Wu Rebellious Universe

1569 Method of refining spiritual power

1569 The method of quenching spiritual power 4 update "This deduction of the seventh meridian can be used in the star array. Unfortunately, there are only 60 star arrays. If there are more, the seventh meridian can be deduced earlier. However, how to supplement this star array? I found two pieces of animal skin, and I never met them again..."

Chu Nan reflexively thought about the looming picture of the stars imprinted in his mind that night. At this moment, three martial artists approached Chu Nan from three directions. The three warriors' eyes were locked in Chu Nan's body. They were careful and deeply guarded, not only to guard Chu Nan, but also to guard the other two people.

"I'm wronged again. I don't know if the man in gold will also be targeted!" Chu Nan thought that the weak martial artist in the east said softly, "Two colleagues, let's work together to clean up this man first, and then talk about the distribution. How about it?"

The other two looked at each other and nodded at the same time. The three-person alliance was temporarily formed and besieged Chunan. When they entered one kilometer, they saw that Chu Nan did not respond; at 500 meters, they still did not respond; at 100 meters, Chu Nan, who had not yet moved, made the three of them bolder and more Yes, the three of them did not relax their vigilance and looked at each other. The three of them were ready to sacrifice an attack...

Just when the energy was surging, when he was about to bombard Chu Nan, Chu Nan said, "Ger over your storage waist bags, storage rings and so on, and then, get out!"

Chu Nan suddenly made a sound, which shocked the three people. An impulse to turn around and run rolled from their hearts. They knew what kind of sensation the previous fight was!

However, as soon as he turned around, the weak warrior said with a smile, "Sir, we just came by the way. We happened to meet each other. I don't know if there is anything that can help? Looking at your injury, it should be very serious..."

"Based on the previous one, add another hand, and you can continue to roll."

The weak martial artist's voice stagnated and said coldly, "Sir, do you think you can cheat us with just two words?"

"Leave two hands!"

The warrior in the west roared, "Don't talk nonsense to him. Are you pretending? You'll know as soon as you try!"

"Hands and feet!"

"Go to hell!"

The three of them attacked again. This time, they all sacrificed their big killing moves, and Chu Nan's voice sounded again, "I kindly told you to go. If you don't leave, I can't blame you. In the future, your life will be mine."

"If you want my life, you are not qualified!"

The reckless man in the north shouted loudly. As soon as his voice fell, he sensed his blood and was beating violently, as if he was about to rush out of the hundreds of millions of pores in the next moment, not only him, but also the other two warriors.

The three of them were uneasy and shocked. The reckless man shouted angrily, "What evil method did you use? Tell me!" The weak martial artist frowned tightly, as if he remembered something.

"If you don't leave, I can't help it."

Chu Nan's voice was faint. Although his body could not move yet, it was easy to control the blood-colored crystal. "Can you play 20% with your current strength?"

As soon as he finished asking, the weak martial artist suddenly shouted, "Blood demon clan, this is the gifted power of the blood demon clan..." The weak martial artist roared, and the other two people's faces changed, but Chu Nan was puzzled. "The blood demon clan is shrinking in the blood demon continent. Before the space crack of the artifact, they had not been out of the Blood Demon Continent, but so many people knew that it was obviously very famous before..."

Chu Nan thought that the blood demon continent mentioned by Fa Alum was a cage, "Will the blood demon clan exist on multiple continents? Is the Blood Demon Continent only one of them? It seems that we are going to search for information about the blood demon clan.

The reckless man roared again, "Two sides, two sides are enough to kill you. I killed you. Let's see if you can control my blood!" With that, the Mang Han had sacrificed the magic weapon, and so did the other two. He sacrificed the magic weapon to attack.

Chu Nan controlled the divine mind and drew three "explosive runes" in an instant. The three martial artists only felt a fluctuation of divine thoughts in the dimensional void, and the three explosions came out one after another. The three of them were stunned and felt uneasy in their hearts, but the weak martial artist roared, "Let Our opponent, and we have messed with him today. When he recovers, we will definitely not be able to escape. We must take advantage of his illness and kill him to get his treasure.

As soon as the other two heard that it was the reason, they rushed up regardless. Chu Nan said lightly, "Since you are still unwilling, enjoy a big meal!" With the voice, the divine mind is divided into three paths, and at the same time draws "explosive runes".

Boom Boom...

The explosions continued one after another, and the three of them were blown up to have no temper at all. If all their strength was still there, there would be a way to deal with these explosions, but now, under the double weakening, they are only hard to die.

Chu Nan painted on the rise. Thinking of the previous situation of refining elixirs with "spinning tips", he immediately experimented with three people. The mind began to increase from three, and after dozens of breaths, it increased to ten.

A minute later, there were 30 thoughts, and one painting was 30 "explosive runes". However, at this time, Chu Nan also felt the pressure. One was control. Although he had the experience of refining hundreds of elixir furnaces at the same time, it was still a little difficult to draw runes at the same time. Secondly, it was spiritual The mental power consumed by the text is ten times greater than the spiritual power required to draw 30 "explosive runes" one by one.

Although he felt difficult, Chu Nan was extremely happy, because he found a way to refine his spiritual power. Before, he had always relied on all kinds of adventures to enhance his spiritual power. However, adventures are not common. Now this method of quenching can be done anytime and anywhere.

"Power, ten waves of power are compressed, and the power is soaring; if these 30 explosive runes also overlap and explode at the same time, what will be the power?" At this time, Chu Nan was already immersed in his own world and completely forgot the three warriors!

When Chu Nan overlapped one rune and one rune, and only overlapped to three runes, it burst uncontrollably. Chu Nan frowned, "Reject? How to eliminate the exclusion between them?

While Chu Nan was thinking, the three warriors screamed and stopped thinking about any treasures. They were ready to pay the price and retreat. At this time, not far away, an anxious voice came, "Elder, I'm coming!"