Wu Rebellious Universe

1245 Yi Yin, Ming Domineering

1245 easy to yin body, Ming domineering 4 update

Chu Nan's crazy progress slowed down. He seemed to step into an independent area. Those Liu Wenjing gold, the size of a city wall, seemed to turn into one knife after another, domineeringly cutting at Chu Nan!

Every time a knife is cut off, a strange feeling will surge up in Chu Nan's heart, as if something in his body is resonating!


Chu Nan read, did not continue to swallow, but turned into a part of the five elements of the element liquid, but clenched his fist, condensed into the fist, used the "Heavenly Fist" and hit the knives one after another.

Fist to, knife broken!

Chu Nan didn't let go of the broken Liuwen essence gold. He swallowed all the energy inside. The dragon soul followed and wanted to take action, but Chu Nan said, "Don't take action, just follow. These are all mine."

Chu Nan was like this. He moved forward with a broken knife. The more he moved forward, the more Chu Nan felt that the hardness of the knife was, the more hegemonic momentum was stronger and more sufficient. The strange feeling in Chu Nan's body became stronger and stronger.

Another black hole, shining in the air, breaking two knives in a row.

Looking at the black hole, Chu Nan had an idea in his heart, "As soon as the black hole shines out, it is a little majestic, but it is a little flamboyant and can also arouse the vigilance of the enemy. After all, not everyone is so stupid. If you are on guard in advance and let others prepare, it If... if you can make the black hole invisible, no one can find out; or if you can take the black hole and the power of the black hole in the fist, the enemy's alertness will not be so high, and the power will be much greater..."

Thinking of this, Chu Nan explored the strange feeling while trying to put the black hole into the fist and into the body, because he can't make the black hole invisible now. Fortunately, Chu Nan has refined it for two purposes, and then practiced the "heart refining formula". The two are carried out at the same time, and it can't be missed.

"If you want to hide the black hole in the boxing, the best way at present is to compress it!" Chu Nan thought in his heart and did the same. Every time he punched, he began to compress crazily...

On Yungang Mountain, a group of natural people are fighting with the martial saints. The ugly Taoist and Ye Zhengfei are watching the play beside them. The ugly Taoist is still naked, and the natural eyes and mind are naturally shielded. Fortunately, nature is the favorite of the wind. Listening to the voice and distinguishing position and so on. It doesn't You can feel it accurately in nature, and you can tell whether it is an enemy or a friend.

A natural medicine hoe, dancing like a tiger and a tiger in the wind. Every hoe is waved, either a tornado roaring, or the wind and the remnants of the clouds, or other powerful martial arts skills. All martial arts seng near a 300 meters away, the first and middle-level martial arts sage, fell directly on The injury is not light, and the body is gradually bleeding...

The iron bear's combat effectiveness is really strong. With his own strength, he fought for two great perfect martial arts saints alone, and three high-level martial arts saints, still did not fall behind; the three-tailed red fox was also not weak. The five ancestors of the Ming Dynasty formed a formation, but no one could stop it.

Tiangui sacrificed the black light, holding an artifact, and was invincible; the little loach following him also killed many martial arts saints, that is, the high-level martial arts saints, and also gave it a sneak attack and fell two. At this time, the little loach was extremely glad that the little black lord turned into a little loach, Its huge body with four claws is afraid to attract the attention of many masters.

In fact, the little loach did not know that the attention of the ugly Taoist was also falling on it, and the ugly Taoist felt that there was something wrong with the little loach. At this time, Ye Zhengfei whispered something to the ugly Taoist. Immediately, the despicable light of the ugly Taoist suddenly became The light body suddenly disappeared. When it appeared, it had fallen on Tiangui's head. A drill cone condensed from a wisp of fire rules went straight to the black light.

Tiangui's body was not lightly injured, and he did not have enough energy and physical strength to maintain the black light, and the ugly Taoist condensed into a heavy hammer with the rules of earth attributes. He smashed it down to Tiangui. Seeing that Tiangui could not maintain the black light, he was about to be smashed into San, but the ugly Taoist did not retreat, but shouted with a smile: "Ye-spring-scent!"

Hearing these three words, the natural conditioned reflex hidged. At the moment, the diamond cone directly hit the natural, and the natural was in a hurry to block the wind, but it was still hit hard. He immediately spit out a mouthful of blood. At the same time, he also used the medicine to dig a pit, and then protected Tiangui and

The ugly Taoist wanted to chase him, but he was blocked by the hole. He reached out and grabbed the blood spit out naturally. With extremely disgusting movements, he licked the blood in his mouth. Suddenly, the ugly Taoist's smile was stunned, and he was stunned for nearly three breaths, so he laughed wildly and laughed wildly. "Y I'm looking for Yi Yin's body. I don't know how many years I've been looking for it. I haven't found it. Unexpectedly, I stepped on the iron shoes and had no place to find it. I didn't take any effort to get it today. Princess Feng, I will definitely get you. As long as I have sex with you, God of War, I have been wandering for hundreds of years!"

As soon as the words came out, the smile on Ye Zhengfei's face remained unchanged, but an unspeakable feeling surged in his heart, "Yi Yin's body, if I could get it, I would definitely go up several steps..."

Princess Feng's expression became extremely resolute. Tiangui said, "Take this magic weapon back and you can play a greater role in your hand. Don't worry about me and kill the ugly monster directly."

"No, I'd rather die by myself than let you have a problem."

"Do you still want me to call your sister? If you want, take this magic weapon!"

Naturally, I was very moved when I heard this, but I still didn't take the magic weapon, but said, "Little brother, we will all be fine. Don't forget, and he!" Naturally, Tiangui and others were a hundred times more energetic in an instant, and the three tails of the three-tailed red fox began to shake. The martial arts saints looked at the three-tailed red fox and slowly changed...

The ugly Taoist is still in ecstasy.

In the vein, the "Heavenly Fist" hit by Chu Nan, the black hole, which can be expanded to hundreds of meters, has been compressed to a range of ten meters. The power of the compressed black hole has not only not been reduced, but also more powerful.

At the same time, the blood in Chu Nan's body was boiling abnormally. He felt that he was almost close to the center of the vein, that is, where the golden soul was located. In the knife, the momentum was even more fierce, and even the surrounding space was full of that momentum!

"This momentum is..." Two words came to Chu Nan's mind: "Domineering-qi!"

(P: The weather is finally getting cold, tomorrow's fifth update!) RO