Wu Rebellious Universe

1279 I knew so--

Two space cracks flashed, and the power of space vented on this road, like a waterfall, hanging directly in the void. The power of space is in the "waterfall", like an ancient beast with teeth and claws, with a big mouth of blood, emitting a terrible atmosphere of ferocity, destruction and so on.

Chu Nan ignored it and rushed down. The crystal coffin was protected. No matter how horrible the breath was, it was sheltered from the outside. The speed was extremely fast, and he was about to catch up with God in a blink of an eye. God's intuition was not good. Bright red blood floated on the black mask and shouted, "Empty

Immediately, this "waterfall" rolled up from the feet of God, like rolling the picture into a cylinder. Reflexively, Chu Nan wanted to get out of this "waterfall", but there was an invisible force that bound Chu Nan and did not let Chu Nan leave, and the crystal coffin was also indifferent and did not lend help to Chu Nan. .

Chu Nan didn't panic. He only had God in his eyes. He wanted to make God pay a heavier price, and he also wanted to take off the mask on God to see what this God looked like!

"If you can't get rid of it, then I'll kick you away!"

Chu Nan's eyes are fierce, coldly speaking, the rule of fire, the five elements of soul realm, mysterious energy, purple lightning, life and death, pure power and all other energy, etc., surged together, and then compressed. On the huge fist, the blood vessels burst, and the speed of this "waterfall" rolling up, faster and faster Some of the power of space was rolled in, and even the wind and thunder tornado was rolled into a seal.

Moreover, Chu Nan also felt that for every inch of this "waterfall" rolled up, its power would increase by ten minutes, as if the power of the space involved had become part of the "empty seal killing"!

The "waterfall" is getting closer and closer to Chu Nan, and the atmosphere of terror is getting stronger and stronger. It is bound to print Chu Nan in the "waterfall". In Chu Nan's raised fist, blood flowed and burst into a roar.

On the god who showed the "empty seal killing", his footsteps staggered one by one, and his body was extremely weak. He wanted to escape immediately, but he still wanted to see that there was still a trace of fantasy. He hoped that this move of "empty seal killing" could take Chu Nan down. If he took it, what he would get would

However, the gods who have seen all kinds of strange means in Chunan dare not put all their hopes on the "empty seal killing", and then spit out fresh, ready to do something wrong, immediately follow...

God turned around and saw that Chu Nan's tall body was rapidly decreasing, six feet, five feet, three feet, one foot...

Only in an instant, Chu Nan returned to his original state. God looked at this scene in surprise. He did not feel frivolous because of Chu Nan's shrinking body. Instead, his face was more solemn. He seemed to have smelled a dangerous smell. His intuition that the "empty seal killing" could not stop Chu Nan. "The body shrank Have you used all your long strength at once?

Just when the divine intuition was born, the "waterfall" rolled in front of him, and Chu Nan roared, "Duish - Heaven - Fist!"

With a punch, he was compressed to a black hole of two meters by Chunan with all his strength, and slammed into the "waterfall" that rolled up the power of many space. Suddenly, it roared and burst out of the air. The "waterfall" was directly penetrated, and the power of space flew out in all directions. Even the In the stream, Chu Nan shot straight out and shot at God.

The black hole did not dissipate, but swallowed the power of the space that flew randomly.

God was hoardened. He didn't care how Chu Nan's black hole was so strong, and he didn't turn around. He said words in a hurry and spit out his blood like a matter of life. At the same time, he was dressed in black and automatically fell off. He also learned from the ugly Taoist man that day and drank the magic

However, on that day, Chu Nan failed to inspire the crystal coffin, and the ugly Taoist escaped easily. But today, with the protection of the crystal coffin, it is impossible for God to escape easily. Chu Nan, who was holding his breath, was super fast, and he was about to pass through *** energy in an instant. God fled, and the words

Chu Nan seemed to feel something. Before his body was pierced out, he shouted. The two-meter black hole flew straight to the god, hit the god's chest in an instant, and immediately exploded. In addition to blowing up the god's chest to the flesh and blood, the black mask was also blown into the air, and even the arms inserted into

At this time, Chu Nan wore it out and saw a square face with a dead white face, a barb nose, drooping eyes, and a big mouth. The hair on the head was black on the left and white on the right...

These, Chu Nan just flashed by. Chu Nan's eyes were locked on the towering forehead of the god, engraved a word in the middle. Chu Nan looked intently, and it was exactly the word "wu".

"Wu? Tianwu Hall?"

Chu Nan just had doubts in his heart, and God shouted, "Starlight follows!"

As soon as the voice fell, the body of the god was like a light. It flashed away. Chu Nan, who rushed away, rushed to the air. Chu Nan frowned and said, "It seems that this god really has something to do with the Tianwu Hall."

reading, Chu Nan reached out and grabbed the black mask in the palm of his hand, "Starlight? Like a starlight?" Chu Nan fell into meditation, and the crystal coffin also disappeared. Chu Nan felt that his thoughts flew around and suddenly thought that when his body soared before, the crystal coffin also soared, his body shrank, and the crystal coffin also shrank...

"Will the crystal coffin have anything to do with the little girl?"

On top of this unprecedented dangerous fight, the appearance of the little girl is a turning point. If it weren't for the little girl, I'm afraid there would be a crystal coffin, and the ending would have been his sad.

At this time, an endless sense of weakness surged up in Chu Nan's body. Chu Nan knew that this was the sequela of swallowing the mad elixir. Thinking of this, the fist-sized mad elixir came to Chu Nan's mind again.

The god appeared 100,000 miles away, and there was no trace of blood on his face, and his body was full of scars. How embarrassed he was. The real vitality was greatly damaged and extremely weak. The god suddenly fell to the ground. When he thought of going to the wind volcano, he was full of confidence and could casually play with Chu Nan in the palm of After a series of accidents such as the little girl and the crystal coffin, he finally fled. The magic weapon, the puppet and so on were gone. God said fiercely, "If I had known this, when we met, we should have killed Chu Nan brazenly. We shouldn't let him get through the fire, not... In this case, how can I fall into such

Hate surged from his heart, and God said word by word, "Chu Nan, this hatred is not common! I will definitely report it back! Wait..." With deep resentment, God returned to his current dangerous situation. "The most important thing now is to find a secret place to recover from the injury. Otherwise, in this state of this moment, a martial arts master can kill me!"

God didn't even contact his men, but only looked for a healing place. After spending most of the day, God finally found a hidden valley. Without hesitation, God walked in.

God doesn't know that in this valley, in addition to him, there is another healer!