Wu Rebellious Universe

1148 won Sanwusheng

Chu Nan took a picture of the spirit beast bag, and the little black rose to the sky.

At this time, the soil of An Wusheng's rules was covered, and the little loach also used the dragon to stir the waves. At first sight of Xu Wusheng, he put most of his strength on the little loach. After all, the little loach brought him the greatest threat.

As for Chu Nan, Xu Wusheng thought that if he didn't rely on the battle, Chu Nan's threat was not great; and the rabbit that rose to the sky, Xu Wusheng also habitually ignored it. Xu Wusheng waved a long whip to An Wusheng, so he concentrated on fighting against the little loach, and said, "When Kill them one by one.

Just after saying that, five-color light flashed in Xu Wusheng's eyes. The five-color light came from the rabbit. Suddenly, Xu Wusheng thought of a serious problem. "The boy has never released this rabbit before, but now it is released. It shows that... It shows that this rabbit, like this loach, is by no means extraordinary. Things!"

Thinking of this problem, Xu Wusheng's face changed greatly, and he didn't care about the attack of the little loach. He shouted loudly, whipped the shadow became a dragon, opened his teeth and danced his claws, roared in the air, and the blood basin was big. He devoured the colorful little black in the air. At I can't measure myself! Long San!"

At present, Xu Wusheng gathered into a dragon-shaped whip shadow, dispersed and collapsed.

"What's going on?"

Xu Wusheng didn't understand at all, but the little black's five claws had been patted on him, and a large mouthful of blood suddenly broke out of his throat. Xu Wusheng felt that his viscera had shifted and his bones were scattered. When he was about to gather the shadow of the whip desperately, the little loach stirred the Wu Sheng calmed down, and the little loach hit again, directly hitting Xu Wusheng's few drops of blood.

When the blood came out, Chu Nan flew up, grabbed one of the drops, and immediately refined it!

Refining Xu Wusheng is more than ten times more difficult than the two primary martial arts saints of Qi and Qin. One reason is that Xu Wusheng is a high-level martial saint, and the most important reason is that Chu Nan is maintaining the energy of the whole array, which is greatly limited. Similarly, this is the reason why Chu Nan did not take action just

Although it was difficult, under Chu Nan's desperate efforts, it took only 30 breaths to refine Xu Wusheng. At the moment of Chu Nan's refining, he spit out a mouthful of blood, but within these 30 breaths, the old man Bai broke through a lot of small arrays with his strength, and the other four martial arts saints also brought a

At the same time, Xu Wusheng recovered and was about to turn around and run away, but there was a mark of life and death in his mind. Xu Wusheng stared at Chu Nan, "Kid, what did you... do to me?"

Chu Nanli ignored him, but said, "Let's go!"

Im, Chu Nan took the little loach and others to another area. Chu Nan is now struggling with time. The strength of the old man Bai is much higher than he estimated. The big array can't trap him for a long time. He wants to take down the five high-level martial saints before the old man Bai destroys the array, and then enter the The task is extremely heavy, and the difficulties are not small.

Xu Wusheng didn't want to leave, but he couldn't help but have to leave. Xu Wusheng's heart surged with infinite sadness. He hadn't recovered yet. He didn't figure it out. His life-saving trick was "the whip dragon devouring", why didn't work. Why did the whip dragon disperse, and he The situation.

The second area, the ice and snow, the high-level martial arts saint in it is breaking the ice and burning snow with the fire of rules, and more than half of it has been destroyed. In front of the rules, these ice and snow are really not opponents. Even if there is Tianyue Xuanshui and Wang Mo Shibing in it , can't give full play to its power.

As soon as Chu Nan and others came in, the high-ranking martial arts saint noticed it and shouted, "Who?" Then, he focused on Xu Wusheng and couldn't help saying, "Xu Wusheng, why are you with them?"

Xu Wusheng immediately opened his mouth and roared. Xu Wusheng thought he said, "Yan Wusheng, pay attention to that rabbit. I'm controlled by them." But as soon as he finished speaking, Xu Wusheng heard something wrong with the echo. Looking back, his face suddenly turned dead, because the words that came out of his mouth just now were: "I'm their people, of course I have to be with them!"

"Xu Wusheng, you betrayed the Lord of the country, betrayed Dawusheng, you died..."

Yan Wusheng was saying that An Wusheng and the little loach repeated their old tricks and attacked left and left. Xu Wusheng opened his mouth and wanted to shout, "No, I didn't say what I just said", but he shouted, "Yan Wusheng, surrender, or you will die."

Hearing this, Yan Wusheng was even more angry. In anger, he made the same choice as Xu Wusheng and regarded the little loach as the main threat. When almost all of Yan Wusheng's attention was focused on the little loach, Xiao Hei dodged away.

When the five-color light flashed out, the defeat of Yan Wusheng became a forecumbable!

In a breath, the blood comes out!

Chu Nan grabbed the blood for the first time. This time, it took Chu Nan a minute to use the "life and death secret" and vomited three mouthfuls of blood. He looked in the direction of the palace. In the palace, there were also people breaking his small array, not only with force, but also with the array!

"Kon, I want to die with you!" Xu Wusheng finally said what he wanted to say. Yan Wusheng, who had been branded with the mark of life and death, stared at Xu Wusheng with a hateful face and gritted his teeth and said hatefully, "Xu Wusheng, don't do this, you..."

Xu Wusheng couldn't argue. He stared at Chu Nan and wanted to rush up. He shouted, "I want you to die!" Chu Nan operated the "life and death secret", and Xu Wusheng's whole body surged up with severe pain. Chu Nan said, "If you want to die, just blow yourself up. However, do you think you can hurt me if you blow yourself up? This is my territory!"

Hearing this, Xu Wusheng was stunned.


Chu Nan shouted coldly and took everyone to the third place Wusheng. What he just said was false. In this situation, if Xu Wusheng really blew himself up, although he could not directly hurt Chu Nan, he could hurt Chu Nan through a big array. The speed of the flow of the five elements of Yuan liquid flowing out of Chu Nan's body has reached an The situation!

The place where the third martial arts sanctuary stays is a large desert, and the rule that this martial arts sanctuary understands is the water rule!

It's still according to the gourd to draw a ladle, using Xu Wusheng and Yan Wusheng to make people panic. An Wusheng and the little loach festivate, and Xiaohei showed the biggest move to control it and take his essence and blood...

Refining the third high-level martial arts saint, Chu Nan's face has reached the pale realm. Even if there is infinite vitality to wash and repair, he can't brush the pale color. Chu Nan gritted his teeth and rushed to the fourth area.

When he saw the rules of the earth understood by the high-level martial arts sanctuary in the fourth area, Chu Nan's mind seemed to drop a thunder and split a wonderful plan!