Wu Rebellious Universe

1490 You didn't have a chance to shout that sentence!

1490 You don't have a chance to shout that sentence! 4 Update

The space channel is the blood demon clan that gathers the power of the whole family. It has collected all the storage rings they can collect in the Far West, and also excavates all the beads that make storage rings. It took several years of hard work and countless efforts to refine this space channel for the blood demon people to enter and exit.

In the past, although the blood demon people could also pass from now on, they had to be at a specific time, because the space here was extremely unstable. Maybe a blood demon man stepped out with his left foot and was safe, but if he stepped out with his right foot, he would be torn into pieces by the sudden force of space...

When the consequences are more serious, the crack may also be automatically closed. Over the years, many blood demon people have been attacking the cracks to prevent the crack from closing. In this regard, a good part of the blood demon people have also been killed.

Such a bad situation has greatly hindered the development of the blood demon clan. Otherwise, in more than five years, there will be more than tens of millions of blood demon clans in the far west. As soon as the space channel is refined and placed at this crack, no accident, the space crack will not be closed again, and the blood demon clan will walk in There are no more casualties; on the contrary, in the space channel, you will get a lot of benefits and feel the power of space. If there is a great opportunity, it is also possible to understand the rules of space.

Seeing that the beautiful tomorrow of the blood demon clan is coming, and seeing that everything is developing in the direction conducive to the blood demon clan, unexpectedly, such a killer god was recruited, and the space channel has not been used, so it has stained the blood of the blood demon clan.

Years of painstaking efforts have become a place to kill themselves, which makes Xue Zhenyang's blood demons completely unacceptable!

The way Xue Zhenyang just thought of killing Chu Nan is to destroy the space channel. He can think of the meaning of the space channel to the blood demon clan, and then think of destroying the space channel. The elites of the blood demon clan he brought, including those masters who refine the space channel, will also be destroyed with the destruction of the space channel. He hesitate !

Really, it's too big.

At this time, the outside began to rush into the dense blood demon clan. Seeing this, the blood Zhenyang ignited hope again in his heart, hoping to consume these people with numbers. The blood Zhenyang brings elites, and the cultivation is at least the blood demon emperor!

"You are really good, but do you have enough energy? Is it enough to support the killing of hundreds of thousands of blood demons? I don't believe that you have so much energy. I don't believe that your blood shield can always exist..."

Xue Zhenyang thought to himself that if these hundreds of thousands of people are exchanged for the death of these people and the space channel is preserved, then they will die too worth it. Although they are elites, with the talent and power of the blood demon clan, they can have as many elites as they need in the future.

At this moment, Xue Zhenyang is worried about how many people like Chu Nan still have on Tianwu mainland?

Thinking about it, Xue Zhenyang saw that Chu Nan did it again. Chu Nan's energy gushed out and fabriced 40,000 heads in the sky into blood arrays. Then, as soon as he pointed out, 40,000 blood arrays flew out and fell among the elites of the blood demon clan. At this time, Chu Nan's mouth burst, "Exp


With a bang, the 70,000 or 80,000 blood demon people around the blood array turned into a bloody rain in an instant.

When Xue Zhenyang saw this scene, he was dumbfounded again. At the same time, he was also sober. He knew that by relying on hundreds of thousands of clansmen, he could never kill the people in front of him. The one with a sword was cut out with a sword, and hundreds of clans were cut into Thousands of people were swept into flesh and blood; even the traitor's blood was fierce, and the blood demon method was used, and there were hundreds of deaths around him...

Moreover, this is the most powerful one, it hasn't been taken yet!

Xue Zhenyang's eyes emitted a fierce light, "Since hundreds of thousands of people can't kill them, they can only detonate the space channel, and the space channel will be destroyed. Although it may lead to the environment of this space crack, it will be worse, or even the space crack will disappear, but it is better than letting the warrior master this Enslave their people with strong, the two powers harm each other, and take it lightly!"

"Do you want to detonate this thing?"

Chu Nan suddenly asked, and the blood Zhenyang said "ah", and even if he felt that the blood in his body was splashing out, it was just a distraction. There was little blood left in the blood in the body of the blood Zhenyang, including the heart. Chu Nan said, "You don't have the opportunity to shout that word."

"Quick, detonate--"


exploded, the blood true yang exploded, and it never existed again, and his sentence also exploded. The blood true yang did not explode the space channel. The only one who can detonate the space channel is the master responsible for refining the space channel!

The killing continued, but Chu Nan did not join in. He stood there and felt that the space channel was full of the power of space. As soon as Chu Nan entered the space channel, he felt the existence of the power of space. Whether it was killing the blood Zhenyang, drawing shield runes, or the blood array, Chu Nan was feeling it.

Chu Nan feels that the power of space in this channel is different from the power of space through the cracks of the space. Which part is different? Chu Nan can't say it clearly for the time being. It's just a feeling...

"This space crack extends from the Tianwu continent to the blood demon continent. The space crack torn by the god of war must not be compared with this. If it is broken in the void, this crack is a little close. However, just the explosion of the wind detonates this space crack? Is there any other mystery in this that I don't know?

Chu Nan had doubts. He wanted to immediately gather energy to attack the realm of the god of war, let the cultivation reach the cross area, and see what it would be like, but he thought of Xue Zhenyang's plan just now, so he stopped, and there will be many opportunities to study this space channel in the future.

A flash of his body, Chu Nan flashed to Xue Li's side and asked, "Do you know what this thing is?"

"Master, we call it the space channel."

"Who made it, you know?"

"Well, that man's name is Bloodless."

"Find him to death, control him! There are also people who participate in the refining of space channels, control them all.

"Yes, master."

Xue Li's eyes opened everywhere and looked forward. Chu Nan also walked out without using strength and other attacks. He practiced "talismanship" with the blood demon people to enhance his control.

"Explosive runes!"

The blood demon who was drawn by the symbol exploded to the ground.

"Dark rune!"

The blood demon clan fell to the ground and fell into a coma!

"Fire rune!"

A fire shrouded the blood demon clan and burned him alive.

With the explanation of forbidden fog, Chu Nan knows that runes not only have five elements, but also life and death, etc. In the words of forbidden fog, everything in the world can be realized with "talisman", as long as there is that kind of strength!

Don't talk about thunder runes, star runes, etc.

What rune appeared in his mind, Chu Nan drew it. After drawing hundreds of runes, a "determined rune" appeared in Chu Nan's mind! RO