Wu Rebellious Universe

1504 false alarm

Chu Nan has affirmed that the sixth-floor tower must have something to do with space, but this can't help his current situation at all. It has nothing to do with knowing or not knowing.

"Who will be the legendary master? He should have a way to enter the seventh floor..." Chu Nan sighed, with no intention of being discouraged at all. Thinking about their appearance, the scenes and saying, "They can never see through me, otherwise, they will not let me deprive them of their talent. Looking at their appearance, it seems that they want me to get this. Something in the Blood Tower, and this thing, no accident, should be on the ninth floor!"

"Unfortunately, I'm still on the sixth floor now. If I stay for a month or two, or even a year or two, those blood demons will definitely be suspicious..." Chu Nan thought to himself that he didn't want to stay in this empty space with nothing for several years. His parents and dreams were still waiting for him!

When the word "space" flashed in Chu Nan's mind again, Chu Nan was not running wildly, sat down cross-legged, gathered energy, and hit the cross-area. He wanted to try what would happen to the power of space he realized in the blood tower.

However, when Chu Nan was familiar with the impact of his cultivation to the intersection area that hit thousands of times, Chu Nan did not realize the power of the familiar space in the past. There was nothing, just an empty piece, the same as the tower space.

Now, it's a little difficult. Although Chu Nan's cultivation can still rush higher, he doesn't know whether he will let him directly enter the realm of the god of war in this tower space. Even if he can't in the tower space, what about the bleeding tower?

Chu Nan has deduced the meridians of "turning the mind". As long as he can open up the meridians when he goes through the other three disasters and reshapes the body, or find another way to open up the meridians, his mind will definitely change dramatically.

"It's just now... empty, nothing?"

reading, Chu Nan suddenly thought of the secret world and saw the stick hit by the bone iron bear. The stick he saw was from nothing to nothing, and then from nothing, "What is nothing. How can nothing go from nothing? The ultimate fertile water of fire, death to the extreme can be fertile, this is not to the extreme, what will it be?

Chu Nan's thinking spread out, wandering aimlessly in the nothingness, not knowing time, not knowing the space, gradually, Chu Nan became more and more thinkingless, thoughtless, as if the thinking had also become empty and become nothingness.

I don't know how long it took for Chu Nan to sit there, like a magnificent statue, like a depleted ancient tree, without any breath of life...

In the first floor of the tower, the excitement on their faces has faded, and now their faces are full of doubts. "The master has been up for so long, why hasn't he come out yet? It's not supposed to be fast, right?

"Is there an accident?"


"But it's been a month, this..."

Jiuwu listened to their comments and was also very anxious. Although he knew that it would take no effort to solve these five blood demons, who knew that they could control the Blood Tower and so on. In case Chu Nan had any loss, it would be miserable.

In order not to let them guess anymore, Jiuwu immediately gave the five blood demons a contemptuous smile and said, "How can you guess the young master's ability? If you want to get that thing, just wait obediently. Maybe the young master is practicing at this moment and will break through to a new level!"

Hearing what Jiu Wu said, Xue Yangzhong also seemed to have found the answer, "Yes, the master must be practicing." The other blood demons quickly attached and disappeded.

In the sixth floor tower.

Chu Nan didn't know that it had been a month, and he was still like that.

Suddenly, there was a "gurgle" sound.

Chu Nan suddenly woke up, and his mind returned from nothingness. Chu Nan's face was cold sweating. With Chu Nan's current strength, it was really not easy to sweat a little, but the scene just now was really too dangerous.

Thinking falls into nothingness. If he can't wake up and floats down forever, then his mind will become a part of nothingness, and he himself will not exist. No matter how strong his body is, maybe in the end, he can only become the trophy of the master and refine him into an elixir, magic weapons and so on.

It's okay, Chu Nan woke up.

At this time, Chu Nan was very grateful for the hunger in his body. The "gurgle" voice was full of hunger, which came out of his stomach. Although it was just a false alarm, Chu Nan was more guarded. In this blood tower, it was really too dangerous. The real killing was invisible.

However, Chu Nan felt that his mind was floating in the nothingness, as if there was some kind of gain, but he hadn't found it yet. After sorting it out, Chu Nan focused on hunger, and the hunger in his body was already so strong that it could not be added.

"Whether that sound is unintentional or intentional, I have to thank you. Although I don't know what you want to swallow, if you want to swallow, then swallow it." Chu Nan no longer suppressed and gathered the energy of his whole body, just like swallowing the "returning pearl" before.

The whirlpool flashed, and the nine-layer blood tower trembled. Chu Nan saw that the emptiness around him was like a substance, pouring into him from all directions, and the tower wall that he could not touch before was also approaching him.

Chu Nan looked at it intently, not letting go of any detail, even a trace of feeling.

The blood tower wavered, and they all found Jiuwu and Xueyang Chong. Xue Yangzhong said doubtfully, "What happened? How can the Blood Tower move?

Jiuwu did not hesitate and jumped up happily and said, "Yes, the young master must have broken through."


The doubt in the eyes of Xueyang's heavy blood has not disappeared, but he can only believe in such a reason. At this moment, a strong force came and threw the blood yang Chong out. This energy is so fierce that even the God of War can't resist, and the God of War's face is full of heavy.

"What happened? How could the Blood Tower throw us out? Xueyang shouted loudly. The Blood Devil Tower was their own name for the tower, and they didn't know what the real name of the tower was.

So, the Blood Devil Tower left the ground.

Seeing this scene, the doubts in Xueyang's heavy blood eyes were even stronger, and he couldn't help thinking in his heart, "In the legend, it seems that the blood demon tower will fly off the ground. On the contrary, it is said that the blood demon tower can't leave. What's the matter?"

Jiuwu was thinking in his heart, "Chu Nan, you must not have an accident, absolutely not!"

At this moment, Chu Nan was also shocked. The tower wall crashed straight into his body. At the same time, the seventh tower above his head and the fifth tower under his feet were all hitting his body...