Wu Rebellious Universe

1501 pack deep

1501 Pack Deep 3 Update


Chu Nan clearly heard the loud noise from the body of Xueyang. According to the intensity of this sound, it is no less than the 90,000-zhang waterfall!

is the ordinary water. As long as it can flow down from a height of 90,000 feet, the power it has is definitely a level of terror, that is, Chu Nan estimated that if he had to bear it, it would also bring a lot of trouble.

However, such a strong force is raging in the body of the blood yang heavy, but the blood yang heavy does not care at all, just like people who have nothing to do. It can be imagined how not simple the blood yang weight is.

Moreover, the blood roar is still strengthening. As the distance between Chu Nan and the blood sun is getting closer and closer, Chu Nan's body also makes a sound, and the waterfall roars from the silent moment!

Although Chu Nan was surprised, he didn't say anything on his face and didn't say a word. He didn't even know what the legend was. The less he said, the fewer flaw he revealed. He also showed no pressure at all, which was not affected at all!

There is nothing we can do. Although these blood demons are closed to death, they don't know whether they closed their minds more confusedly or more shrewdly. The only thing Chu Nan can use is the eagerness reflected by their joy!

Just like someone is lost in the vast sea, with endless years, suddenly seeing a lighthouse. Subconsciously, he must hope that this lighthouse is real and can guide his direction.

Of course, this lighthouse is still very strong, and it is necessary to strengthen their subconsciousness. Otherwise, if any wave destroys the lighthouse, there will be nothing left. The reaction to Chu Nan is that is that he has to show a certain strength. If he can't stand this blood surging power, he will pretend. The plan will go bankrupt immediately. These five blood demons will definitely tear up their faces and fight fiercely. Although Chu Nan is not afraid of fighting, it is worth it to cheat and learn more information. Moreover, the hunger in his body is getting stronger and heavier.

Legends are not simple; the legendary person can't be simple!

Therefore, no matter from which aspect, what Chu Nan must install at this moment is deep, deep with strong support!

It's only five steps away from the blood.

Waiting for Chu Nan to devour his natural blood energy, his body trembled with a little excitedly. Although Chu Nan restrained all his breaths and those energies were also secretly prepared, Xue Yangzhong still keenly felt Chu Nan's power. Even he was shocked by this power; Xue Yangzhong did not know that this power was In order to prepare for Xue Yangzhong, Xue Yangzhong just kept saying, "Such strength, so powerful, is it possible that he is really the legendary master?"

At the thought of this, the fear is stronger, and accordingly, the joy is even stronger.

Chu Nan saw these heavy expressions, "Afraid? Why are they afraid? And there is also joy..." Thinking of the living environment of the blood demon continent, Chu Nan's heart lit up and said, "Fear, it may be because the legendary person's identity is very high, and the joy is mostly because the legendary person can bring them some hope..."

As for the specific hope, Chu Nan doesn't know, but he has a bolder idea in his mind, that is, to act stronger. Anyway, the worst ending is just to tear up and fight. The purpose of Chu Nan's coming to the blood demon continent is not to destroy. Is it the top force of the blood demon clan? This is not contrary to his original intention at all.

And once the bet is won, Chu Nan will make these blood demon people more convinced that he is the legendary person. The next thing is to go smoothly and take them more easily. Now they are waiting for him to deprive them!

So, Chu Nan stopped when he was still three steps away from Xue Yangzhong. Xue Yangzhong and other five blood demons were full of doubts, but Chu Nan said coldly, "Why don't you kneel down?"

How cold the sound is, and Chu Nan used domineering, full of domineering!

As soon as Chu Nan's voice fell, there was a "dong" sound.

But the blood yang knelt down again.

The blood yangzhong knelt down, and the other four blood demons also knelt down.

Not far away, he first speculated that Chu Nan was the blood of the legendary man. When he saw the old patriarch kneeling down, there was a strong uneasiness in his heart, and then doubts arose, "Anxiety? Why are you uneasy? Unless..."

Xue Zhentian stared at Chu Nan with more doubts, "If Chu Nan is really that person, why did he help the warriors and kill so many blood demons? He didn't give hope to the blood demon clan at all, and let the talent of the blood demon clan take it to the next level. On the contrary, he looked like killing the blood demon clan!"

Xue Zhentian thought of the news from the blood generation, and thought of what Chu Nan did in the blood demon clan. The more he thought about it, the more wrong it was. "Since he has the ability to deprive the blood demon clan of his talent, why didn't he use it earlier and draw that thing? Isn't it unnecessary?"

Thinking of this, Xue Zhentian suddenly trembled all over his body. When he saw that Chu Nan deprived the people of their talents before, he thought of the legend with conditioned reflex, and then fell into shock and didn't think much about it at all. At this time, he came to his senses and found that there were many doubts.

"He only had that ability after devouring Guixuzhu. At that time, his expression also had a trace of surprise..." Xue Zhentian's eyes suddenly lit up. "Is Chu Nan pretending to be the legendary person with my words?"

This idea makes Xue Zhentian more un calm, because such consequences are too serious, which will bring the consequences of extermination to the blood demon. He wants to talk about what Chu Nan has done to the blood demon clan with Xue Yang Chong, so that they can be more vigilant.

Because of Xueyang Chong, before they closed the blood demon cave, they said to Xue Zhentian that if it was not the disaster of the extermination of the clan, they should never disturb them. Therefore, Xue Yangzhong did not know the changes of the blood demon clan in these years, nor did not know what Chu Nan did.

However, Xue Zhentian hesitated again. At this time, the situation is absolutely not suitable to say that Chu Nan slaughtered the blood demons, which will attract Chu Nan's attention. The best way is to determine Chu Nan's identity in silence.

"What's the way?" Xue Zhentian's thoughts turned wildly, and he was very anxious. If the time was delayed for one more second, the danger would be one point greater. Suddenly, Xue Zhentian came up with a good idea, "If he is really the legendary person, then he must know what the blood demon is doing, if not..."

From doubting to coming up with a way, it's a long story, but in that thought, Xue Yangzhong felt Chu Nan's still increasing power. He was kowtowed to the ground and was about to speak.

At this time, the blood rushed up and shouted, "Wait..." RO