Wu Rebellious Universe

1581 life and death, can you find space?

"The meaning of the golden rule, the essence of nature, cohesion, incubation, and extremely sharp."

"The meaning of the rule of fire, in nature, domineering, can burn everything; soft, can bring light, promote long life."

"The meaning of the wooden rule is that seeds, rooting, sprouting, leafing, growing, leaf falling, accumulating, waiting for a new round of rebirth, or flowering and fruiting, no matter what, it is between growth and death!"


Chu Nan thought to himself that the meaning of the rules they understood, whether it was anger or roar, was integrated into part of the natural essence. Gold has thousands of potentials, fire has all kinds of changes, and water, earth and wood have a variety of potentials, which contain all kinds of meanings.

Like three thousand weak water, you can only take a ladle of water from it!

Generally speaking, there is only one ladle!

Of course, there are also unusual situations, such as Chu Nan, who has drunk three slaps of water now!

Drinking more has both advantages and disadvantages.

Chu Nan's eyebrows are tightly locked. What he is thinking about now is not how to turn the trend against the trend, hegemony and destruction into the meaning of reverse, hegemony and destruction. Instead, he thinks of the spring, summer, autumn and winter of the four seasons, the ice island created by the cold blue jade king fire, the scene of a The fall of Chen...

Thinking more and more, Chu Nan couldn't help thinking, "Whether it's water and fire, or gold and wood, including people, including stars, including everything, you can't escape the word life and death!"



Chu Nan thought, and he seemed to have caught something, but when Chu Nan thought about it again, he couldn't find this feeling. Chu Nan was a little depressed, but he was not immersed in depression, but said freely, "It seems that my accumulation is not enough!"

Then, Chu Nan began to think about what should have been done for a long time - the inner space!

"Where is the space in the body open up?"

Chu Nan asked himself and thought of Dantian at the first time, "Anyway, there are a lot of things in my Dantian. Why don't you just turn Dantian into internal space? How do you change it?"

At the beginning, Fa Alum did not make a special explanation. In addition to knowing the four words "inside space", Chu Nan also knew the shocking words of "hiding the sky and earth, hiding the sun, moon and stars, hiding everything in the sky", he didn't know anything else, which belongs to the kind of dark eyes.

"How to open it up?"

Chu Nan suddenly thought of the "pulse secret", and his eyes lit up, "If you can open the pulse, can you open up a space?" Chu Nan once again seriously thought about every step of the "breaking the pulse" and tried to find a starting point from it!

After shuttling nearly 100,000 miles in the dimensional void, Chunan has some eyebrows, that is, to use the "pulse secret" to open up the "hole" to try; in addition, there is another way, that is, to find the "xiaotian Tower"!

Chu Nan took a deep breath, thought about the appearance of the "Tiaotian Tower" and "conspeciation" wholeheartedly...

At the same time, Siji and Jiuwu are protecting Chu Nan's parents and they are experiencing a bloody fight. Their opponents are three strong men in the ancestral realm. The cause is very simple. They fell in love with Xixi's two sisters, not because of their beauty, but because of the blood of their two sisters. They said they would take them back

The two sisters wanted to leave, so as not to implicate Chu Nan's parents. However, Chu Tianfeng did not agree, and a fierce battle began. Four Seasons and Jiuwu rushed up, and Chu Tianfeng, Ruoxue and others kept stimulating and detonating the magic weapon left by Chu Nan...

The strength of the three strong men in the ancestral realm has been suppressed a lot. Four Seasons and Jiuwu have also tried their best, but they still can't beat the three. Fortunately, there are countless magic weapons left by Chu Nan, which makes the three strong men in the ancestral realm in a hurry.

Surprisingly, these three strong men in the ancestral realm have not melted into the dimensional void. I don't know if it is close to the Tianwu Hall, and the impact of the Tianhang is getting stronger and worse. But even so, with the passage of time, the situation of the two people in the four seasons is becoming more and more

The four seasons desperately used his big move, and the energy was getting less and less. Just when a strong man in the ancestral realm grabbed the four seasons Dantian, the four seasons burned his life and made the man seriously injured, but did not kill him. When he attacked again, the four seasons had no way to do, but he did not accept his fate, and he The man's five fingers were cruelly inserted into the flesh and blood of the four seasons. When he wanted to grab the four seasons of Dantian, the huge energy actually made the spring, summer, autumn and winter of the four seasons completely integrated together. There is no difference between spring, summer, autumn and winter, or that can be spring, summer, autumn and winter anytime and anywhere

Adapted, the potential broke out, and the four seasons successfully took the last half step, promoted to the half-ancestral realm, and killed the Wuzu who was catching him in Dantian. Unfortunately, he had just stepped in, and the support time was not long. A Wuzu next to him kicked the four seasons out and died.

And Jiuwu was worse than the four seasons. Originally, he planned to return to the Tianwu Hall to destroy his sword spirit rules. He wanted to create his own sword spirit rules, but the situation was too dangerous. In order to stop the ancestor, Jiuwu detonated all the sword spirit rules and thoroughly made an attack to let the ancestor take Ziyi. A heavy blow, the ancestor was furious. When he killed in an instant, Jiuwu had no resistance, or Chu Tianfeng threw out one-third of the magic weapon to save Jiuwu...

It's just that the situation is becoming more and more dangerous.

Just when there were fewer and fewer magic weapons in Chu Tianfeng's hands, a blonde figure flew quickly. The two ancestors were shocked and hurried to retreat, but they were late and were taken down by the blonde old man in one fell swoop.

When Siji and Jiuwu saw the arrival of the blonde old man, they only had time to say half a word "Lord, protect..." and fell into a coma. The blonde old man took all Chu Tianfeng to the sky and shuttled away.

In Qiancangzhou, a shocking news broke out, and another relic was found. The martial artists went there one after another, and in it, there was Situ Yixiao, who used the gourd given by Chu Nan as a wine set for wine!

In Haoliuzhou, Zi Menger is tracking a running grass with the stupid bear. The grass is still strangely tight. The leaves are like a ball of fire; but halfway, Zi Menger and the stupid bear stopped, because a man blocked their way.

The breath of this person made Zi Menger and the stupid bear tremble. His cultivation turned out to be the real ancestral realm. This man wanted Zi Menger to be her maid. Part of his eyes were on Zi Menger, and some of them were on the fiery grass.

The strength of Zi Menger and this person is very different, but Zi Menger took the lead in launching the attack! ~~~~