Wu Rebellious Universe

1388 Golden Day Opens Eyes, Fire Dissipation

1388 golden day eye-opening, fire extinguishing 1 update

The change of the black clouds in the void, the eight gods of war have naturally seen it in their hearts for a long time. When they saw Chu Nan's figure, especially the dazzling water-blue hair, they were shocked. First, they were shocked that Chu Nan really had really experienced such a terrible water disaster, and second, they were shocked to see Chu Nan

As for the third, it is the shocking cultivation of Chu Nan, which is actually the cultivation of the great perfect martial arts saint. At this time, they believe that the previous middle-level martial arts saint's cultivation of Chunan is a real cultivation. Believe it, the shock in their hearts is even greater. The middle-level martial arts saint is so powerful. What

In addition, he also marveled at the speed of Chu Nan's promotion.

In fact, everyone present, not counting before, even for this period of time, the fastest promotion is Xianyue, flying all the way from the primary martial arts saint to the primary martial arts god. Xianyue's eyes at this moment are full of infinite worship!

The eight gods of war were surprised, but they were more determined to remove this person. They must be removed. They can't let him grow up again, and they can't let him get the star stone. In addition, Ren Bao and others thought more. "The second and fifth let him subdue, then the treasure of the two of them must also be in ..."

There are also, I want to get Chu Nan's body, such as Lian Yuan...

Generally, people who have their own small calculations have a common goal. Therefore, when Chu Nan fell on the Star Stone, the martial arts saints have transformed all those shock, exclamation and other emotions into a strong killing opportunity.

As soon as the sound of killing fell, there were sixteen more space cracks around Chu Nan, and the power of space gushed out. Chu Nan did not sacrifice the space array, but gushed out the power in his body. Chu Nan clearly felt a force surging, like the waves of the sea, one wave after another...

Three million catties!

Five million catties!

Nine million jin!


12 million catties!

After the rebirth of flesh and blood, the power in the body finally stopped at 12 million catties, and the power stopped, but the wave of power did not stop and was still surging. Chu Nanru took root on the star stone, and the sixteen forces of space were torn apart, but he did not move. Moreover, Chu Nan accurately controlled all the forces Don't let it exude a little breath, a trace of power!

To deal with space cracks in this way, it still comes from the star stone. More than two months ago, Chu Nan tried all kinds of efforts and still couldn't shake the star stone. Power is a kind of energy, and the power of suction is also a kind of energy. Since the star stone can resist the power, why can't he use strength to What about the power of time?

Moreover, Chu Nan had already guessed that the torn space crack like the God of War was really not a real tear. In addition, Chu Nan thought that he would break the void with his strength in the future. If he couldn't even do this, how could he break the void with his strength?

Waves of power surged in Chu Nan's body, and the eight martial gods were dumbfounded again, especially two of the martial artists in the realm of Tianwu. Although they tore these space cracks, they were also more or less affected. This Chunan was in the center of the crack and did not take any measures, but the root I haven't been affected at all!

"How could this happen?"

A martial god exclaimed. One of them, Teng Xin, shot a shrewd light in his eyes and shouted, "Anyway, kill him first. Don't leave your back and use your most powerful killing moves, otherwise, we will die today!"

In Teng Xin's language, there is motivation and threat, and the purpose is to make everyone do their best. After saying this sentence, an imperceptible smile flashed at the corners of his mouth. Chu Nan said to Teng Xin indifferently, "You really have self-knowledge!"

At the same time, the number of big killing moves has been sharp.

"It's nothing to steal!"

"The most poisonous!"

"Jin Ri opens his eyes!"


In the big killing move, Teng Xin's "golden sun opens his eyes" power is the most falling. The golden sun is like the scorching sun at noon, which wants to burn everything, and in this burning power, there is also the destruction power of the golden rule.

Just when the killing moves were wrapped around the sky, Fan Shu has lost his figure. Ren Bao smashed out three super artifacts, drank the word "explosive" in his mouth, and his eyes flashed cunning. He had the same eyes, and Lian Yuan, who sacrificed "the most poisonous and poured his body"!

Jiuwu saw that the eight martial gods were fighting against Chu Nan at the same time, and he was about to sacrifice his sword. But after seeing Chu Nan's eyes, he sat down firmly and stopped the fairy moon who was about to play the flute, the iron bear who was about to step forward, and Gu Xidan who wanted to throw an elixir... Then, Jiu Wu said, "I believe in Chu Nan, he can do it!"

Hearing this sentence, Tianyang Wushen did not hide his surprise and opened his mouth wide. Those are two Tianwu gods, four earth martial gods, two martial gods, Chu Nan can kill them by himself, that...

Jiuwu saw the surprise of Tianyang God of War and said with a smile, "Do you think the water disaster is Baidu? For Chu Nan, don't look at him with the eyes of an ordinary genius. The road he goes is different from ours!"

Tianyang Wushen heard that Jiuwu's words seemed to have other meanings. He wanted to ask, but Jiuwu focused on Chu Nan and looked at how Chu Nan dealt with the situation in front of him!

Such a situation is really not easy for Chu Nan, but he needs this kind of bad situation to hone. When they sacrificed the killing moves, Chu Nan sacrificed nearly one-third of the ancestral jade pendant.

In the past fights, Zubao Yupei is a super defense, and nothing can break it down. This time, when the aperture just shines, three super artifacts exploded at the same time, and the aperture flashed. Then the golden sun light, which had dispersed for thousands of miles, condensed into one, directly to the point of the aperture, It's concave, and it's still concave back!

Seeing the situation, whether it is poisonous or stealing, all the killing moves will be accumulated at that point. The roaring sound is continuous. Seeing the situation, Ren Bao threw out another super artifact and detonated at that point!



That point, it's broken.

Although it was only a little broken, the whole aperture was destroyed; Chu Nan knew that Zu Bao's power was not only that. The main reason was that he did not fully control Zu Bao, but Chu Nan did not choose to condense the aperture again, because an aperture emitted by Zu Bao's jade pendant had disrupted their joint attack!

However, the martial gods were encouraged and overjoyed. The killing moves came out again. Teng Xin once again showed "Golden Sun Opens the Eye". Chu Nan pointed to Teng Xin and smiled, "The fire disappears!"

At present, Teng Xin felt that there was something wrong with his "Jin Ri Kai's eyes". Before he came to his senses, he heard Chu Nan shout: "Zhen Tianquan!" RO