Wu Rebellious Universe

1005 totem spirit

The five elders of the Dragon Clan felt the strange power swimming in his body, and he was even more panicked. He roared, "Let me go, let us go. Although you are very powerful, you alone can't resist the Dragon Clan at all!" Who said I only had one person? Chu Nan looked at Xiaohei in his arms and couldn't help smiling, but the five elders misunderstood. He thought that Chu Nan was talking about the Yutu clan and said threateningly, "If the Yutu clan doesn't have you, it has been exterminated."

With the totem power of the five elders slowly disappearing, the five elders' "Longhua" can no longer be maintained. To become the original face, Chu Nan said, "Keep the 'Longhua' state, otherwise, kill your limbs!" In the face of the threat of Chu Nan, the five elders did not dare to doubt at all. If they could ignore the prestige of the dragon clan and directly take down the nine of them, they would naturally cut off his limbs. Although the five elders were full of anger in their hearts, they did not dare to release a wisp. They had to be deterred by the power

Chu Nan asked again, "You said, if I don't let you go back, how will your dragon clan react?" Hearing this, the five elders suddenly came to his senses and said, "If you don't let us go back, the dragon clan will have masters coming here. Those adults can never be resisted by you."

"How many masters will there be?" A lot."

Chu Nan smiled and said, "That's good!" Very good?" The five elders were stunned and full of doubts.

"Since there will be a lot of people coming, I can't let you go!" Chu Nan patted the body of the five elders and continued, "You can slowly lift the 'longhua' state. Remember, it's slowly."

After listening to Chu Nan's words, the fifth elder understood why Chu Nan said it was very good. It turned out that the man in front of him was going to use them as a bargaining chip. The fifth elder felt aggrieved. He thought that the bigger he said, the more he would be, the man holding the rabbit would be a little sc Leave them; although they are aggrieved, the five elders are very obedient, slowly dispersing the power of the totem and lifting the "dragon" state.

Chu Nan felt the change of every detail in the body of the five elders, and the vague idea in his heart became more and more profound. Chu Nan asked, "What is above the nine-pin totem master?" How can such a powerful person not know what is above the totem master? The five elders flashed this idea in their hearts in an instant and blurted out, "Where on earth did you come from?" From the sky."

"In the sky?" The five elders chewed and didn't know what it really meant. They were about to open their mouths and continue to ask, but their bodies were like tens of thousands of sharp arrows, tearing through the flesh, bringing endless pain. "Now, I'm asking you."

"Above the totem master, it is the totem spirit!" The five elders fainted in pain and said it quickly.

"Thotemling?" Chu Nan thought about it and asked again, "Be more specific, what is Totemling?" Totem spirit is a totem condensed by itself with the power of totem, giving it a soul, just like real life.

The five elders said in one breath, but Chu Nan's eyes suddenly lit up, "It was just the power of the totem, but it could have a soul!" Reflexively, Chu Nan thought of his split, "My split still has flesh and blood. If it can be given to its soul, then..." Chu Nan instantly decided to get the skill of this totem spirit.

"How to give it a soul?" I don't know!" The five elders blurted out and saw that Chu Nan's face was not good. He hurriedly said, "I really don't know that as long as I surpass the nine-pin totem master, I can get the soul-giving method of the totem spirit in the Shenlong Hall. I just entered the realm of the nine-pin totem master."

"Tay everything you know."

Chu Nan's sentence is too broad and broad, but the five elders dare not neglect it, because as long as they neglect, the pain in the body will be transmitted in the body that they don't understand. The five elders are busy saying what they think of. "In the totem continent, generally speaking, most totem races do not have totem spirits The probability of Tengling will be greater, and the formation can only give the condensed totem a soul once in a lifetime. If the totem spirit is destroyed, it is impossible to step into the realm of the totem spirit, and can only be in the realm of the totem master. In addition to the beast totem, I heard that those plant totems and It will be more difficult to form a totem, but as long as they become totem spirits, they will be much more powerful; and..." "Natural totem?" It's wind, water, fire, earth, gas and so on.

In Chu Nan's heart, another excitement, excitement, continued to ask, "How is the combat effectiveness of the totem spirit?" Compared with the nine-pin totem master, it is completely in the sky and one on the ground. In addition to the doubling of the combat effectiveness of the totem spirit itself, the totem that gives the soul is also very strong, and even some totems that give the soul is more powerful than the totem spirit itself.

Chu Nan's eyes flashed again, and he continued to ask, "What's after Totemling?" I don't know about this."

Chu Nan frowned. Although he was excited, he still did not neglect to explore the body of the five elders. At this time, just after exploring, Chu Nan said, "For the sake of your cooperation, it will no longer be difficult for you. I hope the master who comes to save you will be very strong!" Those adults have the ability to move mountains. As soon as they take action, they will have millions of pounds of power, which is not something you can resist at all.

The five elders added a sentence, and Chu Nan smiled at the five elders, "A long time ago, I really couldn't resist, but now..." Chu Nan did not continue to say, and began to explore a dragon clan. The five elders thought of Chu Nan's smile, and his words were suddenly cold! " Longhua!" Chu Nan said that the man saw that the five elders had surrendered. Naturally, he did not refuse and cooperated with the dragonization. Chu Nan explored one by one, exploring the state before and after "Longhua", exploring the operation of the totem force in their bodies, etc... All the way to Longwu, Chu Nan stared at Longwu, Longwujing Unlike the other eight people, he said with great backbone, "If you let me Longhua, I will Longhua?" No way, I just don't turn into a dragon!" It's really not dragon-oriented?" Never turn into a dragon!" You won't die?" Long Wu stagnated, but still held his head high and said, "That's right!" Then I will fulfill you!" As soon as Longwu's words fell, the five elders shouted at Longwu, and then said to Chu Nan, "If you really dare to kill my dragon clan, you will really become the sworn enemy of my dragon clan, and you will not die!" Really?" Chu Nan smiled, turned his hand into a knife, and cut it off!