Wu Rebellious Universe

1547 pulse tips, and then give

1547 pulse-breaking secret, and then give 3 more Chu Nan to swallow the magic weapon and open up the hidden vein, which is called the "pulse secret"!

According to the "preventing the pulse" step by step, I saw that the artifact flashed and integrated into Chu Nan's body, and the artifact entered the body. Chu Nan felt that this artifact was not fixed, but swimming in a special way. With Chu Nan's thoughts, he went to the place to open up the sixth meridians of "Q Nan took a deep breath, and the progress ahead was very smooth, but whether this magical skill can be successful or not depends on the last step!

"Rongbao opens the pulse!"

Chu Nan thought in his heart, the energy swirled rapidly, and the blood wrapped the artifact and showed the last step of the secret skill. The hard artifact immediately melted and melted into a blood vessel-like appearance, like a rubber band, showing a soft light, which was pulled out by Chu Nan.

Seeing that more than half of it had been pulled and about to succeed, the soft light suddenly disappeared. The meridian that was spreading suddenly broke up and turned into a stock of energy and flowed into Chu Nan's body.

Chu Nan was a little stunned for a moment in this sudden situation, so Chu Nan understood. After thinking about it, he took out a top-level ancestral treasure and redoed the steps just now. This time, Chu Nan completely pulled it. When it was about to turn into a meridians, it was broken again and the energy dispersed.

"Zu Bao is really not enough, only the last ancient treasure left. If the ancient treasure is not enough, then..." Chu Nan did not worry about whether it was okay or not. After a try, he knew it. Chu Nan took out the ancient treasure Jinhong and said, "I don't know if there is any tippet that has left any I'm afraid I'll disappoint him again."

At present, Chu Nan used his secret skills, swallowed the ancient treasure golden rainbow, melted, turned the golden rainbow into a vein, and pulled and laid. It has reached the previous step when the ancestral treasure was broken. Chu Nan was really a little excited. "It will be done or not. It will be known soon. Six turns of the meridians,

"The Dagger..."

Such a sound fluctuated in Chu Nan's mind. A sound came from his body. The feeling of the bridge was settled. Before the aftertance dissipated, Chu Nan hurriedly checked and saw that the soft light had not faded.

That meridian is in the position he calculated!

In an instant, the joy and the flowing water spilled on the flesh and blood of every part of Chunan's body. It is difficult for others to understand this mood. He has experienced the pain of the meridians since he was a child. It was not easy for him to create his own meridians. At the beginning, he could also use energy such Strong, it is more and more difficult to create meridians, and it is even necessary to wait until the five elements to reshape...

But today, the "connection secret" has brought an extremely bright future to Chu Nan. Although he knew that when the ancient treasure Jinhong turned into the meridians just now, it was a little difficult. In the future, if you want to open up the meridians, you still need more powerful magic weapons.

However, it is much easier to find a magic weapon than to get the five elements of robbery; moreover, there are only so many five elements of robbery. After the five elements of robbery, what kind of disaster do you go through? What method is used to create meridians?

Then again, it really doesn't work. Chu Nan can still refine the equipment by himself. Even if it may take a long time, there is always hope ahead, and the road to hope is still relatively bright.

At the same time, Zhaoyou, who was going to Nanchuanzhou through the secret place, suddenly shook his body. "My contact with Gubao Jinhong has been cut off; this person is really the reason why he can't touch. Fortunately, what I left behind is not a killing move. I just want to have a look."

Did you play any tricks on the ancient treasure golden rainbow, but the ancient treasure golden rainbow is refined by him. There is a connection between the two. If Chu Nan keeps contacting, he can't use the ancient treasure golden rainbow and can't use the power of the golden rainbow. "In such a little time, he can cut it off. I don't know You must avoid it."

At this time, Chu Nan was thinking: "If you have refined the thoughts obtained by all souls, you have to sort them out carefully to see if you can sort out magical skills like 'the secret of opening the pulse'."

After feeling the meridians again, Chu Nan nourished it with vitality and five elements of element liquid, and said, "The sixth meridians have been paved. It's time to be promoted to the realm of the god of war!" Chu Nan did not start immediately, but refined a large amount of "strong knowledge elixir" with Gu Xidan and adjusted his state.

It took half a month. With the help of Chu Nan, Hua Fang and others, nearly 10,000 people crossed the sea, and they also met several outsiders on the road, but they did not have a conflict with Chu Nan. The deterrent power of the god of War, Hua Fang and the ancestor of the soul flag was still not small, but their eyes all noticed that In addition to these outsiders, there is still a certain gaze in the sea...

Chu Nan brought everyone into the secret place of the sea and empty screen, found a valley, and camped a village. Chu Nan called the leaders of the beasts. After asking, he learned that there are many people who have entered the secret place these days. These people are very powerful, and they have lost a lot. In addition, among the beasts described the people Man, this man, dressed in gold, did not stay in the secret place to look for treasure like everyone else, but went straight to Nanchuanzhou.

After getting such news, Chu Nan thought of the golden thunder. He was not panicked, but his eyes were extremely fierce. After a little thought, Chu Nan asked the beast leaders to gather all the beasts in the secret world in a relatively hidden way and secretly guard around the valley.

Just as he was about to let the beast leaders leave, Chu Nan suddenly thought of the talent of the blood demon clan. When he integrated into his blood, he might have the blood of these beasts in front of him, so he had the idea of trying, mobilized the blood-colored crystals and let it sink.

At present, Chu Nan saw that the leaders of the beasts trembled all over, and then their eyes turned blood red. Chu Nan watched. Half an hour later, except for their eyes turning red, the other parts of the beast leaders were exactly the same as before, but Chu Nan clearly felt that given success, the beasts also had the talent of the blood demon clan However, relatively speaking, the ability is a little weaker.

But in the secret world, all the beasts already have a great advantage. With this ability, the combat effectiveness rises in a straight line without hesitation. Chu Nan spared no effort and spent two days to endow the gathered beasts this ability. As for those who did not arrive, let's talk about it later.

Then, Chu Nan exerted the power given to people, but it turned out to be impossible. Chu Nan wondered, "People can't, but these beasts can, and my blood still has something to do with these. What's the mystery here?"

Chu Nan didn't think much about going down. After arranging everything and doing his best to ensure that Gu Wuyou, he began to hit the barrier of the god of War!