Wu Rebellious Universe

1210 is just because you are my enemy!

1210 That's just because you are my enemy! 4 Update

"Do you do it yourself, or let me do it?"

Hearing the choice given by Chu Nan, Ye Zhengfei really wanted to say that he didn't want either of them. He really wanted this sentence, which was what he said to Chu Nan. However, Ye Zhengfei could only think that in reality, he took off the storage ring and handed it to Chu Nan.

"What else?"

Ye Zhengfei stared at Chu Nan and understood that it was impossible to be a "friend" in such a situation, but there was still no resentment on his face, but the hatred in his heart was like a thick night, sweeping the whole heart. In full of hatred, Ye Zhengfei condensed the sword of rules and stabbed all the key points Blood is flowing, and the cracks on the body are deep and the bones can be seen.

After nine stabs, Ye Zhengfei looked up and asked Chu Nan, "Is it enough?"

A cold light flashed in Chu Nan's eyes, and then smiled, "You are not generally cruel to yourself. In fact, you can bet just now. Maybe you will win the bet. I'm a person who cherishes my life!"

"Your Excellency won. There is no need to be so temptible to me."

Chu Nan shook his head and said, "The wisest choice is to leave you here, cut the grass and eradicate the future troubles; otherwise, let you escape, you will definitely release news everywhere, saying that I have dozens of artifacts on me, saying that I am the favorite of Princess Feng. Under the wealth**, it can be imagined that there will be countless I'm in trouble..."

Ye Zhengfei's pupils shrank and his body trembled. He really planned to do so. Suddenly, Ye Zhengfei thought of a terrible question, "He didn't deliberately let me stab myself into a serious injury and then take it down to torture me, did he?"

No wonder Ye Zhengfei thought so. Now Ye Zhengfei has no combat effectiveness. Ye Zhengfei said fiercely in his heart, "If he really wants to do this, I will fight with him."

Chu Nan continued: "However, since the thirteenth prince said that he wanted to keep you alive, even if you return to the mountain today, you also heard what I said to Long Chengyu before. I believe that with your intelligence, you will definitely think of setting up an ambush with some long-standing mountains, water, soil and wood to lead me into the

Ye Zhengfei's hatred is deeper in his heart, and his fear is stronger.

"What I want to say is that the mountain, water and so on that you have set in is best to be comparable to Shenlai Mountain; otherwise, I won't enter your game!" After saying that, Chu Nan waved his hand. Ye Zhengfei waited for Chu Nan to say something like "Let's go", but he saw Chu Nan's hand stopped in the air and asked with a smile, "Do you think I'm going to give you another heavy blow so that you can't catch up with the dragon?"

Ye Zhengfei wanted to curse in his heart, but he could only resist desperately.

Chu Nan said again, "Forget it, if you really catch up, it's too bad for the dragon."

Hearing this, Ye Zhengfei thought to himself, "Let me go now." Unexpectedly, Chu Nan asked again, "Come on, let me ask you, you left like this, regardless of the life or death of your men?"


Ye Zhengfei vomited blood directly. How could he not care about it? But is it useful for him?

Chu Nan said, "It's not impossible to let them follow you. From the beginning of the martial arts saint, you stab yourself with the fierceness just now, and I will let one person go with you. How about it?"

As soon as he said this, the people who followed Ye Zhengfei, as well as Ge Wusheng, Han Wusheng, etc., who were persuaded by Ye Zhengfei to surrender on the spot, all opened their eyes and looked at Fei, with longing in their eyes. Ye Zhengfei vomited blood in his heart. If With two knives, he saved the two people; however, from the beginning of the first-level martial arts saint, he stabbed himself to death, and he could not save a great martial saint.

How dare he to prick?

He didn't dare to prick, but highlighted his attitude of only caring about himself, regardless of the follower's life and death!

Ye Zhengfei said to Chu Nan, "You are not only cruel, but also poisonous!"

"That's just because you are my enemy!"

Ye Zhengfei didn't dare to look at Chu Nan's eyes again. He turned to Ge Wusheng and others and said, "Guys, I'm sorry, it's not that I don't want to save you. It's really this person..." Before he finished speaking, Ye Zhengfei turned around and said, "Can I go?"

"If you don't leave, you can stay and watch the next play."

Ye Zhengfei is not in the mood to watch the play. No matter what play he watches, it is a humiliation for him. Maybe in the end, he will show his own life, that is, he will find his own death. Therefore, Ye Zhengfei will stay away at the fastest speed.

After Ye Zhengfei's figure disappeared, Chu Nan looked at the four great perfect martial arts saints who were still alive, as well as more than a dozen high-level martial arts saints and middle-level martial arts saints. He smiled and said, "Your master has left you. Now, you have two ways to choose, one is to submit, the other is to destroy "Death!"

The martial arts saints looked at each other, and Chu Nan said, "Princess Feng has promised me to join the kingdom of Tianjiang for ten years!"

A simple sentence made everyone's eyes firmer. All the martial arts saints know that now it is the artifact that does not detonate. They are already at a disadvantage. Who doesn't know the prestige of Princess Feng? What's more, there are also a group of martial arts saints such as Mr. Liu, and Ming Laozu and others over there. They have almost recovered. If they really want to kill, they have no chance of winning at all.

"It's not all about who you work for!"

A high-level martial arts saint said and walked to the left.

Someone started, and the next thing was much easier. After a while, only the four perfect martial arts saints were still standing in the same place. Chu Nan asked, "Did you choose to destroy?"

Ge Wusheng asked, "What about Ge and Shangguo?"

"Thirty years later, let you go back!"


Ge Wusheng also went to the left. After Han Wusheng got the same conditions, he also went to the left. He followed the Great Perfect Wusheng who came from Long Chengyu. After stowing his foot, he walked to the left, leaving only the temple Wusheng brought by Ye Zhengfei.

The martial arts saint of the temple said, "Do you dare to let me go back after 30 years?"

"Why not?"

Chu Nan asked, the temple martial arts saint obeyed, and the next thing was naturally to let them hand over a drop of blood, and then refine the secret of life and death.

In the distance, Ye Zhengfei also thought about the scenes that had just happened. Thinking of Chu Nan's black hole, Ming Laozu and others put on a strange formation, and even some people vomited blood. He couldn't help thinking, "Is he borrowing the power of everyone with that punch?"

As soon as this question came out, Ye Zhengfei immediately affirmed, "It seems that to deal with him, we must make him alone!" How can I get him to put the order?

Become the sky above the Shenlai Mountain where the abyss is located. Chu Nan has refined a group of martial saints. This time, Chu Nan feels that the secret of life and death seems to have reached its limit. If his strength does not rise, controlling these martial saints will be overloaded. For him, it will do more

"You still can't slack off!" Chu Nan said something in his heart and said to them, "My surname is Chu and my name is Nan."

For readers:

P: Ten updates tomorrow! RO