Wu Rebellious Universe

1603 hidden worry, determine the power meridian

There is no doubt about the strength of Xiaohei. [ Bookmark: ]()

Chu Nan thought about his understanding with Xiaohei, from the beginning of the black egg, to the hundred thousand mountains breaking out of the shell, to the totem mainland, to the light of the thunder and punishment at this moment, biting the magic weapon comparable to the Optimus Prime's baton, shooting the golden thunder beads...

Previously, Chu Nan said that all the thunderbolts wanted to be swallowed by himself, but unexpectedly, Xiaohei patted it 18 times and then patted it. Chu Nan had no doubt that Xiaohei's 18 beats were more useful than his efforts to swallow.

Golden thunder beads, naturally to make Dantian purple thunder strong; lightning shape, unknown magic weapon, to open the meridians.

Chu Nan asked Lei Yu to talk. Naturally, he remembered the thunderstorm disaster. There must be some kind of connection between them. Otherwise, how could they get together? Thinking of the water disaster, Chu Nan thought of the thunder and lightning that almost killed him. "It seems that that wisp of thunder and lightning is not simple, not displayed casually..."

He hugged Xiaohei tightly and walked forward. Chu Nan suddenly stopped, because he suddenly thought of a very important question, "Xiaohei, is he invincible?" As soon as he asked, Chu Nan shook his head, "If Xiaohei is invincible, Xiaohei's parents should be even more invincible. According to this inference, Xiaohei should not stay in such a cave and be covered by a spider web. What does this mean?"

Chu Nan clenched his fist, and he had a hunch that Xiaohei must also have a powerful enemy!

Buried his mind, Chu Nan used the remaining energy of the golden thunder coat to open up the meridians of the third layer of the space. As a result, the energy of the golden thunder coat had not been used up. After feeling it, Chu Nan felt that the energy could also open up a meridians, or about ten acupuncture points.

Chu Nan feels a little wasteful to use that energy to open up the acupuncture points. Chu Nan really wants to open up the eighth meridians of "Qiankun Jiu Zhuan", because the eighth Zhuan is the soul; however, whether it is "Qian Kun Jiu Zhu" or "Spacexun", the subsequent meridians have not been deduced

You can't come up with one casually, can you?

Surely, Chunan thought of the meridian of the power cycle. Although the last Sunday cycle of power was successful, it was very difficult and took a lot of energy. It was like carrying something. Originally, he took a flat road to reach the destination, but the flat road had to go a long way, and there was a shortcut, but it was Quite steep hillsides, even cliffs, it is not only tiring but also dangerous to take this road.

If you can add a meridians, flatten the cliff a little, reduce the danger a little, and achieve twice the result with half the effort.

Thinking about this, Chu Nan involuntarily cycled the power of the Zhoutian meridians, running, and meticulously feeling the blockage in every place. After dozens of weeks, Chu Nan determined one of them. When passing through that cycle, it was the most laborious and urgent. If this place was leveled and a meridian was installed, the It can be greatly improved.

But Chu Nan has not started for a long time. This meridian is different from other meridians. It has no basis for it. There is no martial arts and no skill. It is completely his own creation, just like the bridge of the meridians.

Three minutes later, Chu Nan made up his mind to open the meridians in that place!

The opponent is getting stronger and stronger. If you don't change or move forward, you can only be overwhelmed by the opponent. Chu Nan can't be defeated. Therefore, Chu Nan mobilized the swallowing energy to pull, pave the road, shape, and set the pulse!

When the meridians are completed, Chu Nan circulates for another week, and immediately feels much smoother. In the same time, it used to cycle for three or four weeks, but now it can cycle for ten days. If the body can bear it, it can still increase.

Seeing this, Chu Nan breathed a sigh of relief. Although he had a certain degree of confidence, he still had worries in his heart. After it was really feasible, he was relieved. At the same time, this meridian also reminded Chu Nan that the meridian of the power of the Zhoutian cycle can also be strengthened, the speed can be improved, and

"If there is no martial arts formula to follow, then I will make a cycle by myself!"

After Chu Nan dealt with these things, Chu Tianfeng and others also recovered from the shock of despair and joy. Chu Nan greeted them, told and hugged everyone one by one, and celebrated the rest of their lives after the disaster.

"Nan'er, you should heal the wound first..."

"Mother, it's okay. Your son is very strong and not so easy to die."

"You can't say dead words!"

Lin Xueran looked solemn. Chu Nan nodded obediently, hugged the butterfly fairy, and said, "I remember the ancient chain."

"It's not just the ancient chain." On the face of the butterfly fairy, the smile and tears bloomed together.


Chu Nan made a promise, and then gave a high-five with Jiuwu and said with a smile, "I saw the sword."

Jiuwu smiled and said, "It's a pity that he didn't make any contributions."

"Next time, it will shine brightly."



After talking with everyone, Chu Nan finally turned his eyes to Zhaoyou. Zhaoyou's face was red and white, white and black, black and green, which was very rich. After seeing the super killing move of thunder and punishment, he once again saw the hope that thunder could annihilate the cause and effect, because he knew the light of thunder punishment. How terrible it is.

Unexpectedly, he was swallowed by a rabbit in the end, and the thunder fell to such a tragic ending. It was not until he saw Chu Nan coming that he came to his senses. The moment he came to his senses, his heart pounded. He didn't know what kind of price he had to pay. Chu Nan could let him go, and he .

Chu Nan stood ten meters in front of him and said, "We met again."

Zhao had a smile, how hard it was, how hard it was, it was all his own request. If he had left early, how could it be the tragedy at this moment; in a wry smile, Zhao You took out three treasures, and these three treasures were all ancient treasures; before Chu Nan said anything, Zhao You took out three ancient treasures. It can What kind of situation has it reached?

"How many babies does he have?" Chu Nan wondered in his heart, but said, "You hurt my parents, my lover, and my brother!"

Zhao has great regrets, but he has no choice. The ancient treasure on his body is gone, but there is a more powerful magic weapon than the ancient treasure. However, does the magic weapon really need to be handed over? While Zhao You was thinking about it, the master's voice sounded, "Chu Nan, he came to the Tianwu Hall to find the nameless token. As expected, he should also have one or two nameless tokens on him."


Chu Nan was shocked. H