Wu Rebellious Universe

1545 Ancient Realm

1545 Ancient Realm 1 Update

"It came through the secret land of the lock sea."

Chu Nan narrowed his eyes, and his guess came true again. He asked, "Aren't you all able to shuttle through the space? Why didn't you go to Tianwu mainland before? Let's be specific.

"It is not easy to shuttle space. There are many crises in it, just like ordinary people sailing in the sea. Being able to go to sea does not mean that they can come back safely. The sea will have waves, and there are reefs in the sea, and Warcrafts. The same is true in the endless void. There are more crises, such When you encounter a virtual beast in the shuttle space, it will be a big trouble.

"Falty Beast?"

"Um, but I've only heard of it. I haven't seen it, and I don't want to see it." When Hua Fang talked about the virtual beast, he still looked with a lingering fear, and then said, "Moreover, the Tianwu mainland is a little strange, as if it has been taken. It is said that there are secrets in it. As for the secrets, that is, what I can't reach now. If it hadn't been for the loosening of I really can't get down. That's it. We pay a lot of price when we come down.

"How many people are there in total?"

"There are many. When I left, there were about forty or fifty. Some of them came to this side of the sea and some went to the other side."

Chu Nan's eyebrows were deeply locked. This journey was doomed to be uneasy. He didn't know that those strong people who were far higher than the Tianwu Continent came through the secret land of locking the sea, which would bring to the Tianwu Continent to the Far West, and what kind of fate would those who followed him have?

With a little emotion, Chu Nan asked again, "Which continent were you from before?"

"Ten directions of the mainland."

"I'm also from the ten continents."

After a few years, when he heard the name of the mainland again, Chu Nan's mind flashed the picture of the confrontation with Wanzhen's ancestors. The Wanzhen's ancestors said to him in those years, and the two ancestral treasures were forced to robbed, but he made great contributions, and then asked, "Do you know Wanzhen's

"I've heard of a very famous person. The formation is amazing. It is said that it is dust. When it comes to his hands, it can also be arranged into a powerful array; but it has disappeared for thousands of years, and I don't know whether it has fallen or hidden behind closed doors." The ancestor of the soul flag replied, and Chu Nan said, "The ancestor of Wanzhen is not dead."

"How do you know?"

"I saw him a few years ago."


The imagination of the ancestor of the soul flag is a little insufficient. I can't think of how Chu Nan and the ancestor of Wanzhen met in his heart. Hua Fang is a "rozen" in his heart. "The unknown sees the unknown. How many unknowns are there in his body?"

Chu Nan thought of calling the golden rainbow sword an ancient treasure, thought of the relationship between Wuzu and Zubao, and asked, "Yes, what's your name in the realm above Wuzu?"

The ancestor of the soul flag replied positively, "Our name is Gu, and the ancestor returns to ancient times!"


Seeing that Chu Nan was very interested, the ancestor of the soul flag quickly said, "Yes, ancient times are divided into three layers, Yuangu, Taigu and ancient." The tone of the ancestor of the soul flag was full of pride. It took him a lot of effort to find out. After that, after a pause, the ancestor of the soul flag said with some embarrassment, "I also know this. I don't know how to enter the ancient world, but I heard that it plays an important role, not the energy in the The question has a lot to do with the rules.

"Does the ancient realm have a lot to do with rules?"

Chu Nan's heart suddenly came up, because so far, the road of the rules he has taken has been created by himself. Unlike the public, the "Ancient Realm" is related to the rules, so where is his road? How will it continue?

After a lot of effort, Chu Nan calmed down and continued to ask, "What is the level of your strength in the ten-way continent? Will there be a lot of martial arts in the Shifang Continent?

"It's really hard to say. I've always been alone." The ancestor of the soul flag tried his best to make peace, but did not say a reason. Hua said, "The Shifang mainland is dominated by sects and families. They are all big and small, small. The cultivation of the head of the family and the suzerain is just a martial arts ancestor. With a little more power, you can be an elder. With It is not a problem to go to the top sect of the second-rate forces to be an elder, because the growth space of the soul flag ancestor is very large; I am a guest elder in a relatively small family, which is more free; as for those top forces, and hidden ones, I don't know; however, the martial artists in ancient times, There should not be many strong people in ancient times, except for their close relatives, will not spread the way of promotion to ancient times at all..."

When Hua Fang said it at the end, he really gritted his teeth, as if he had great hatred. Chu Nan took a look and said, "What force does Zhao You come from? What kind of identity is it?

Both of them shook their heads.

Chu Nan's eyes were fierce. He said before that Zhao You was the biggest threat, which was by no means empty talk. He even felt that if Zhao You was desperate, he would encounter great difficulties today. Even if his bones were strong, even if he still had a crystal coffin to protect his body; but, Zhao You seemed to be care about something. It's not like confronting yourself.

As for Huo Wushuang, he is also a cunning person. At first, Chu Nan also thought that Huo Wushuang was the kind of person who had a big force behind his back and usually did whatever he wanted, so he was so arrogant. However, when he met him and saw Huo Wushuang's series of behaviors, Chu Nan knew that It has not reached the point of making Huo Wushuang weak enough to collapse to the ground, but Huo Wushuang has fallen. Chu Nan believes that if he hadn't used the talent of the blood demon clan in the end, but fought with Hua Fang and Zhao, Huo Wushuang would not have followed.

"The Wuzu realm is divided into four layers: half ancestor, upper ancestor, true ancestor and god ancestor. There are ancient ancestors, and what about the ancient realm?" Chu Nan felt that with the increase of strength, he was getting closer and closer to some things, such as Zhao You recognized the secret of life and death, King Thunder and so on.

"Purple Thunder is King Thunder? No wonder it's so powerful! Purple is the king, what about the golden thunder? Chu Nan thought for a while, suppressed his thoughts, and said to himself, "Why do you think so much? No matter what the Wuzu is, what the ancient realm is, the most important thing for me now is to open up the meridians of the sixth turn of "Qiankun Jiu Zhuan", and then to attack the realm of the god of war.

To open up the meridians, Chu Nan doesn't have to wait for the time to spend the three disasters of gold, wood and earth. The thought that gushed out after devouring ten thousand souls has made him find a way, and it is exactly this way. Chu Nan is a little crazy to call them to ask for magic weapons. RO