Wu Rebellious Universe

1236 specially designed to slap in the face

1236 3 updates specially designed to slap in the face

"Eh? This sound is a little familiar!"

Natural thought, and then smiled at the corners of her mouth. She remembered who the voice was. Immediately, she flew over with everyone, landed on a hill in Yungang Mountain, and stood up.

The man who drank the sound looked at it and his face changed slightly, "Princess Feng, it's you!"

"Ye Zhengfei, how are you?" Naturally, he looked at Ye Zhengfei and found that Ye Zhengfei's injury was almost better. Although it had been about half a year, his injury was not so serious at the beginning. Naturally, he thought to himself, "It seems that there is still a master standing behind Ye Zhengfei."

Ye Zhengfei was really surprised when he saw Princess Feng. His eyes swept away, saw Tiangui, saw the iron bear, and almost became his subordinates Ge Wusheng and Han Wusheng. He saw the little loach and the three-tailed red fox, but he didn't see it. He failed and failed. Earthy face, a cruel man who almost died...

Tiangui saw Ye Zhengfei's expression in his eyes, immediately thought of his meaning, and said with a smile, "Ye Zhengfei, are you looking for my brother-in-law?"

Ye Zhengfei trembled all over, but he roared contemptuously, "Tiangui, have you forgotten the humiliation of that day? Aren't you going to avenge yourself? Come on, I'm here waiting for you to report!"

According to Ye Zhengfei's expectation, after he said this, Tiangui must be angry, and he sacrificed the artifact and rushed up desperately. However, this time, Ye Zhengfei was disappointed. Tiangui was not angry at all. On the contrary, there was an expression of watching the monkey play on his face!

"Looking at the monkey play?"

Ye Zhengfei thought in his heart, looked at Tiangui again, and questions surged up, "In less than half a year, this boy has been reborn? What has he experienced in the past six months?

If it was put in the past, Ye Zhengfei's prediction was 100% correct, but after half a year with Chu Nan, Tiangui was subtly transformed a lot. In addition, there was also a reason why the relationship with nature slowly recovered. Tiangui was no longer so resentful, and naturally it was no longer easy to be so angry.

Tiangui just smiled and said, "My brother-in-law usually appears at a critical moment, so Ye Zhengfei, you should pay attention and be ready to welcome my brother-in-law at any time!"

Hearing this, the picture of Shenlai Mountain immediately appeared in Ye Zhengfei's mind. The figure said to himself, "Is that man really here, so where is he now? Could it be..."

Ye Zhengfei stared at his feet, and then a smile appeared at the corners of his mouth, "It's great to get to the bottom of the Yungang Mountain. It's really amazing that God opened his eyes and let him go to a dead end. The bottom of the mountain is extraordinary! If there is no order to intrude, it will be the existence of no place to die!"

Thinking of this, Ye Zhengfei was relieved. He soon stabilized his mood and said to Tiangui, "This time, he will never appear again." Tiangui didn't believe it. His natural eyes were a look, and he also looked at his feet, "Is there an ambush at the bottom of the mountain?"

As soon as it emerged, nature definitely came down, and Ye Zhengfei said, "Princesss Feng, I haven't seen you for half a year, and you are more interesting. For the past six months, I've been thinking about you all the time. I can't sleep at night..."

Natural smile, the wind rises!


A loud slap hit Ye Zhengfei in the face and sounded in the mountains of Yungang. Ye Zhengfei's voice stopped abruptly. Tens of thousands of people were silent and said naturally, "I won't kill you. You are my little brother's. Now, get out of here, or don't blame me for being

Ye Zhengfei touched the beaten face, his anger surged, and he subsided in an instant. He changed his smile and said, "Princess Feng, have you said something wrong? This is the territory of my immortality."

"Get out of here!"

When the word was drunk, the storm suddenly exploded, and the tornado roared in the wind. On Yungang Mountain, countless people were blown away by the strong wind and could still stay in the strong wind. Most of them were martial saints, but there were also some martial arts.

The wind stops, and there are less than 60 people standing on Yungang Mountain.

Ye Zhengfei laughed wildly and then said to the others, "Are you willing to give up this Liuwen Jingjin? Princess Feng asked us to get out. Will you get out? The people looked at the natural eyes, which were extremely bad.

After a sweep, Ye Zhengfei shouted again, "Today, I promise that if anyone takes Princess Feng, I am willing to work with him to develop the Liuwen concentrate in Yungang Mountain!"

"This is serious."

As soon as Ye Zhengfei's voice fell, someone immediately asked. Ye Zhengfei smiled and said, "Sertainly, I can swear with blood!"

The rest of the people no longer hesitate. It's not that Ye Zhengfei is using them to deal with Princess Feng, but looking at the frame of Princess Feng just now, they want to drive them away. In this way, they are enemies. What's the point of using them or not?

The wind rose again, and the martial arts saints defended strictly. Naturally, he said lightly, "If anyone beat Ye Zhengfei's group with me today, then this Liuwen concentrate gold mine will be his!"


Everyone gasped coldly. Ye Zhengfei's face flashed and said, "Will you believe what Princess Feng said?"

Naturally said, "Do you think I will have an eye on this Liuwen refined gold mine?"

Everyone nodded. Indeed, in the status of Princess Feng, there is no difference at all. If everyone chooses one between the Liuwen refined gold mine and Princess Feng, it must be Princess Feng, because in this way, you can not only kiss Fangze, but also get more and hundreds of better things than Liuwen refined gold mine.

Naturally, he took everyone's performance into his eyes and continued, "The reason why I came here today is to get the news that Ye Zhengfei is here, specially to hit him in the face and embarrass him. If anyone makes me unhappy, I will definitely make him unhappy!"

Everyone was shocked again. After thinking about it, the spear pointed at Ye Zhengfei. Ye Zhengfei's face became extremely ugly, but he took out a bead and said, "This bead is crushed. In a short time, my master will come. Maybe you don't know who my master is? I can tell you that Princess Feng has no chance of winning in front of Master Ben. If you don't want to die, just do what I said.

Everyone's expression changed again.

Naturally, he didn't seem to take Ye Zhengfei's words seriously at all. He immediately said, "Well, Ye Zhengfei, crush it quickly. I saw what kind of figure the master who saw you is."

There are big killers on both sides, but this group of people in Yungang Mountain don't know how to choose.

Just when nature was confronting Ye Zhengfei, Chu Nan, who was diving into the mineral veins of Yungang Mountain, suddenly heard a voice, "Get away quickly, otherwise, die!"

For readers:

P: There is another update! RO