Wu Rebellious Universe

1527 rule first door

"Kid, you are so brave, I admire you! I will not waste this opportunity you dedicate to me. I will hold it tightly, hahaha..."

The cold of the water laughed wildly. Seeing Chu Nan's silence, he was even happier!

"Do you understand what the ambiguing is now? No matter how much energy you use, what's the use? In the face of my son's strength, there is only the part of destruction and destruction. You can use another kind of energy to show me!"

The cold of the water tried his best to hit it. He knew that at some point, the power of language was stronger than that of doing it, but he said it, but his face was stunned for a moment, because he saw Chu Nan sacrifice the rules of water.

After a stay, he laughed more, "Kid, the previous 'Extinction Fist' is your biggest attack, right? Even the biggest attack is a scum in front of me. How dare you use the rules of water?

Chu Nan saw it as if he didn't see it and didn't hear it. What came to his mind was only the strange rules of water that had been used by the cold of water before. At the same time, the rules of water he created, which belonged to his rules of water, gathered fiercely with his right fist.

"The rules of water? I grew up playing with water. Your rules of water are vulnerable in front of me!"

The cold of the water contempted endlessly. Chu Nan smashed it out with a punch. The cold of the water waved his hand and flew out a thin stream, like a whip, whipping on Chu Nan's right fist. At that time, the rule of water on Chu Nan's right fist, "k-k" burst.

Chu Nan retreated again. This time, he retreated thousands of meters!

"It's vulnerable!"

Shui Zhihan had a smile on his face and shook his head and sighed. When the God of War saw the appearance of Shui Zhihan, he really wanted to go up and slap him twice, but the boss had to let him endure it.

sighed, the lingering sound was not finished. Chu Nan stepped back and sacrificed the rules of water again. The fine stream of the cold water slashed the rules of Chu Nan's water, and his body retreated violently, and then sighed, "It's really vulnerable!"

Chu Nan ignored it, but sacrificed the rules of water. He bombarded it again and again. In a blink of an eye, he bombarded hundreds of times. The cold water was still laughing and sarcastically, but in this sarcasm, there was already a sense of annoyance. Seeing Chu Nan rushing again, the cold Dead cockroach, there is still a dimensional void of energy raging in his body. Why can't he defeat it?


Chu Nan flew 156 times and flew back 157 times. He felt that he had touched something, thinking about the "rules of water, momentum" said by the cold of water, and kept thinking in his heart, "potential? What kind of situation? The momentum?

The cold of the water despised, "Kid, I said it's useless. You have gone through an unprecedented water disaster, so what can you do? What can you do if you can order thousands of water, only the rules of other people's water, and the rules of fighting for water with heaven and earth? Can you order me to use the rules of water? Do you want to know why all this is?"


Go backwards and fly back.

"Because the rules of my son's water are higher than your rules of water, not because of the advanced cultivation of Wu Sheng and Wu Zu, but because the rules are essentially advanced. All, no matter how many times you attack, it is useless. The sheep are eaten by the wolf, and you are going to be trampled on by me!"

"The rules are essentially advanced?"

Chu Nan thought to himself and attacked again, but he was no longer silent and said lightly, "Is it really useless?"

"Do you think you can break my power?"

"At the beginning, you didn't use this kind of attack. Even when you were abused by me in the dimensional void, you didn't use it. What does this mean?" Chu Nan punched and retreated. This time, he withdrew less than 100 meters. The cold smile of the water disappeared. He stared at Chu Nan in a haze. Chu Nan stepped on the attack and continued to say, "It means that either you have not fully mastered this kind of attack, or you are carrying out this kind of attack now, which will bring you great

Punching and retreating 80 meters, Chu Nan asked, "Am I right?"

The cold face of the water was so dark that it was twisted out of the water. Chu Nan said two points, and he was right. The trend of the rules he understood was indeed only half-baked, and he did not fully understand, completely practiced, and forced to use it, which would cause great harm to the rules of water that he had been deep into It is not necessary to destroy the previous rules of water, and once the previous rules of water are destroyed, the rules will no longer exist; in addition, it may affect the body!

If it hadn't been forced to that point, Shui Zhihan would never have used this move, but I have to say that it is really powerful. Shui Zhihan thought to himself, "If I had fully mastered it, I would have killed you long ago, and it would allow you to challenge my majesty again and again?"

At this moment, the divine water soul, who had been listening next to him, suddenly said, "Your Excellency, the rule triple door, the first door, the momentum of the rules, the strong rules are strong, and it has something to do with yourself..."

Chu Nan, who was stepping out in one step, suddenly stopped, "Rules triple door? The trend of rules? Self?" Listening to what Shenlai Water Soul said, Chu Nan's feeling became stronger and stronger, just like a seed about to break a stone.

Shui Zhihan suddenly turned around, stared at the water soul of God, and roared, "Wei Thief, shut up for me. I'll clean you up later!" Shenlai Water Soul is still recalling. He knows that the more he remembers at this moment, the more help he will be to Chu Nan, but it is really badly damaged, and what he can think of is really limited.

And the cold water has stared at Chu Nan again, "Kid, you know the first door of the rules, so what can you do? Can you understand it right away? It's ridiculous. Come here quickly and let me beat you away again!"

Chu Nan thought about the "potential", condensed the rules of water, and said, "You said, if I consume your energy, can you still display the trend of the rules?" Can you still live?"

The cold eyes of the water flashed, and Chu Nan was right again. If he didn't have the energy as a support, even if there were all kinds of means, it would be difficult to use it. The murderous opportunity emerged again, and Chu Nan's laughter came from his ears, "Don't worry, I won't let you die so I'm sure to die!"

"It's ridiculous, now I'm in the upper hand!"

"Then can you kill me to death?" Chu Nan rushed up and said, "I'm standing here and let you attack, and you can't kill me!"

"I don't believe it!"

The cold of the water bombarded up, and Chu Nan retreated 70 meters. This time, the cold of water did not wait for Chu Nan to attack, but took the initiative to attack. He tried his best, and Chu Nan retreated another 60 meters, 50 meters, 30 meters...