Wu Rebellious Universe

1398 pervasion, forbidden fog strange

1398 pervasion, forbidden fog weird 2 update

If you want to say what is the most horrible thing in the sea of fog, there is no doubt that it is the fog that makes people tremble at first sight!

If it hadn't been for the forced situation like Zhang Xin, and if it hadn't been for such an irresistible treasure as the fallen stars, I believe that no one would be willing to step into the sea of fog.

In the past, the forbidden fog chased Chu Nan, as if to kill Chu Nan. For this reason, Chu Nan also detonated an ancestral treasure-level bead and fled wildly. This time, after Chu Nan entered the forbidden sea of fog, he was hardly distressed by the forbidden fog. When the water disaster came, the forbidden fog retreated far away

Chu Nan walked towards the forbidden fog. A vortex eye appeared on the wall of the forbidden fog, staring straight at Chu Nan's eyes. After a long time, Chu Nan said, "You are conscious, or you have life, right?"

When everyone heard this, except for Jiuwu, they were very surprised. In the wall of forbidden fog, there was no sound, and no sound sound sounded in Chu Nan's mind, but a mass of forbidden fog floated in the sky in the distance.

When the forbidden fog dispersed in the air, the "bong" sounded twice. Chu Nan glanced away, but it was the god and the ugly Taoist. The two were not injured in the forbidden fog. Chu Nan was more sure of the guess in his heart, and as soon as the ugly Taoist touched Chu Nan's eyes, he gradually shi You, I..."

At this moment, the ugly Taoist has undergone a 180-degree change with Chu Nan's character. In the past, Chu Nan was a small ant in the eyes of the ugly Taoist, but as a result, the ugly Taoist was seriously injured by the ant he thought and became completely disabled; now, the ugly Taoist deeply feels that he is a Ant, and he, an ant, can never turn the tables.

Listening to the ugly Taoist's begging for mercy, Chu Nan sneered. During the day, the ugly Taoist did to nature. Although Chu Nan did not see it with his own eyes, when he saw the natural anger, Chu Nan naturally understood everything, but Chu Nan did not kill the ugly Taoist, but said to the wall of forbidden fog ."

Tianyangzi, who was fighting with the iron bear, couldn't help staring at the wall of the forbidden fog. The eyes of the whirlpool rotated at a high speed, and a mass of forbidden fog floated in the distance. This time, the forbidden fog did not trap people in it, but let people stand on the forbidden fog, as if they

Above the forbidden fog, it is natural to stand.

When Wu Guan shouted out the "arrow", but in the end there was no arrow, Chu Nan had a guess in his heart who would help him in the fog forbidden sea. When he met Tian Yangzi, Tian Yangzi wanted to say anything and looked around, which made Chu Nan suddenly remember what Tian Yangzi showed when he was promoted to the battle of heaven. Stop, and the surprise he said...

Under the two-phase verification, the person who Chu Nan didn't understand to help him is the natural, and it is also the natural to promote to the realm of the god of war. As for Chu Nan to ask for people from the wall of the forbidden fog, it is even simpler. The forbidden fog has a thinking, and they can catch all the gods hidden in

Naturally stepped down from the forbidden fog and smiled at Chu Nanyan, and then a wind blew on the ugly Taoist. When the ugly Taoist saw the natural cultivation of the god of martial arts, he trembled even more and wanted to kowtow for mercy, but before he could kowtow, the wind blew over the ugly Taoist. When it Appearance, when the ugly Taoist's eyes turned, the ugly Taoist's body suddenly exploded, and a trace of it no longer existed.

Chu Nan's eyes were stunned and he said, "Infiltration?"

"The wind is perforated, then the skin is a hole!" Naturally speaking, he didn't reserve anything. Chu Nan smiled and said, "Water and wind are really the same thing. Everything is pervasive, everything is permeable, and everything is urged."

As if there was no one beside them, they had a good discussion. Chu Nan came out of the wind, and the wind hit the ground and burst in an instant. A deep pit of thousands of meters suddenly appeared in front of them. Naturally, he said, "I wanted to help a little, but I didn't expect you to solve it all." In the past, nature would never explain anything, but now, for some reason, she wanted to say something, paused for a moment, and continued to say, "Thank you, otherwise, I would still be trapped by the forbidden fog!"

"You have helped me a lot. At that time, if an arrow came, my situation would be very miserable." After Chu Nan finished speaking, there was a deep thought between his eyebrows, and then said, "I feel that there should be holes in the forbidden fog!"

Hearing this, nature was also a cold, and then definitely nodded, so the two of them coincidentally sacrificed the wind, and the wind banned the fog. Although Chu Nan did not create the rules of the wind, Chu Nan mobilized the nirvana wind, which was originally natural from the black and white fish, and applied the penetration of water to the wind It's two winds, but it's a wind, regardless of each other.

When the wind came, the terrible wall of forbidden fog trembled and seemed to disperse, but the tremor only lasted for three breaths and disappeared.

Chu Nan stopped with nature, looked at each other and smiled. Although the trembling only had three breaths, it has been shown that the forbidden fog does have holes, but they are still too weak to completely pass through the hole of the forbidden fog to hurt the forbidden fog and blow away the forbidden fog.

Seeing a kind of surprise from the eyes of the whirlpool, Chu Nan said again, "I should still have someone in your hands, right?"

There was still no sound in the wall of the forbidden fog, but in the distance, another mass of forbidden fog flew. Above the forbidden fog were Tianwo, General Xin and Zhang Hong. The three of them were trembling. You know, they were still invited out by the forbidden fog in the array laid by Chu Nan. The forbidden fog was definitely life-threatening After that, the trembling suddenly disappeared, with a happy face.

The three of them were in the fog, and they shouted "adult" to Xin and Zhang Honggong, but I shouted "brother-in-law" without hesitation. When Tianyangzi over there heard this, his face showed a look of approval. Chu Nan's current value was very clear, and it was the great wonder of making friends with Chu Nan and

The whirlpool eyes of the forbidden fog blinked.

Chu Nan asked, "What do you want me to do?" Chu Nan understood that there was no benefit of whiteness. Forbidden Fog sent these people to him, including the Tang Mantis that had been ejected before, but did not let the Tang Mantis die. This kind of behavior is called giving up. If there is a house, there is a gain. Chu Nan just wants to know what the forbidden fog to get?

The whirlpool eye of the forbidden fog swirled with a look of praise, but the wall of forbidden fog is divided into a way. There is no doubt that it is to let Chu Nan walk in. Natural, Xianyue, Jiuwu and others are a little nervous. When they walk in, it is likely to throw themselves into the net.

Originally, the god was still uneasy, and his eyes were full of unconcealed surprise. At this time, Jiuwu saw the word "wu" on the forehead of the god, and his face changed greatly. A sword spirit went straight to the god to Dantian.

Chu Nan, who was making a choice, flashed in front of God. RO