Wu Rebellious Universe


1527 rule first door 4 update

"Kid, you are so brave, I admire you! I will not waste this opportunity you dedicate to me. I will hold it tightly, hahaha..."

The cold of the water laughed wildly. Seeing Chu Nan's silence, he was even happier!

"Do you understand what the ambiguing is now? No matter how much energy you use, what's the use? In the face of my son's strength, there is only the part of destruction and destruction. You can use another kind of energy to show me!"

The cold of the water tried his best to hit it. He knew that at some point, the power of language was stronger than that of doing it, but he said it, but his face was stunned for a moment, because he saw Chu Nan sacrifice the rules of water.

After a stay, he laughed more, "Kid, the previous 'Extinction Fist' is your biggest attack, right? Even the biggest attack is a scum in front of me. How dare you use the rules of water?

Chu Nan saw it as if he didn't see it and didn't hear it. What came to his mind was only the strange rules of water that had been used by the cold of water before. At the same time, the rules of water he created, which belonged to his rules of water, gathered fiercely with his right fist.

"The rules of water? I grew up playing with water. Your rules of water are vulnerable in front of me!"

The cold of the water contempted endlessly. Chu Nan smashed it out with a punch. The cold of the water waved his hand and flew out a thin stream, like a whip, whipping on Chu Nan's right fist. At that time, the rule of water on Chu Nan's right fist, "k-k" burst.

Chu Nan retreated again. This time, he retreated thousands of meters!

"It's vulnerable!"

Shui Zhihan had a smile on his face and shook his head and sighed. When the God of War saw the appearance of Shui Zhihan, he really wanted to go up and slap him twice, but the boss had to let him endure it.

sighed, the lingering sound was not finished. Chu Nan stepped back and sacrificed the rules of water again. The fine stream of the cold water slashed the rules of Chu Nan's water, and his body retreated violently, and then sighed, "It's really vulnerable!"

Chu Nan ignored it, but sacrificed the rules of water. He bombarded it again and again. In a blink of an eye, he bombarded hundreds of times. The cold water was still laughing and sarcastically, but in this sarcasm, there was already a sense of annoyance. Seeing Chu Nan rushing again, the cold Dead cockroach, there is still a dimensional void of energy raging in his body. Why can't he defeat it?


Chu Nan flew 156 times and flew back 157 times. He felt that he had touched something, thinking about the "rules of water, momentum" said by the cold of water, and kept thinking in his heart, "potential? What kind of situation? The momentum?

The cold of the water despised, "Kid, I said it's useless. You have gone through an unprecedented water disaster, so what can you do? What can you do if you can order thousands of water, only the rules of other people's water, and the rules of fighting for water with heaven and earth? Can you order me to use the rules of water? Do you want to know why all this is?"


Go backwards and fly back.

"Because the rules of my son's water are higher than your rules of water, not because of the advanced cultivation of Wu Sheng and Wu Zu, but because the rules are essentially advanced. All, no matter how many times you attack, it is useless. The sheep are eaten by the wolf, and you are going to be trampled on by me!"

"The rules are essentially advanced?"

Chu Nan thought to himself and attacked again, but he was no longer silent and said lightly, "Is it really useless?"

"Do you think you can break my power?"

"At the beginning, you didn't use this kind of attack. Even when you were abused by me in the dimensional void, you didn't use it. What does this mean?" Chu Nan punched and retreated. This time, he withdrew less than 100 meters. The cold smile of the water disappeared. He stared at Chu Nan in a haze. Chu Nan stepped on the attack and continued to say, "It means that either you have not fully mastered this kind of attack, or you are carrying out this kind of attack now, which will bring you great

Punching and retreating 80 meters, Chu Nan asked, "Am I right?"

The cold face of the water was so dark that it was twisted out of the water. Chu Nan said two points, and he was right. The trend of the rules he understood was indeed only half-baked, and he did not fully understand, completely practiced, and forced to use it, which would cause great harm to the rules of water that he had been deep into It is not necessary to destroy the previous rules of water, and once the previous rules of water are destroyed, the rules will no longer exist; in addition, it may affect the body!

If it hadn't been forced to that point, Shui Zhihan would never have used this move, but I have to say that it is really powerful. Shui Zhihan thought to himself, "If I had fully mastered it, I would have killed you long ago, and it would allow you to challenge my majesty again and again?"

At this moment, the divine water soul, who had been listening next to him, suddenly said, "Your Excellency, the rule triple door, the first door, the momentum of the rules, the strong rules are strong, and it has something to do with yourself..."

Chu Nan, who was stepping out in one step, suddenly stopped, "Rules triple door? The trend of rules? Self?" Listening to what Shenlai Water Soul said, Chu Nan's feeling became stronger and stronger, just like a seed about to break a stone.

Shui Zhihan suddenly turned around, stared at the water soul of God, and roared, "Wei Thief, shut up for me. I'll clean you up later!" Shenlai Water Soul is still recalling. He knows that the more he remembers at this moment, the more help he will be to Chu Nan, but it is really badly damaged, and what he can think of is really limited.

And the cold water has stared at Chu Nan again, "Kid, you know the first door of the rules, so what can you do? Can you understand it right away? It's ridiculous. Come here quickly and let me beat you away again!"

Chu Nan thought about the "potential", condensed the rules of water, and said, "You said, if I consume your energy, can you still display the trend of the rules?" Can you still live?"

The cold eyes of the water flashed, and Chu Nan was right again. If he didn't have the energy as a support, even if there were all kinds of means, it would be difficult to use it. The murderous opportunity emerged again, and Chu Nan's laughter came from his ears, "Don't worry, I won't let you die so I'm sure to die!"

"It's ridiculous, now I'm in the upper hand!"

"Then can you kill me to death?" Chu Nan rushed up and said, "I'm standing here and let you attack, and you can't kill me!"

"I don't believe it!"

The cold of the water bombarded up, and Chu Nan retreated 70 meters. This time, the cold of water did not wait for Chu Nan to attack, but took the initiative to attack. He tried his best, and Chu Nan retreated another 60 meters, 50 meters, 30 meters...

1528's own essence, contrary to the trend 1 more rule has a triple door, the first door, the door of momentum! The rules outside the door are all unclass products. Even if they pass the water disaster, through the unprecedented, earth-shaking water disaster, in the face of the situation of the rules, they have to retreat, break, and bow down... In fact, it is true. The cold of the water sacrifices the momentum of the rules that he has not yet fully mastered, and , retreat, retreat again and again, there is no power to fight back at all! However, it was just a retreat, just an injury. Although the injury was a little serious, it did not die! The cold of the water became more and more frightened. He condensed all the killing opportunities and tried his best to kill Chu Nan, but he was still short of a fire, and he could not be killed. Moreover, the cold of the water also found that with the passage of time, Chu Nan killed again and again, and his rule was getting weaker and weaker. He When he attacked with the rule of water for the first time, the rule of water was torn apart and could not be compounded at all, and Chu Nan was also retreated to a kilometer away. However, at this moment, the rules of Chu Nan's water, the cracks are getting less and less, and the distance of retreat is also getting more and more. He bombarded it out wildly, and Chu Nan only retreated by 10 or 20 meters. The cold of water understands that this has something to do with his large consumption of energy. The use of rules consumes a lot of energy, especially when he does not fully step into the first door of the rules, the energy loss is even more. In addition, he has been repeatedly injured before, and he can't fully exert his power. However, this is only on the one hand. Shui Zhihan believes that whether it is his energy consumption or his previous injury, it is absolutely not as good as the dimensional void energy that is full of Chu Nan's body and ravaging Chu Nan's body. Chu Nan fights with him with hidden dangers and crises, and the situation is getting better and better. What This is enough to show that Chu Nan is moving towards the first door of the rules and is slowly mastering the trend of the rules. Other than that, there is no other explanation; but Shui Zhihan doesn't believe in this conclusion. Compared with Chu Nan's control of the rule, he would rather believe that the dimensional void energy will not hurt Chu Nan! I don't believe it. Are you immortal and can't you be beaten to death? The cold attack of water is more fierce, such as a storm, and Chu Nan does not retreat. He just use the rules of water and confronts it. The dimensional void energy in his body is still raging, but compared with before, it is much better, because he is being refined by yin and yang fish more and more. The secret sound of the divine water soul came from his ears, and he told Chu Nan all the knowledge he remembered about the first door of the rules. In addition, according to his actual combat experience, Chu Nan's desire for the seed to break the stone became stronger and stronger. The trend of rules is related to oneself, what is it related to oneself, body? Dantian? The soul? Mental strength? Or consciousness? Or a soul?" Chu Nan asked himself, but he couldn't help shaking his head. Chu Nan shook his head to deny his answer, but in the cold water, it seemed that Chu Nan was contempt for him. He was even more angry and roared, "Kid, you will never step into the first door of the rules, because today, I want you to die! You must die!" When the blood vomited again, and the cold of the water attacked, there were several more magic weapons in his hand. These magic weapons were not low, all of which were super artifacts, and there were two inferior ancestral treasures. However, the red seal was not included in it. The cold water poured energy into the magic weapon. At the moment when Chu Nan was repulsed, all the magic weapons in his hand hit Chu Nan and shouted, "Explosion! Explosion! Explosion! I want your life..." In the sound of shouting, the cold of water rushed up again and hit the part of Dantian in southern Chu. The cold of water rarely used a punch, but in this punch, almost all the energy in his body was condensed, as well as the momentum of rules. This punch was slowly accumulated by him in the stormy attack... A punch must be In the roar, the smoke filled, Chu Nan also punched the fist of the cold of the water. The cold of the water was a little stunned. He made so many preparations to make Chu Nan not notice, but he didn't expect Chu Nan to find it. Did you know that I would be like this? Chu Nan sneered, "How similar is this to the way you play in the dimensional void? Isn't this your essence?" After saying this sentence, Chu Nan was suddenly stunned... Shui Zhihan was seen through his intention and became more angry, "So what if you know? I can still blow up your Dantian. Shui Zhihan said that he wanted to hit Dantian, but the place where the hand hit was the heart! The water was impermanent, and he quietly changed the killing trajectory, but Chu Nan was stunned on the spot. Even the outstretched hand stopped in the air like that. Seeing this abnormal situation, Shui Zhihan couldn't help tightening in his heart, "What strange tricks will the freak make?" The question flashed, and Shui Zhihan firmly killed his own heart. "No matter what strange trick you have, as long as you punch, you can smash your heart. If you don't have a heart, let's see how you live!" Go to hell!" Bang!! Shui Zhihan punched Chu Nan's chest. The smile on Shui Zhihan's face instantly bloomed to the maximum, but before the laughter rolled out of his throat, Shui Zhihan looked scared, vomited blood and retreated for thousands of meters. How could it be like this?" The hand of the cold of the water was scattered with flesh and blood, and the bones were broken. Looking at Chu Nan, who was still standing straight like a statue, he couldn't stop trembling all over. He didn't understand how he could be injured. And Chu Nan, the word "essential" flashed in his mind! Self... essence, essence, whether it is soul, body, consciousness, spiritual power, etc., all belong to part of one's own essence. The trend of rules and regulations, communication is one's own essence, the trend of one's own essence..." "What is my essence?" Reverse!" " Against the trend!" It is not benevolent against heaven and earth, it is turned upside down against black and white, it is unfair, and it wants to destroy my guardian!" ... All Chu Nan's previous feelings, the things to be grasped, were all clear, and his mind was clear and crystal clear. The seed broke out of the stone, cracked the stone, the leaf came out, and instantly became a towering giant tree! Chu Nan is still Chu Nan, but in the god of war, in the divine water soul, in the eyes of the cold of the water, Chu Nan at this moment is not Chu Nan, the cold of the water is frightened to the extreme, and the breath momentum emanating from Chu Nan is very familiar! This is obviously stepping into the first door of the rules! Shui Zhihan roared randomly, "It's impossible, it's impossible. How can you have such a high understanding and step into the first door of the rules in a short time? I didn't even step in. How can you step in? It's fake, it must be fake..." In the extreme anger, the potential of the cold of water broke out, and the rules of water containing "potential" once again condensed on his fist and attacked Chu Nan. Chu Nan did not dodge. It was not until the cold of the water was about to attack the body that Chu Nan said, "The water of life,

1529 Give me to call myself my son! 2 Update

The cold of the water with great potential, I feel that my whole body is full of energy, as if I have completely stepped into the first door of the rules. In a trance, there is still a feeling of invincible in the world. I think that with one punch, Chu Nan can no longer escape, there is only a way to die!

Therefore, Chu Nan's words came into the ears of the cold of the water. The cold of the water did not care at all. A boy who had not yet stepped into the realm of the god of war and relied on his strength to be arrogant. How could he order his water and have the power of water?

As soon as the idea fell, the fist hit!

Bang Bang Bang...


A random cracking sound, blood splashed, but it was the rule of water with "potential" that condensed in the cold of the water. It exploded and blew up his fist, and his body was covered with blood holes in an instant.


Screaming, the cold water looked at the blood hole. In his eyes, it was unbelievable. He couldn't believe that his rules of water didn't listen to his instructions, and the last big card was gone. What else did he take to kill Chu Nan, rob his treasure, rob his adventure, and rob his woman?

Chu Nan stepped in front of the cold water and said, "You let me step into the first door of the rules. In order to show my gratitude, you hit me nine hundred and seventy-two punches before, and I will double it back to you!"

At present, with a punch, in the fist, there is only a pure rule of water with "reverse momentum". The fist is like a rainstorm, falling on the cold body of the water. The blood hole the size of a thumb began to expand to the size of the fist.

In addition, those bones also cramped and cracked!

The pain came fiercely and surrounded the cold of the water in an instant. The cold of the water was also so painful that he woke up. He did not think about why his blow was rebounded, nor did he think about why Chu Nan could step into the first door of the rules in this very short time. Moreover, the trend of his rules was extremely different, which made Panic.

The cold of water only thought about how to escape, "There are many people who come to Tianwu mainland. There are also many people who go through the secret land of lock sea and air screen to search for treasure in the sea. Now if you want to live, you can only escape to the sea and let those people deal with Chunan. Although I also have a certain

He made up his mind, but the cold water did not implement it immediately. Now his energy is almost consumed, and it is difficult to enter the dimensional void. Moreover, there are so many people around him staring at him. He needs an opportunity.

So, the cold water shouted loudly, "Chunan, please forgive me..."

"Don't you like to call me a son? When will you talk about me?" Chu Nan slapped his hand, making the cold of the water dizzy, and the blood flowed for a long time. He didn't wait for the cold of the water to dizzle. At this time, the soul of the water said, "Your Excellency, I need his flesh and blood."

The cold and tattered body of the water trembled violently and exclaimed reflexively, "No! My..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Chu Nan, "Give me to call myself my son!"

As soon as he grabbed it, his left arm was torn off and flew to the divine water soul.


"I told you to call yourself my son, don't you like to say that? Tell me, say it quickly!"

His right arm was broken and flew to the god's water soul.

"I call myself a son, say it! Why don't you say it?"

Chu Nan grabbed the right leg of Shui Zhihan. Shui Zhihan had already trembled from his soul. In his eyes, at this moment, Chu Nan is a devil, a heinous devil. He did not dare to hesitate. Because of hesitation, his right leg was about to step on the end of two arms. He roared, "Do you want to know what Really?"


Chu Nan sagged, and the cold of the water saw the situation, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, "I finally kept my right leg." At the same time, he also said, "If you let me live, I will tell you what the second door of the rule is!"


The scream of the cold water can be compared with the highest level of sound killing. He said in horror, "Don't you want to know the second gate of the rule? With your understanding, maybe you can step into the second door immediately? At that time, I will not be your opponent, and..."

"I asked you to call yourself my son, and you forgot again."

Shui Zhihan was speechless in his heart. Seeing Chu Nan tear his left leg again, he blurted out, "I tell you..."

"Good, good, go on!"

Chu Nan tore half of his left leg. How dare Shui Zhihan continue to call himself? He just said, "The second door of the rule means, the meaning of the rule, let me go, I'll tell you the key to step into the second door!"


Half of the left leg is out of the cold body of the water. "Don't you want to know?"

"I hate other people's threats the most."

Shui Zhihan saw that he couldn't do anything. He felt that his left leg no longer belonged to him. He was a little broken down and his heart was full of despair. "I can't die like this. I can't die. I want to make a bet. I want a chance..."

After reading, the cold water said, "The meaning of rules needs to communicate and integrate the essence of nature!" The cold of the water said this key point, that is, he wanted Chu Nan to realize it immediately, so that he would have a chance.

However, the cold of the water was disappointed, and Chu Nan showed no sign of enlightenment at all. He said, "The third door of the rules is the way, the way of the rules, the communication and integration of the essence of heaven and earth..."

Chu Nan heard it and smiled, "You want me to feel it, right?"


"You're waiting for an opportunity, aren't you?"


Shui Zhihan didn't know how his intention could be seen through. As soon as he asked, his left leg was completely separated. Before he could go to howling, he saw Chu Nan's hand and grabbed his chest. At that, every place full of despair was full of ***. He knew that if he was caught, it would be over. It was completely At the moment when Nan was about to catch it, Shui Zhihan saw the water soul of the god who was swallowing his flesh and blood. His mind flashed and roared, "Chu Nan, you can't kill me. Kill me. The patriarch will also send more powerful people to kill you and kill him. You might as well save my life. In that, the ."


Chu Nan whispered softly. He had to admit that Shui Zhihan said that there was indeed some reason in it. He didn't want to face the endless pursuit. If he was alone, he wouldn't be afraid, but the problem was that behind him, there were his parents and Meng'er.

Just then, the cold of the water roared, "Explosion!"

I saw a red seal, which exploded in the air. I don't know what the red seal is. Chu Nan was lifted back, and the cold water took the opportunity to spit blood, melted the seriously injured body into the void, and left a sentence, "Chu Nan, I will repay this revenge. I want your woman, the people who follow you Die, die, die..."

1530 trouble? How much to come, how much to kill! 3 Update

Chu Nan listened to the words left by the cold water and was extremely angry. He immediately said, "God of War, help me protect everyone, the dragon soul, the beast, and the god water soul, you go back together!"

Before the words fell, Chu Nan had raised his cultivation to the crossover area, realized the power of space, tore to the place where the cold of the water disappeared, and entered the dimensional void. As soon as he entered, the energy of the dimensional void began to squeeze into his body again, but Chu Nan ignored it and used the "space shape Looking for the trace of the cold water; the running in the dimensional void is not as good as the running in the original heaven and earth. There are many small spaces to block each other, and I don't know the direction or the distance.

In fact, Chu Nan felt that Shui Zhihan had suffered such a serious injury. The most important thing was to run for his life and flee far away, instead of going to find Meng'er and Dieyi Fairy. However, in case, in case the Shui Zhihan is the kind of vicious person, he wants to catch Meng'er and others to threaten, so in Chu Nan asked the God of War to go back to guard...

The *** energy in the dimensional void has already crushed the blood left by the cold water. Chu Nan shuttled through dozens of small spaces and found no trace of the cold water.

Chu Nan's sword eyebrows said, "After being so seriously injured, how far can I run, and how much time can I last in the violent energy of the dimensional void?" Chu Nan thought for a moment and immediately punched. His left hand "Breaks the Sky Fist" and the right hand "shocks the Sky Fist". There were also tornado dancing wildly, thunder and lightning flashed, yin and yang fish rotated, and the two qi of life and death filled it, making the originally violent dimension void more

Chu Nan's move is to force the cold of the water. Although there are countless small spaces in the dimensional void, each small space is by no means independent and is connected with each other. The rage of this small space, when it reaches the limit, will inevitably affect the small space connected with it, one to ten, ten to one hundred, one hundred In this way, it spreads everywhere at a high speed.

Originally, Chu Nan also wanted the dimensional void energy squeezed into his body to be blown out again, but he couldn't do it in an instant. However, Chu Nan also felt that his body was slowly adapting to the rampage of the violent dimensional void energy, and the refining ability of the yin and yang fish was also greatly improved.

It's just that Chu Nan still has doubts. These times have passed, and the amount of dimensional void energy refined by yin and yang fish is also very large. However, these refining energy is gone, nothing, no crystals, beads, solids, etc.; related to the last experience of refining the blood of the blood demon people, Chu Nan I can't help but doubt whether this yin and yang fish will swallow the refined energy by itself.

Chu Nan's wild bombardment was really effective. A rather weak scream sounded particularly harshly in the sound of the explosion. Chu Nan's tense nerves were captured at the first time and crushed with rolling energy.

However, the cold of the water disappeared in a short time.

Chu Nan's eyes narrowed, and the attack became more crazy. The faint scream sounded again, chased again, fought again, and sawed back and forth several times. After Chu Nan condensed all his energy into a tornado, melted together, and burst out in an instant. Suddenly, the energy rolled into a stormy wave and rushed straight to


The scream this time was still clear. Chu Nan heard it clearly, and the place where the voice came out was not far from him. Chu Nan rushed over with the rolling energy, but he still did not see the cold figure of the water, only saw a vortex of energy.

Impo, Chu Nan bombarded the "Breaking Heaven Fist" and chased out the whirlpool. He returned to the original world, but he had reached the sea. No matter where Chu Nan was, his eyes locked the cold of the water running wildly in front of him.

At this moment, the cold water has not had the momentum to say harshly before. He is extremely depressed. The blood holes on his body have been connected together and become shocking. Deeply see the gully of the white bones, he wants to integrate into the void again, escape further, and be more confident, but he can't melt in, and he It will directly turn him into a part of the dimensional void.

"It's okay, I'm in the sea!"

The cold of the water is glad that the sea water is surging into the cold of the water and wrapping it. The cold of the water is repairing the injury with the aura in the sea, condensing his hands and feet. Seeing this, Chu Nan said coldly, "Do you want water? I'll give it to you!"

In an flash, the water of the sea rushed from all directions to the cold of the water, just like the dimensional void energy squeezed into Chunan's body. As soon as it squeezed in, it exploded, and the hands and feet condensed by the cold of the water also broke again, and his own rules of water were also bursting.

"You can't kill me, kill me, you will be in big trouble..."

Shui Zhihan used the previous move again to delay the time. How could Chu Nan make a mistake? He said coldly, "This is another move. Do you think it's useful? Trouble? How much to come, how much to kill! Kill it clean!"


Shui Zhihan's face was pale. He knew that Chu Nan would no longer care about anything else, or Chu Nan would catch him. At that time, he would be dead or alive, and it was up to others. Shui Zhihan did not dare to let Chu Nan catch it. Thinking of his previous experience, his soul trembled. The cold of water stimulated Peerless baby, come and grab it! More advanced babies than Zubao, there are a lot of..."

Chu Nan's eyes narrowed into a line, with a sense of killing. ** When he came out and heard the roar of the cold water, he couldn't help thinking, "Is it possible that in addition to chasing the water soul of God and the golden lightning, there are other people who come to this Tianwu Continent? Did they all break through the air? Or come by other methods? If you come through the air, why haven't you heard of it before? The fall of the stars should also deserve the attention of many people, right? And the strangeness of those bones, tokens, etc., it's not difficult for them to break through the air to investigate, right? The second elder of Tianzhan Hall said that there was something strange in Tianwu Continent. What's wrong with it? Why didn't anyone check it? I didn't come before, but now I'm here. It won't be attracted to me again, will it?

Many questions rushed to his mind in an instant, and Chu Nan could not find the answer. However, he had a decision that no matter how many people came to this continent, he would guard the extremely vain place that had just experienced the disaster of blood and demons!

The cold of the water was still roaring. Chu Nan ordered thousands of water to form a chain and tied the cold of water to the void. Chu Nan walked over. At this moment, in the void in the east of Chunan, the ripples of the void flashed, and then a person jumped out.

The figure appeared and roared, "Where is the peerless good baby?" ~~~~