Wu Rebellious Universe

1289 really eats. What is he going to do?

1289 is really delicious. What is he going to do? 5 Update

"Then try to blow yourself up!"

Chu Nan said indifferently. The little beard listened to the completely careless voice, and the fear in his heart surged up in an instant, but he still asked, "Aren't you afraid? If I blow myself up, you will definitely die with me!"

"I'm not afraid of the explosion of the artifact. Am I afraid that you will explode yourself as a martial saint?"

Chu Nan's words directly made the heart of the mustache to the extreme. The scene just now came to my mind. The power of the artifact burst should have been shot in all directions, but at that moment, it was all pouring into him!

"He can make the power of the artifact explode upside down, and let the Fenglong Valkyrie retreat wildly, which shows his strength..." Beard didn't dare to think about it, but a question emerged, "Is it that he deliberately hid his cultivation?"

Chu Nan can't hide his cultivation at all now. Although the "divine behavior is changeable" can make him exude the breath of great perfection of martial arts saint's cultivation, it is useless; Chu Nan can make the power of the artifact burst, which depends on the ancestral treasure jade pendant.

The ancestor treasure jade pendant that can control one-third has such power. Chu Nan's confidence in the "soul seal formula" is greater, and the soul attack just now also gave Chu Nan a great encouragement, which shows that his direction is not wrong. Now his strength is not enough. He can't hurt the soul of the god of war, but it can .

Although it's only for a moment, a lot of things can be done!

Chu Nan dragged his moustache in front of the Iron Bear and asked the Iron Bear, "How do you want to eat it? Steamed food? Or roast it?"

The iron bear hadn't answered yet. Hearing this question, the mustache began to tremble and thought, "This beast doesn't really want to eat me, does it?" Chu Nan didn't hide what he said. Fenglong Wushen heard it clearly and frowned even higher. He was hesitating whether to take action or not. The other six perfect martial arts saints all stared at Fenglong Wusheng. At this moment, only Fenglong Wusheng could save the beard.

As for the hundreds of thousands of warriors below, they have been dumbfounded for a long time, especially those who believed that Chu Nan must be killed by Fenglong Wusheng. Big sweat unconsciously flowed out of his forehead, and the heart was pounding, and the rhythm of the heartbeat was frightened!

Everyone was distracted, but the iron bear grinned, smiled and said, "Big, I haven't eaten human flesh for a long time. I'm going to tear off his flesh and eat it piece by piece, so that I can relieve my hatred!"

Even if the iron bear said this, no one thought that the iron bear really wanted to eat the mustache. Except for the three-tailed red fox and the ancestor of the Ming Dynasty, Chu Nan did not say much. He directly threw the set of super artifacts obtained from God to the iron bear, and then said, "With this, no matter how thick ."

"Thank you, boss!"

Tie Cangxiong said and directly put his paw into the chest of the mustache. The mustache wanted to escape, but he could not escape. He wanted to mobilize energy to resist, but found that the energy was empty, and the beard reflex cast his eyes on Chu Nan. He really wanted to ask what Chu Nan had done to him, but he Screaming!

The little beard turned his eyes and watched the iron bear take out a piece of bloody thing from his chest and eat it. The little beard suddenly lost his mind and remembered what the iron bear said before, "Grandpa is going to eat you". I thought it was just a cruel word, a sentence. It's just a mantra, but unexpectedly, it's true, it's true to eat!

Everyone was afraid, especially listening to the "clucking" sound of biting bones. The hundreds of thousands of warriors trembled involuntarily on their legs and felt as if they had been bitten. Seeing this, the dragon god of war in the distance felt that if he did not take action again, his reputation would be destroyed. If the master knew all Knowing that he will not take action, his life will be even more sad.

Therefore, the Fenglong Wushen was forced to Liangshan and had to take action.

The sword locked Chu Nan again, and the Fenglong Wushen said word by word, "Let him go!"

"Do you still want to be shameless?" Chu Nan asked coldly and said to Tie Cangxiong, "Eat at ease, no one will disturb you!" The iron bear grinned again, then opened his mouth and bit the arm of the mustache.

The dragon god of war was angry again, like a fire burning the field, and said coldly, "The sword in my hand, the name of the sword, drinking blood! Today, I will let you drink the blood sword and drink all your blood!"

The Fenglong Wushen really tried his best. The "blood-drinking" sword cut through the void, and a sharp crack like a fierce beast opened his mouth to swallow Chu Nan.

Chu Nan's figure did not move. He just clenched the claw cover in his hand, poured in the rules of fire, life and death tornado, pure power, thunder and lightning, etc., and arranged it into arrays. This time, the array is not as simple as the previous inspiration, but relatively complex. There are three large arrays These arrays are extremely unstable and completely in extreme chaos, just like putting gunpowder in a mountain. It only needs a little spark to explode!

At this time, he exerted all his strength, extremely consumed energy, and his face was a little pale, which was only 50 meters away from Chu Nan, and the crack was close to Chu Nan. Chu Nan directly threw the claw sleeve out.

When the dragon god of war saw the claw cover flying, a dangerous breath surged in his heart. This sense of crisis was unprecedentedly strong. When he saw the claw cover cut through the chest of the beard, just like cutting a piece of tofu, he knew that the claw cover was extremely unusual, and it was most likely to be higher than his " "

As soon as he asked in his heart, Chu Nan answered him, "Explosion!"


It was originally a magic weapon of super artifact, which made Chu Nan add a lot of material, and his power soared more than tenfold. The space crack was directly blown open for dozens of meters. The "blood-drinking" sword in the hand of the front dragon god of war directly fell off, and then swallowed by the space crack. As for the Most of the rest of the body is also full of scars and cracks. There is a blood pit here, and there is a blood pit there...

But this is not over yet. Fenglong Wusheng's hand holding the "blood-drinking" sword was also sucked into the cracks in the space!

The ten-meter-wide space crack reveals the strong power of space. Following the seven great perfect martial arts saints of the dragon martial god, their lives are also seriously threatened. They are sacrificing artifacts and resisting the power of space with all their strength.

The power of space is an indiscriminate attack, and Chu Nan is also threatened, but these, compared with the "nine-air split array" arranged by the divine space cracks, it is nothing at all. He instantly sacrificed the true martial pillars and fragments, and laid out a 16-step star array!

(P: There is another update!) RO