Wu Rebellious Universe

1508 Although nine dies without regrets

1508 Although I die, I don't regret it 2nd update

Jiuwu said that a star is very big and big, as big as millions of Nanchuanzhou, which is a normal thing. Chu Nan later thought of it. The second elder of Tianzhan Hall said that there are many continents. In addition to what has been discovered, there are also undiscovered...

At that time, Chu Nan thought that there were many stars and many continents. Does a star represent a continent?

However, at this time, what Chu Nan thought was not about, but millions of stars with such a large power attribute as Nanchuanzhou. After friction, they finally turned into such a bigger stone.

This shows that the friction can be unimaginably huge!

At this moment, Chu Nan needed this powerful friction energy to block the falling trend of his body, so he counterattacked again. The space energy from the crack in the blink of an eye was so huge that Chu Nan could not resist without stopping his body, and he could only let him continue to bombard him. The point!

The power, which has exceeded 50 million catties, is not pouring out one after another, but raging like a river breaking the embankment. However, it did not disperse in all directions, but condensed but not dispersed. It condensed all around Chu Nan, like a silkworm spitting into a cocoon, but this cocoon is a

Just in an instant, Chu Nan condensed nearly 30 waves of power around his body. Fortunately, it dispersed outward, rather than gathered inwardly. If 30 waves of power were condensed in his body, Chu Nan would have been in pain for a long time, and even the container of his body would explode!

Even if it is scattered, Chu Nan is not uncomfortable. His power is not like the five-ection element liquid. It can be endless and continuous. When the power is always exhausted, although the power has not been exhausted since the secret world comes out, it is because the opponent is too weak, and Chu Nan doesn't need much effort at all.

However, what Chu Nan is facing now is that the space energy used to break the void is extremely horrible. Even if Chu Nan pours out 30 waves of power, but the fall of his fall to the earth has only slowed down a little, and it is still 10 thousand miles away from stopping!

Conditionally, Chu Nan had to use a lot of energy such as life and death, water and fire rules to make it form a yin and yang fish, but as soon as the idea appeared, it was extinguished by Chu Nan. Chu Nan said to himself in his heart, "You have to break the sky with your strength, but you can't catch What else can you do to break the sky with your strength?"

With one thought, Chu Nan's fighting spirit was awe-inspiring, with the momentum of death but no regret!

Chu Nan stopped using other energy, but kept gushing out power, thirty-one waves, thirty-nine waves, four two six waves...

Haohao's strength is condensed around the body, but a little skill is also used. It is no longer a simple cohesion, but a vortex to condense the power around the body, so that the friction can be increased.

Indeed, as Chu Nan expected, the friction increased, and Chu Nan's decline speed became slower and slower. However, the first person to feel the power of friction was Chu Nan himself. While the friction power was consuming power, it could directly erode Chu Nan's body through the cocoon of power.

This is just one of them.

Second, the madness of power makes Chu Nan's flesh and blood feel itchy. Although there are five elements of fluid, vitality and so on that moisten the body and eliminate this effect, it still can't be completely offset. Itching affects the blood, and the blood is burned crazily. Burning, the yin and yang fish seem to be still, but they rotate to the extreme.

Third, the speed of Chunan has slowed down, but the speed of the space energy has not slowed down. Although the space energy will also lose a large part of the energy due to distance, friction, etc., a small part will be lost, and the rest is even a fatal threat to Chu Nan.

However, Chu Nan still did not use other energy. This is a quenching, and also a contest of strength and will!

Chu Nan did not raise his fist or roar. The power to be consumed by the roar was also condensed on Chu Nan's body. The power covering Chu Nan's body was no longer like a cocoon, but large below, pointed above, like a tower, so that the friction power can become more powerful.

"In three breaths, there are three breaths at most, and the space energy is about to crash down." Chu Nan's eyebrows were like a sword. Jiu Wu was distracted on the side, but the God of War paid attention to the fighting spirit emanating from Chu Nan. As for the water, the blood was boiling, as if he was a little excited...

What others do has nothing to do with Chu Nan at this moment. Chu Nan's power has been extracted a hundred waves. Not only the muscles are itchy, but also the bones and organs have a feeling of itching. What shocked Chu Nan more is that his mental strength seems to be damaged.

With such a disadvantage, Chu Nan has not retreated. Since his mental strength was damaged, Chu Nan simply condensed his spiritual power, just like drawing a "rune"; Moreover, Chu Nan's eyes were as fierce as the light emitted by the ancient cold stars, because the space energy came faster than he thought. In the second breath, the space energy arrived.

At the same moment, Chu Nan's falling momentum stopped, and there was no hesitation in ten million. Chu Nan bounced back, using his body as a weapon and crashed into space energy, and the power tower, which had been weakened a lot and formed by a whirlpool, changed again. Originally, it was big below and small above. This In an instant, it has become small below and big above!


Where Chu Nan collided with the space energy, an energy wave spread out. Wherever the energy wave went, it turned into nothingness. The blood demon continent was trembling, and the sea water in the sea of blood went straight to the sky, and there was no rush.

And Chu Nan only blocked the blink of ten thousandth of the space energy, consumed a small part of the space energy, and was crushed down by the space energy, which was unstoppable. Seeing this, Jiuwu and the God of War wanted to fight again. The water that was not taken back by Chu Nan said, "No accident, my lord, you don


God of War turned around and glared. In an instant, he withdrew the stick. Jiuwu also withdrew his sword, but he did not relax. Although he knew that he was not the opponent of the energy between the acupuncture points, if Chunan was in danger, he would try his best to kill him, even if it was a moth to fight against the fire

In fact, Shui Laish cares more about Chu Nan's life and death than Jiu Wu and the God of War. He does not say that he puts hope on Chu Nan, nor does he say that the people who chase him may have come to Tianwu mainland. He is only controlled by Chu Nan with the "life and death formula". Chu Nan's death, .

Chu Nan is still gathering energy. Regardless of it, he is a car. It seems that at this moment, if he doesn't use other energy, it won't work. But at this time, Chu Nan's chest, a coolness comes out... RO