Wu Rebellious Universe

1117 detonated Zubao

Chu Nan swallowed a mad magic elixir. The soaring strength was just to cloth this eyeball. As soon as the eyeballs were thrown out, it fell on the thirteenth step of the animal skin array. Chu Nan had a terrible power, rushed straight into Chu Nan's body, squeezing the internal organs, flesh and blood bones .

The power that came in the moment bent Chu Nan's body, and there was also the tendency to press Chu Nan on the ground and crush him to pieces. However, Chu Nan fought together with the energy brought by the crazy magic elixir and the power in his body.

Slowly, Chu Nan's waist, Chu Nan's backbone, stand straight and proud of the world; Chu Nan's eyes seem to flash the thirteen stars that form the formation!

"It's good that I didn't mess around before."

Chu Nan muttered in his heart that he swallowed the crazy elixir and fell into such a tragic situation. If he did not swallow the crazy elixir, he was afraid that in the initial energy explosion, Chu Nan would disappear.

At the moment when Chu Nan stood upright, his eyes were firmly clothed in the position of the thirteenth star. Suddenly, the power of the stars in the array increased several times. The flying nine dragonflies, who had just recovered to the image of a beautiful man, had no time to react at all, and was directly pressed back to its original shape!

The whole body of the flying nine legs is like a rhinoceros, but the two horns on the head of the rhinoceros are two long whiskers, the two feet in the front, in the shape of a knife, and there are six opposite whiskers on the back. At the end, in the place where Warcraft has a The covered scales emitted a dark light, and a huge power rose from the array, competing with the power of the stars!

It's just a few moments, the painful color on the face of the flying sky is gone, and it is still casual and light. Taking advantage of this time, the four-clawed fierce dragonfly no longer stirred the waves and escaped from the package of leaves.

The four-clawed dragonfly escaped, his face was still full of fear. The wood attribute rules of the flying sky were too strong, and his water attribute rules were disrupted into a mess. If he had not escaped just now and was wrapped in leaves, there was no doubt that he would become the nourishment for the leaves and would disappear from the world.

However, when the four-clawed fierce eyes fell on Chu Nan, his eyes flashed with fear and turned into shock again. This was the third time that Chu Nan brought shock to the four-clawed fierce dragonfly. "What's the array of this boy's cloth? It's really weird to be able to force out the original shape of the flying sky.

Feitian Jiuyu saw that the four-clawed dragonfly escaped, and the nine long beards trembled with a wave, conveying a sense of anger. Then, he looked at Chu Nan, who had not paid attention to him before, but repeatedly shocked him, and said coldly, "What's the use of forcing out the original shape of this Don't you know that when Ben Sheng is the original body, his strength is the strongest and the most horrible?

"We just want to borrow from here."

"This is Ben Sheng's territory. If Ben Sheng doesn't promise, you can't get through."

"Are you forcing me to kill?" Chu Nan was full of power, and he was stunned, and then laughed wildly, "Do you still have a killing move? The array you laid is your killing move, but just for the next step, you swallowed a strange elixir, and you almost didn't get it. How can you become a killing move? But..." Fei Tianjiu turned around several times in the array and said, "These materials you put in the array look good. In this way, you will treat these things, this array, and the rabbit in your hand as a toll and give them to Ben Sheng, and Ben Sheng will let you go."

Chu Nan still contains the light of thirteen stars, and suddenly stares at the flying sky. If he can pass here safely, he only needs to pay for the real martial pillars and the broken array. Chu Nan feels that it doesn't matter, and he can take them out. Even if these things are very valuable, they are very good Big, very powerful!

However, it is absolutely impossible to let Chu Nan hand over Xiaohei. Feitianjiu must not touch it!

Chu Nan stared at Fei Tianjiu and said lightly, "You've forced me like this. If I don't have to kill anymore, it's too manly." In the faint voice, there was a piercing chill.

Feitian Jiuyu's face also looked heavy, and he thought to himself, "Is there really anything that threatens me?"

In the mind of the flying sky, Chu Nan has recovered Zhenwuzhu and other treasures. It is difficult to line up these things, but it is relatively easy to take them back; 12 pieces of array materials have been recovered, leaving a bead!

Then, Chu Nan shouted, "Explosion!"

S. Suddenly, I don't know what the name is, but it is a Zubao-level bead. It exploded!

The explosion of energy is unparalleled, with the breath of destroying everything, as if the world mo day is coming. This land is shaking furiously, like a grass in the storm...

The sad scream, in this roar, the scream naturally comes from the flying sky!

In the power of the explosion of Zubao, the power gushing out of the sky is directly like a stone, blown up and smashed; and the wooden attribute rules accompanied by the sacrifice of power are also useless and can't be stopped at all; as for the leaf, it is directly blown up...

Flying nine dragonflies were overturned out, and the hard scales on the body were broken. Cracks of the white bones could be seen one after another. The nine long whiskers were directly blown up. Only the long whiskers on the pi strand still exist, and the blood in the air was sprayed countless!

The explosion is not over, and the flying sky is still being destroyed!

Chu Nan was shocked. He thought that Zu Bao must be very powerful, and because of this, he would rather take the mad magic elixir and do more in the next step than easily destroy the Zu Bao beads. However, Chu Nan did not expect that Zu Bao's power was so great that he could turn into Cheng people and understand the rules of flying heaven and nine Not as good as the legendary god of war, it is also infinitely close to the strength of the god of war, but in the face of the explosion of Zubao, it is like an ant, with no power of resistance.

"Zhu Bao? What level of magic weapon is it?

While Chu Nan was reading, the four-clawed dragonfly next to him was like sifting rice bran. Jin couldn't help trembling, and the four-clawed dragonfly thought, "If this guy had used this thing to deal with me before, wouldn't I just disappear?"

From this moment on, the four-clawed fierce dragonfly became afraid of Chu Nan. Even in my heart, I dare not call myself Grandpa Jiao!

At this moment, Chu Nan shouted to the four-claw fierce dragonfly, "Don't you still take action?"


Reflexively, the four-clawed fierce replied!