes, and her body suddenly jumped into the air and went towards Xuan Wuqi!

When the emperor saw Qingfeng's behavior, he was shocked. At such a moment, the emperor could not let Xuan Wuqi have an accident, and could not let Wu Sheng's experience be lost; otherwise, Mr. Yi was unhappy in his heart, which was likely to be the end of the reversal of life and death!

Therefore, the emperor quickly ordered: "Thunder, protect Xuan Wuqi, and never let Xuan Wuqi die; Cheng Han, beheaded Qingfeng!" After saying that, the emperor stared at Yi Lao and Chu Nan, and suddenly had another idea in his heart.

After a little thought, the emperor shouted, "Fang Heng, follow me and kill Chu Nan!"

The emperor risked it, since he wanted to take action in person.

Lei Dong and Cheng Han also obeyed the order and killed out!

And the Qingfeng, who originally killed Xuan Wuqi, turned around in an incredible way and killed the butterfly fairy!