Wu Rebellious Universe

1484 The power of space!

In Dantian, a meta-core of two colors, fiery red and new green, is suspended in it. The fiery red represents the fire element, and the new green is naturally Muyuan; Chu Nan did not immediately implement the idea of yin and yang fish, but reinforced the red field of purple dreams.

Wushi Dantian, a very important place, is slightly damaged, the light one's cultivation declines, the heavy one can't practice martial arts, and may even endanger his life. Although Chu Nan's set of setting up the array in the body is already perfect, if Zi Menger has a little disappliate, there may be a tragedy.

However, these are not a problem for both of them. Zi Menger has incomparable trust in her man, not to mention that they have just melted the water **, so that the yin and yang can reach the realm of infinite integration. Zi Menger is to relax with all her heart and let Chu Nanshi do it, and let you pick it

Chu Nan first used five elements of element liquid and vitality to array, and then supplemented with power. These forces were compressed, extremely pure and finally covered with mysterious energy arrays, just like strengthening the pool. After thinking for a while, Chu Nan drew "shield runes" and "fixed runes" on it...

Such an arrangement, even the attack of the God of Valkyrie, is difficult to break through the Dantian of Zi Menger!

After preparing these, Chu Nan started to transform the meta-core of Meng'er. After purifying Huoyuan and Muyuan, he rotated with yin and yang fish. In this process, Chu Nan did it very slowly. Although Chu Nan had not fully understood the sentence "everything carries yin and yang", he still settled in the eyes of the fire Muyuan was placed, and Huoyuan was placed in Muyu's eyes.

Among them, the firefish contains the fire seed left by Chu Nan.

"It's a pity that I didn't create the Muyuan rule, otherwise, it would make this yin and yang fish more perfect." Chu Nan thought in his heart, and the inspiration flashed, but he thought of the strange sapling. The sapling can make the wooden soul obey its orders. Its Muyuan is certainly not simple. At present, Chu Nan subconsciously passed on the sapling, "Take out your drop of essence, which is equivalent to the kind of seed!"

Chu Nan's tone cannot be refused. Although the saplings can advance the vitality and make the grade of the five elements of Yuan liquid higher, Chu Nan's vitality also ensures that the saplings can thrive...

After the sapling received Chu Nan's consciousness, the leaves shook left and right for a while, which showed that they were a little reluctant. After the battle with Nianzhong, Chu Nan paid great attention to the control of many existing in his body, so there was something that forced the god to submit to the water soul. At this time, he felt the Directly rotate the power, thunder, life and death and other energies with yin and yang fish to attack the saplings. He wants to drive the saplings out of Dantian!

Without the help of saplings, the grade of the five elements of Chunan will be greatly reduced, but it will be much better than a small sapling that cannot be controlled and may become harmful. Moreover, without saplings does not mean that the grade of the five elements of element liquid can never be improved. In the past, there Is it also integrated into the five elements of liquid?

It has its own method of refining in the future!

The small sapling felt Chu Nan's attack and began to tremble. The small sapling can grow to this day. Chu Nan's vitality is great. Compared with Chu Nan's dependence on it, it is more dependent on Chu Nan. The small sapling must not be moist without vitality. Therefore, the small sapling dare Hua.

Scrolling to this drop of Muyuan essence in Dantian, Chu Nan's first feeling is that it is pure and powerful, and it also contains great power...

Without hesitation, Chu Nan introduced this drop of essence into Menger's Dantian and planted it in Muyin fish.

Then, Chu Nan drove the firewood yin and yang fish to rotate. As soon as it turned, Zi Menger clearly felt a huge amount of energy pouring into her body. Although the energy was huge, it was not raging, but like bathing. Zi Menger was so comfortable that she whispered.

Slowly, the frequency of rotation of the firewood yin and yang fish in Menger Dantian was consistent with the yin and yang fish of Chunan. In an moment, Menger'er's cultivation began to soar. In a few breaths, it soared from the middle-level martial emperor to the great perfect martial emperor, touching

Zi Menger has not recovered from this transformation, and her cultivation broke through the barrier without any hindrance and continued to soar. The middle-level Wu Emperor and the high-level Wu Emperor did not slow down until they encountered the Wu Zun barrier, but it did not stop, and it was still hitting the Wu Zun barrier.

Shocked, not only Zi Menger, but also Chu Nan. When Zi Menger's cultivation soared, Chu Nan's cultivation also had to break through to the realm of the god of war. In the sea of fog, with the power of water robbery, Chu Nan could be promoted to the realm of martial arts, but it was suppressed by Chu Nan

This time, it is no exception.

It's not that Chu Nan doesn't want to enter the martial arts realm, but because when Chu Nan wants to advance to the martial arts god, he can maximize his strength, such as divine thoughts, such as spiritual power, etc. Chu Nan is desperately accumulating to wait for that day!

Because of this, Chu Nan sacrificed the Yuanming vine and desperately swallowed the cultivation. However, the yin and yang fish of the two Dantian rotated in the same way. The impact was so great that the Yuanming vine could not be swallowed up.

When Chu Nan saw Meng'er's cultivation, he was ruthless and introduced the cultivation into Zi Meng'er's body. Originally, Zi Meng'er's cultivation would stop at the realm of Emperor Wu, and Chu Nan's cultivation and energy were introduced.

Wu Zun's barrier was broken directly!

Soared all the way again, until he touched the edge of Wusheng. Chu Nan no longer helped Zi Menger attack, but said, "Concentrate all your spirit and concentrate on your feelings!" Immediately, Chu Nan quickly arrayed and hid his cultivation in Zi Menger's body.

At this moment, Chu Nan has to pull out the seedlings to help!

If he has used this series of measures, Chu Nan's cultivation is not firmly established in the realm of martial arts saints. The cultivation is like a wild horse that wants to rush to the realm of the god of war. In such a situation, Chu Nan feels a kind of familiar energy.

With a detailed touch, Chu Nan opened his eyes and said, "The power of space!"

It is the power of space, which is almost the same as Chu Nan's power of space when he stretched his mind into the crack outside the secret place. The excitement in Chu Nan's heart really doesn't know what words to describe it.

This is the most relaxing harvest since Chu Nan stepped into the road of cultivation, and it is also wonderful, fragrant and gorgeous, extremely ecstatic...

Chu Nan carefully sensed the power of space. The reason why the god of war can tear out the cracks in space is that when he enters the realm of the god of war, with the perception of the power of space, each person's perception is different, and the cracks torn are not the same!

The deep feeling, the more the feeling, the thorough feeling, the bigger the crack!