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1538 will kill you!

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Wu Rebellious Qiankun 1538 still wants to kill you! 2 Update Q Xiaoliu 731 Fan Core Members 7

1538 on the 1st floor still wants to kill you! 2 Update "You must not let him catch it!"

At this moment, this idea is the only idea in the soul flag ancestor's mind. The soul flag ancestor threw out five or six treasures he got by killing people. These magic weapons are not low. If he usually let him use them, he will definitely think about it again, but now the soul flag ancestor can't care so much. Chu Nan brought him The shock, the threat brought by it was too big, and there was no consideration at all. It was immediately detonated. At the same time, the ancestor of the soul flag shuttled to other small spaces.

If Chu Nan enters the dimensional void for the first time, the explosion of these treasures, coupled with the violent energy triggered by the dimensional void, will blow up Chu Nan to a serious injury and fall into a coma, which is very possible thing.

However, now, that little pain and injury are not too important for Chu Nan, whose body has expanded abnormally. Chu Nan directly exerted the "space line" in the violent energy and followed the whirlpool.

The ancestor of the soul flag escaped into another small space. When he was taking a sip, he suddenly thought of a very serious thing and was shocked and said, "It's been so long. Haven't the ten thousand souls swallowed up his soul? This is impossible. The strong man of the real ancestor in those years did not persist for so long under the devouring of all souls. Could it be that he was more powerful than the strong man of the true ancestor? Or, what's so strange about his soul?

With mindfulness, Chu Nan chased and killed, and the ancestor of the soul flag suddenly woke up. The mood at this moment was difficult to describe in words. The ancestor of the soul flag reflexively sacrificed the heavenly soul flag and spit blood in his mouth. One is to enhance the power of "swallowing all souls", and the other is to withdraw some

After this withdrawal, the ancestor of the soul flag was shocked to find that a soul could not be recovered. The ancestor of the soul flag was suddenly stupid. This is a situation he has never encountered since he got the "sky soul flag".

Taking this opportunity, Chu Nan grabbed the heavenly soul flag. The ancestor of the soul flag trembled all over and roared, "This is my heavenly soul flag. You can't move!"

"It's moved, so what?"

"How dare you!"

"What are you afraid of? I not only want to touch your flag, but also your life!"

"No! I want to... take your soul!"

"Shut Laozi's soul, come on!"

Chu Nan roared, and the huge energy gushed out. With a hard pull, he pulled the heavenly soul flag into his hand. Then Chu Nan punched the soul flag ancestor, and the soul flag ancestor emitted an unearthed yellow light. Unfortunately, the soul flag ancestor used most of the energy on the "sky soul flag". At this time, he was extremely When the "Destroying Heaven Fist" collided with it, the earthy yellow light flashed and disappeared.

Then, Chu Nan punched his claws and grabbed the ancestor of the soul flag. immediately, the thin body of the ancestor of the soul flag also began to expand rapidly. The ancestor of the soul flag felt that it was not good and desperately resisted to squeeze out the strange energy that poured into his body. However, the power he urged the past was like mud into the There is no resistance at all.

The body of the soul flag ancestor expanded unstoppably. Not only the skin was expanding, but the soul flag ancestor felt that every piece of flesh and blood, every bone, that is, the meridians and blood vessels, were expanding. The ancestor of the soul flag was very clear that the result of this expansion was a "bang" explosion. What did he It's all gone.

At this moment, the ancestor of the soul flag regretted it. If he hadn't heard the voice of the "Peerless Good Baby" and didn't come to get mixed with this muddy water, how good would it be? How good would it be if you didn't rely on the prestige of crossing the level to kill the strong man of the real ancestor, and didn't pay attention to Chu Nan at all and took action against him? If...

There are too many, but they can't change the current situation.

At the same time, Chu Nan's body began to shrink, because a large number of souls were refined by yin and yang fish and swallowed up by his soul. In addition, the pain brought by the dimensional void energy that poured into the body became weaker and weaker, which shows that Chu Nan's body is about to adapt to such violent Dimensional void energy will not give him a fatal danger.

After his body adapted, Chu Nan was even more surprised to find that he could slightly control this energy, that is, to pour the energy that poured into his body into the body of the ancestor of the soul flag. Of course, Chu Nan understood how important this small change would be in today's situation.


"Bun Bang!"

"Bun Bang Bang!"

Some parts of the soul flag ancestor's body began to break like a bubble. The sound of cracking pulled the soul flag ancestor back and shouted, "Huafang, save me, you three, save me quickly. As long as you save me, I can owe you a favor, a big favor..."

Zhao You, Hua Fang, Huo Wushuang, flashed one by one, besieged from three directions, giving people the feeling that the three of them seemed to have reached the alliance. Hua Fang was speechless and only stared at Chu Nan. Hua Fang has given Chu Nan the label of "extreme danger".

Huo Wushuang said arrogantly, "The human favor is useless, and I don't need your favor?"

When the ancestor of the soul flag saw that his hand was also bulging, he immediately said, "As long as you save me, I can do three things for you. Anything, I still have great use..."

"Great use? What can be used to be bullied to such a field by a martial saint? Is it sweeping the floor? Or wash the dishes? Or wipe the table?" Huo Wushuang said contemptuously. The ancestor of the soul flag wanted to be angry, but he didn't even have the strength to be angry.

Zhao You said with a smile, "There are too few things to do."

"Ten pieces?!"

"It's still too little."

"One hundred pieces!"

Zhaoyou shook his head, "No!"

"Then how many pieces do you think I should do?"


"What do you mean?"

"As long as you submit to me, I will save your life!"

The ancestor of the soul flag hesitated. He was alone and used to it. Suddenly, he wanted to submit to others, be his servant, and obey others, which made him unable to get over the hurdle in his heart.

"You have to make up your mind earlier. You can't hold on for much time."

Zhao You still looks like a light cloud, as if it is an easy thing to save the ancestor of the soul flag. Hearing this, the ancestor of the soul flag was shocked and thought, "If you don't even have a life, then there is nothing left. As long as your life is still there, one day, it will be more beautiful than before."

In this way, the soul flag ancestor was ready to agree to summon. When the call saw the expression of the soul flag ancestor, he raised the corners of his mouth and said in his heart, "There is no suspense to accept the soul flag ancestor. The soul flag ancestor is still very useful."

At this moment, Chu Nan's cold voice came out, "Who can take away the things in my hand?"