Wu Rebellious Universe

1513 swallowing rune, give

"Swallow Rune" was found, but Chu Nan was worried.

The reason why Chu Nan is worried is still in control. Previously, whether it was the "energy-absorbing array" or the "shengli elixir", it was invented by Chu Nan himself. It can be completely controlled, and it will not let the blood demon clan suck down the original force unlimitedly, and it is impossible to let their vitality and power grow forever It can make them strong to a certain height.

The "shengli elixir" actually does not meet Chu Nan's own requirements, but for the blood demon clan, it will be enough. However, this "shengli elixir" also provides a lot of ideas for the "enchant elixir" that Chu Nan himself wants to use.

These are all what they don't know!

And "swallowing runes" is a "rune" that Chu Nan didn't understand. How to control the power of "swallowing runes" from it is the biggest problem. There is a "swallowing rune" in "swallowing runes", in which the longevity can be the life of swallowing grass and trees, swallowing ...

Chu Nan estimated that he wanted to draw a "swallowing life rune", even with his current mental strength, it was not an easy task; in addition, he had to consider the effective time and intensity of "swallowing a life rune".

"If it really doesn't work, forget it. Shengli Dan and Shengji Dan are enough." Chu Nan thought to himself that he was going to take some time to control them with the "life and death formula", and suddenly thought of the array and runes.

"You can draw it first and give them a little sweetness. This rune can swallow the life of Warcraft, bury a rune that swallows the life of life in the body, and use the array to touch it. At that time, it will be easy to deal with the legendary person."

Chu Nan made up his mind. As for the effective time of swallowing the life of Warcraft, it is easy to solve. He just needs to tell them that he wants to test their strength again. If they have high strength, they dare not doubt it.

It took half a month to refine and do experiments. After Chu Nan was able to draw five "swallowing longevity runes" in a row, Chu Nan took the next action; it was the question of how to give them the gifted power again. Chu Nan "watched" the bloody crystals in Dantian and experimented with the blood demon people.

However, the result of each experiment is deprivation, deprivation...

Chu Nan also thought about the order, but the order did not move at all. The blood-colored crystal was unconscious. Chu Nan tried to drive it out, but he can't do it yet. Moreover, Chu Nan has also thought about the fate of the blood-colored crystal. He took care of Xiao Lan first. If Xiao Lan is not dead, if Blue, Xiaolan got this blood-colored crystal, which must be like a tiger adding wings.

As for the unfortunate death of Xiao Lan, Chu Nan didn't think about it. He insisted that Xiao Lan would not die!

Day by day, Chu Nan's heart was like an arrow, but the things at hand had not been dealt with, but he could not go. On this day, Chu Nan had just finished the experiment and deprived the body of a blood demon clan. He was a little angry and turned the running blood around.

In this reversal, the mutation suddenly emerged, and the blood-colored crystals in Dantian actually sank. Chu Nan was still a little stunned, but found that the blood demon clan, who had just been deprived of his talent, had a talent again.

Chu Nan was so happy that he didn't expect it to be so simple.

"Turning, ascending, is deprivation; reverting, sinking, is endowed." Chu Nan made this clear and immediately went to the blood demon cave to decorate it. He not only wanted to arrange the blood demon cave into a place of ambush, but also the whole blood demon island, and even the blood demon continent, would become an ambush place.

Use all your skills, arrays, runes, elixirs, etc. to create a super killing move of the blood demon mountain that can move the whole body in one hair. Moreover, the nine-story blood tower in the blood demon cave reappeared. Of course, this blood demon tower is not the original blood demon tower, but was created by Chunan It's exactly the same; in fact, it has completely become a killing tower.

The place where the alum was suppressed before was also a trap, full of death!

Then, Chunan came to the map of the blood demon continent. After carefully calculating with the sand table for two months, Jiuwu and the god of war, as well as Yi Lao, Gu Xidan, and the whole blood demon clan were busy. With the power of the whole clan, they acted according to the order of Chu Nan in the seventy-two places of the

Chu Nan arranged himself on the Blood Devil Island...

After a month, after the arrangement was completed, Chu Nan took a break, called Xueyang Chong and others, and let them fall into a coma again. First, he took the blood of Xue Yangzhong and others and controlled the five blood demons. Then, in their Dantian, they combined the swallowing life runes and arrays; then, Chu Nan drew The rune of the beast's life; finally, return the gifted power to them...

After finishing this series of things, Chu Nan was also exhausted, mainly in terms of mental strength, but he did not rest, so that Xueyang Chong and they woke up. Xue Yang Chong felt that their life and death were controlled by their master, but they had no doubts. On the contrary, they were overjoyed. This also made Chu Nan have to sigh at the It's terrible.

Chu Nan pointed to the Warcraft in front of him and said, "Run your blood, try it!"

Xue Yangzhong quickly followed the order, and immediately saw the fierce blood sea python in front of them, which soon weakened, and they felt that their vitality was stronger. Xue Yangzhong felt this and knelt down and shouted, "Thank you for your help. We will always be the loyal slaves of the master! No matter what the master asks us to do, we would rather die than do it!"

"Real is it?"

When Xue Yangzhong heard Chu Nan's question, he was stunned and quickly replied, "Yes, yes!"

"Yes or no, you have to use actions to express that you have done very well before, so you have got a lot of things that you couldn't get. I was going to give you the ability to swallow other things forever. However, a few days ago, I had a divination that someone would pretend to be me and come to the blood demon continent to The thing!"

"Master, who is he? The villain immediately went to kill him!"

"When he comes, you will know that I calculate that he will come. Whether it is a year, a hundred years, or a thousand years, he will always come, and he can also use the secret method to deprive you of your talent, and say that he can go into the blood tower to get that thing. Anyway, it is exactly the same as mine As long as he comes, no matter what he says, you can't believe it. You just need to kill it. Even if you gather the power of the whole family, you won't hesitate. In addition, his strength is not bad, so I left you some killing tricks..."

At present, Chu Nan told them how to attract those killing moves.