Wu Rebellious Universe

1609 can be tried

None of the magic weapons he threw out are simple. They are all high-end goods, and there are even magic weapons connected to his soul. However, at this moment, he can't take care of it. Life is much more important than magic weapons. ( Mobile phone access:)

The magic weapon exploded, and a small part of the space turbulence was blown up, and there was also a anti-seismic force that shocked him to the Tianwu mainland. The anti-seismic force of these magic weapon explosions was much stronger than the anti-seismic force of Chu Nan's killing moves.

So, in the end, he stayed away from the space turbulence and fell on the Tianwu mainland, unconscious.

It's just that he was seriously injured!

If Yi Lao and others stay here all the time and wait for the explosion to patrol, he will never have a chance to live again and see tomorrow's sun.

However, Yi Lao and the others have already left, and now they are heading in the direction of the sea. Yi Lao is going to find his daughter. Of course, this is also what Chu Nan asked Yi Lao and others to leave immediately, because Chu Nan knows that the killing moves he made will never take the life of the real master. Yi Lao and the others stay are Life, of course, it is better to leave early.

Chu Nan expected these. Unfortunately, Chu Nan did not expect the explosion of the space channel, which would cause space turbulence. But Chu Nan should know that the legendary real owner will be happy when he is in such a situation. As for the space turbulence, Chu Nan still doesn't know what space turbulence is now!

The blood demon continent has encountered a series of drastic changes. Only a part of the surviving creatures have survived. The cage of the blood demon continent is slowly turning into ruins. What's more terrible is that the space turbulence has not disappeared, but is spreading to the two continents. The blood demon continent has spread extremely fast. Before long, a quarter of Eroded by turbulence, it has become a part of space turbulence!

After a few days, he finally woke up, but he couldn't stand up. His injury was too serious. Thinking about the killing moves that made him not stop for a moment, his anger was about to burn the ground and destroy the earth!

What made him most angry was not the killing moves, nor the turbulence of space that almost killed him, but the things that made him break through and disappeared. To such an extent of cultivation, he knew very well that this matter had become his heart demon, and his state of mind was no longer complete. It is very likely that his cultivation would not be repeated for Go ahead, unless you find what the adult arranged for him and destroy the person who arranged these killing moves for him!

He gritted his bloody teeth and read word by word, "I swear, no matter who you are or where you are, I must find you out, a thousand-knife-thousand-thousands, so that your soul will suffer forever in purgatory!"

In three days, the witch shot was finally able to move. He took out the elixir and swallowed it. After consuming the medicine, his mind was much clearer. "There are also killing moves here, indicating that that person is very likely to be this person..."

Wu She continued to recall the energy breath emanating from those killing moves and attacks, and kept one of them in his heart. After his cultivation recovered by 20%, he stood up and saw that the turbulence in the space had not disappeared. On the contrary, he moved a few meters forward. Wu She's face changed greatly and went back to the Blood Demon Realized, he took a deep look at the turbulent space, and the witch turned his head and walked to the far west.

When the blood demon continent mutated, in a planet in the endless void, three wrinkles appeared in one person's forehead, and the cold voice echoed, "The sky tower was lost, and the alum came out of the cage..."

When I read here, a circle of ripples flashed in the air, and the man disappeared.

At the same time, Fa Alum returned to his home. At a glance, he was speechless and tearful, roaring wildly, roaring to the sky, "Miscellaneous, I want your blood - debt - blood - compensation!"

In Tianwu Hall, Chu Nan finally helped the people in Tianwu Hall to refine the elixirs they needed. These days, they have been alchemy for everyone. Chu Nan has a fight with everyone, and Chu Nan can also refine nine different elixirs at the same time!

This is a considerable gain for Chu Nan. With a little refinement, he can control his mind and draw nine different runes at the same time. Nine different runes explode together. It goes without saying that its power.

In addition, the refining of the elixir these days made Chu Nan think of one thing, that is, the five longevity elixirs refined were destroyed two in the elixir robbery, and the power of the explosion of the two longevity elixir was so terrible that it blew up his flesh and blood.

"The elixir also has such power. If it is used against the enemy, it will definitely make people unable to defend! However, how to make the elixir detonate like a magic weapon? Chu Nan combed it, and finally put his mind on the array. Chu Nan had refined the array with the elixir before, and it was slightly effective. "If I refine the array in the elixir, let the elixir energy become the array energy, mobilize this array, and then let the array drive the elixir, it should be able to explode

Thinking of this, Chu Nan got excited and immediately began to deduce. In the previous experiments, the array was very simple. The elixir is also a very ordinary elixir, which is not difficult to get along with. It can be Chu Nan's current strength. If the refined elixir is useful, the formation must be very complicated, and the e One kind.

It is not easy to refine the elixir and let the elixir successfully exert its effect. Now it is even more difficult to refine the elixir in a complex array, just like carving a palace on a grain of rice, and after the rice grains are cooked, the palace cannot be broken.

It is difficult to carve the palace on rice grains, and it is even more difficult to blend the array with the elixir!

This deduction, for more than half a month, the people in Tianwu Hall did not disturb him. If anyone disturbed, he would definitely be full of **. He was called by house arrest in Tianwu Hall. Seeing Chu Nan's alchemy these days, he had an impulse in his heart to let Chu Nan help him refine an elixir, but he In addition, he still cares about the whirlpool of cause and effect. He really doesn't want to have a relationship with Chu Nan.

"Why don't you say something and then leave?"

Zhao You is still thinking. As the saying goes, misfortune comes out of his mouth. If he wants to say some news, he may cause some great disaster. Thinking about it in his heart, he suddenly saw Chu Nan's punch in the air, and a hole was directly smashed out of the void. The power of space gushed !"

After deduction, Chu Nan's idea is theoretically feasible, but in fact, it is unknown. It requires a lot of experiments to know. At this moment, the elixir that pops directly out of Chu Nan's mind is a crazy magic elixir!

"Crazy magic elixir, the power must be good, but at the beginning of the experiment, it is still necessary to start with simplicity..." Chu Nan was reading, and there was a sudden explosion outside, "Chu Nan, come out and die quickly, and give my grandson's life!"

(P: The fifth update is delivered, please support! The tickets and gold bricks have dropped a lot. Brothers and sisters, let's rush up!) H