Wu Rebellious Universe

1272 Martial Arts New World

The sword of rules soared. Chunan's hard-won black hole was finally compressed to a size of four meters, which instantly rose to six meters, and in the black hole, cracks appeared, and the black hole was about to break.

At this time, the rules of fire in God's body were all extracted by Chu Nan and poured into it, and the black hole no longer expanded!

Previously, Chu Nan's newborn baby-like fire rule was not enough to overcome the metal rules of the god, but at this moment, these fire attribute rules from the god's body completely defeated the sword of the rule after being processed by Chu Nan.


This is the sound of the broken sword of rules. The black hole was compressed and reduced again. Even after four meters, it was still three meters under Chu Nan's desperate compression. God stared at Chu Nan, and Chu Nan smiled and said nothing. While compressing hard, he was anxious to find a way to separate the bones and fragments.

In a blink of an eye, the black hole shrank to three meters, and only a "bang" sound was heard. The sword of the rules was broken and no longer exist. Chu Nan closed his fists and stood. God seemed to be not surprised by such an ending. He only heard the indifferent voice coming out from under the mask, "Chu Nan, Entering the realm of martial arts, you can actually draw my fire rules. If you are given a certain amount of time, you will grow to a higher level than me. Unfortunately, if you don't submit and don't know the current affairs, you are doomed to fall today!"

The words of God are interesting in his words. He is still persuading Chu Nan to submit to him. Of course, he did not really let Chu Nan submit. After seeing Chu Nan's domineering spirit and his anti-sky intention, even if Chu Nan surrendered to him, God did not dare to accept it!

In this way, God just wants to disintegrate Chu Nan's heart and take down Chu Nan more easily.

Chu Nan smiled and said, "Actually, it's not me, but you who don't know the current affairs!" You shouldn't be my enemy!"

God turned a deaf ear and continued his words, "It's a good way to defeat gold with fire, but what about the rules of earth attributes? Can you also overcome your fire rules? Fire is the birth of earth!"

While talking, a mountain flew up and down to the south of Chu.

Chu Nan raised his fist again, but it was no longer the "Heavenly Fist", but sacrificed the five elements of the soul realm. The five martial arts realms flashed into the air and stopped the flying mountain peaks. When God saw the martial arts realm, he did not laugh at all. Instead, he was dignified and extremely dignified. He Those in front of them, although they are only the most ordinary martial arts realm, are the five elements, and they are still integrated into the soul.

What kind of energy is contained in the martial arts realm integrated into the soul? I have seen it before. What kind of situation will it be now that the five elements are gathered together? God's eyes are staring straight!

Chu Nan thought about the scene in the Tianzhan Hall. According to his experience of integrating the five elements, he shouted word by word: "The soul of the five elements is gathered, and the five elements are united!" Immediately, fire, earth, gold, gold and water...

The five elements are born, rotated and blended!

The soul of Daibai Mountain in the "Heavy Earth Domain", the Liuwen Golden Soul in the "Yaojin Domain", the Shenlai Water Soul in the "Xuan Water" in the "Mingmu Domain", the Taihang Wood Soul in the "Cold Flame Domain", the soul of the Wind and Fire in the "Cold Flame Domain", these

At the moment when the five elements were in one and the five elements of the soul realm was completely integrated, the souls of the five realms also grew rapidly. A light, a light that was exactly the same as Chu Nan's memory, rushed to the word "Zhan" light point, emitting terrible energy, soaring to the

At this moment, the five elements in Chu Nan's body was taken by the five elements soul realm crazy **!


The flying mountain spread by the god was blown up and exploded without a trace.

Seeing this scene, Chu Nan felt that he tried his best to find the soul of the five elements to integrate into the martial arts realm, during which the hardships were worth it. After all, the rules of using the martial arts realm to fight against the gods of martial arts was an unprecedented feat!

A new world on the way to martial arts was opened up by Chu Nan!

At the moment when the mountain peak was bombarded into nothingness, the light also dissipated. The five elements in Chu Nan's body were almost exhausted. Chu Nan was slightly surprised. The power of the unity of the five elements of the soul realm was indeed terrible, but the energy needed was also a very horrible existence, that is, he had five elements It's also a little unbearable.

The five elements of Yuan liquid in Dantian is almost exhausted, and that leaf drips dew crazily!

However, these dewdrops are not enough for Chu Nan to immediately launch another attack on the five elements soul realm again. In desperation, Chu Nan had to take back the five elements soul realm. At the same time, he thought, "If I swallow the crazy elixir and the power soared, what will be the result?"

There are only two crazy elixirs left on Chu Nan's body. Chu Nan felt that these two crazy elixirs were not enough to deal with such cruel people as God. He thought, "Why don't you refine the crazy elixir on the spot? Anyway, I still have medicinal herbs to refine the mad elixir. I wanted to refine it for a long time, but it was delayed again and again.

Thinking like this, Chu Nan also felt that this was a little unrealistic, because God would definitely destroy it. However, Chu Nan did not give up and muttered, "It seems that we have to sacrifice the star array and buy time with the star array, so as to take the opportunity to refine the crazy magic elixir!" It's just that this bone..."

The bones are still beating.

The word "induction" suddenly flashed in Chu Nan's mind. He thought of the ancient stone slab left by the dragon soul at the beginning, felt the missing part, and was surprised, "Is it true that this bone is also the same as the dragon soul that day, sensing the existence of another bone?"

Although there is still doubt, Chu Nan's heart has been confirmed.

At this time, God also recovered from the amazing picture of the five elements soul realm breaking through the flying mountain peaks. God knew that the five elements soul realm would be very powerful, but he did not expect it to be so powerful. At the same time, the god also saw that the energy consumed to attack such a move was immeasurable!

God stared at Chu Nan and said, "You have survived the fire disaster, and you are still not weak, and you still have enough energy. Think about it, it's also the reason why you have five elements. If you only talk about the rules, today I'm afraid I really can't do anything to you. Fortunately, I can break through the What about escaping at the space crack?

With that, the god drew it casually, and the space was directly drawn out of a crack. The power of the space poured out wildly; the god took a step to the left, and cut it down with one hand to cut out the second space crack.

God continues to step.

Chu Nan looked at it coldly. Although he could use the ancestral jade pendant to make the biggest blow, Chu Nan felt that the ancestral jade pendant was used like this, which was too useless. Therefore, Chu Nan would not detonate the ancestral jade pendant until he had to!

Looking at the beating of the bones, suddenly, Chu Nan bit his finger and dripped blood on the bone...