Wu Rebellious Universe

1019 There are adults, take out the bet

"The man holding the rabbit, have you finally come out?" The Flame Man didn't pay attention to Chu Nan's cold words at all, and said arrogantly, "However, whether you come out or not. For me, there is no difference between you coming out and not coming out. It's just turning into ashes."

With that, the flame man waved his hands, and suddenly a meteor flying fire appeared in time and space. A mass of extremely hot and powerful flames fell in all directions like meteors of the jade rabbit clan.

In an instant, the flames rose to the sky, and the jade rabbit clan turned into a sea of fire!

The crowd, who were going to watch the play, quickly retreated to avoid affecting the fish in the pond. Seeing the raging fire, everyone was shocked and talked about it one after another, "This time the jade rabbit clan is over, it's completely over."

"It's good, it's wonderful. Who told them to be so arrogant? It looks like they don't pay attention to others. The toys should have the consciousness of toys. They also want to change the pattern of the totem continent and change the sky of the totem continent. Now they provoke a powerful fire totem, which is completely dead."

"It's a pity that many women of the Yutu clan are still very comfortable to play."

"Where's the man holding the rabbit?"

"Of course, it is suffering from the fire and is slowly turning into ashes!"


The vast majority of people think that the jade rabbit clan is powerless and dead.

Seeing that it was effortless, the flame man put Chu Nan and others to death. He curled his lips and shook his head and said, "Is this the so-called first strong man? Bian Ben Dasheng couldn't stop his blow. Such a strong man said it, and he laughed out of his big teeth.

However, the jade rabbit people shrouded in flames have a completely different feeling.

At the beginning, the Yutu clan was also panicked. It was a fire that could burn them into ashes. How could they not panic? Even the people in the mountains were panicked. They hugged Ruyan and wanted to leave, but Ruyan smiled and said, "Don't be afraid."


"There are adults here."

The mountain man frowned and said, "This is not like power, but fire."

"Don't worry, it will be fine." Ruyan remembered the fire that he saw the adults playing with that day. The power was much stronger than the current fire. When the people in the mountains saw that Ruyan was so confident, they were stunned suspiciously, but they were always ready. As long as something was wrong, he "mountainized", and then ran wildly with Ruyan in his arms and rushed out of In the middle, it can still last for a long time.

As soon as Ruyan's voice fell, the people in the mountains and the Yutu people felt something was wrong. They didn't feel the burning pain of the flames!

There is no pain at all!

Looking at it again, the seemingly powerful blazing fire, even the clothes on their bodies did not ignite, even the houses they lived in, the flowers and plants on the ground were still the same as before, good-looking and green.

Not only is there no pain, but the Yutu people also feel the flames surrounding them, washing their bodies, just like bathing, extremely comfortable, and they are all rejoicing in the flames.

Ruyan said, "Look, I didn't lie to you. Adults are omnipotent and invincible."

The people in the mountains were also surprised and asked, "Your excellency, what is the origin?"

"The adults are from the sky." Ruyan said with a smile, grabbed the hand of the mountain people and danced in the flames. Chu Nan's figure appeared in the minds of the mountain people, and he couldn't help showing admiration in his eyes. People like the mountain people worshipped the strong.

The carnival took place in every part of the jade rabbit clan, but it did not happen alone in the flame surrounded by Xiaojing. Xiaojing was experiencing the burning pain. She was trying her teeth and endured desperately. Just because when she was surrounded by the flame, the voice of an adult sounded in her ears. "The flame can also be used for quenching. Refining the body."

Because of this sentence, Xiaojing suffered a lot, but she had no regrets.

At this time, the Flame Man also felt something was wrong, because he did not hear a scream. On the contrary, it was full of carnival. The Flame Man was surprised and puzzled. He didn't understand why such a thing happened.

At the same time, the flame man's heart was faintly raised, but the strength of the fire man made the flame man not put this bad thing in his heart, but once again destroyed the power of the totem, making the flame burn more vigorously and the flame more powerful.

Just as the Flame Man had just increased the power of the flame, his eyes suddenly changed with horror, and the flames that enveloped the whole jade rabbit clan swept towards him like a tide.

When the first ray of flame surrounded the flame man, the flame man came to his senses and shouted angrily, "Burn it back to me!"

However, no matter how the flame man drove, the flame did not burn back again. Instead, more and more flames surrounded him. The flame man did not give up and stopped withdrawing the power of the totem and shouted, "Fire out!"

However, the fire is not extinguished!

After repeated driving, the Flame Man finally sadly found that he could not control the flames he put out with his own hands!

The flame man was shocked and roared: "The man holding the rabbit, although I don't know what you have played, you use the fire exerted by the Monkey King to burn the Monkey King. It's a nonsense in the world. It's impossible for the Monkey King to do any damage!"

As soon as he finished this sentence, the flame man's body and flesh came with severe pain, and the severe pain caused the flame man to scream!

Except for the flames surrounding the little Jing, all the other fires wrapped around the flame man. Everyone saw that it was still good to see the Jade Rabbit people, which could not be better. Seeing that nothing of the Jade Rabbit was not burned, they were all dumbfounded.

It was even more frightened to see Chu Nan holding the rabbit in his arms and moving forward step by step; especially those who had previously said that the jade rabbit family deserved it and should perish and should be a plaything, and trembled uncontrollably all over.

"Fire, there are also strong and weak!"

"Playing with fire, not only you can do it, but I will do it too!"

"Your fire, for me, is just a joke. What ability do you have to destroy the Jade Rabbit family?"

Chu Nan said three words and took three steps, and the fire of the flame man was burning. Its strength went straight up to three steps. The flame man felt pain, from the skin to the bone marrow. The pain of the cone heart was so painful that he was about to suffocate.

"Put it on. If there is any damage, you can't eat it." The Flame Man still has no consciousness as a prisoner of the rank, and he is still roaring fiercely, but Chu Nan said, "You have a bet?"

"A bet, what bet? If you don't let go of the Great Sage, don't think that the Great Sage can't beat you. If you force the Great Sage to make the last move, then you..." Before the Flame Man finished his words, Chu Nan interrupted him and said, "Take a bet, I'll give you a chance to make the last move!