Wu Rebellious Universe

1616 is different, start refining

1616 is different. At the beginning, the refiner 3 was even more mistaken. After messing out the mutant runes, Chu Nan really became interested in runes. So far, it is limited to runes. Runes do account for a large part of runes, but runes are not the same as runes.

Chu Nan is interested in mutant runes. Naturally, this rune is not controlled by the forbidden fog. If he is proficient in all kinds of mutant runes, he believes that even if the forbidden fog has a bad intention and other purposes, he will also surprise the forbidden fog.

If you want to study the mutant runes in depth, you must do experiments, and the essential thing to do experiments is spiritual power. However, now Chu Nan's spiritual power, even if it runs the meridians of the divine mind, does not recover too quickly. It can't be used anytime and anywhere like the five elements of liquid. It will take If you can do it once, if you want to do another mutant rune experiment like "convincing rune", the waiting time will be longer.

Of course, Chu Nan will not waste this free time in the middle.

Chu Nan did not do the experiment of integrating elixir and array. He was ready to postpone this experiment slightly. What he urgently needed was the refinery.

It took half a month for Chu Nan to integrate the formation in the Tianwu Hall; for another nine days, he wrote down the refining method collected in the Tianwu Hall, and the method of the mad old man, the artifact school, and the three refining methods of the Chu family, and found their similarities and differences; moreover, he also ate the purple. When Emperor Wu left, they studied together and wrote down the refinery experience.

It took another six days to make a crazy alchemy, and refined all the remaining medicinal herbs of Tianwu Hall into elixirs. After giving it to Xiaohei, he explored the spiritual power, which was slightly sufficient. Chu Nan did the experiment of mutant "water rune".

It is still the nine divine symbols, and then reorganize them together. First, the central part of the rune is reversed, and the water directly turns into ice; then the eight parts outside are reversed, and the water is directly sublimated into gas.

Such a result has nothing to do with the results of "convinting runes" and "explosive runes". Chu Nan frowned and drew "fire runes". When he reversed the runes in the central part, there was no ignition; the same is true of reverting the eight parts of the periphery.

The mutant "fire rune" is broken.

After that, I did the mutation experiment of the three runes of gold, wood and earth, and the results were different. It seemed that each mutant rune had a unique mutation result, which made Chu Nan, who wanted to find a certain rule from it, very much headache.

The mutant rune consumes mental power very fast. Chu Nan drew less than 30 mutant five-eline runes, and his mental power was empty. After recording the conclusion, Chu Nan officially shook out the refiner materials of the three storage rings, and filled the room with a height of 30 square meters. Chu Nan took it out. Materials are refined from the lowest level of magic weapon.

The sound of smashing iron sounded. Chu Nan smashed iron. Naturally, it was not an ordinary smashing iron. It was the essence of the three refinery methods. Moreover, what Chu Nan smashed iron was not a hammer, but his fist. It was not an ordinary furnace carrying the material, but the star stone ...

When Chu Nan was refining the machine day and night, there were also some small episodes in Tianwu Hall. Xiaohei was followed by not three kittens, but five kittens, and two came to Tianwu Hall along the marks left by the seven elders. When they had just reported their identity. Xiaohei's claws nodded out, and the sound of "cat" flashed in their minds. Before they could figure out what was going on, they took the footsteps of their people.

Then, Xiaohei found the God of War again. He didn't know what the God of War said to Xiaohei. Xiaohei took six cats and left the Tianwu Hall with the God of War. Even the owner didn't know, but Xiaohei left a message for his father to find something to eat.

Chu Nan wanted to rely on Xiaohei's strength, as long as he did not encounter that kind of super-pervert, such as the master of Nianzhong, they were really not Xiaohei's opponents. When he thought of Xiaohei's natural treasure, Chu Nan also let her go.

The seven elders and a group of seven people came to Tianwu Continent. Five of them turned into cats. The seven elders were seriously injured. The only one who escaped was the water strongest who was very reluctant to send the thunder back to the thunder clan. The water strongest did not know that he had escaped a disaster; and the thunder was looking at a picture in front of It is often not ordinary, and it is still known by Lei Wei. He not only knows it, but also remembers it. The person in the painting is Chu Nan.

Lei Wei did not immediately spread the news that Chu Nan was in Tianwu mainland, because he didn't know what it had to do with Chu Nan's people or forces. Is it Chu Nan's enemy or a friend? He is very poor now, and he doesn't want to make trouble. Lei Wei thought that when he returned to the Lei clan, he After identifying all this, think about how to do it.

"It's better to be the enemy of Chunan!"

There was infinite murderous spirit in Lei Yuan's heart. Although Lei Yuan did not disclose this news, Lei Yuan released the news that the foreign warriors who fell in Tianwu Continent were all killed by Chu Nan's efforts. Not only that, but also said that Chu Nan had a strange treasure beyond the ancient treasure, saying that he had refined the elixir Anyway, it can drive people's greed. Whether Lei Yu has it or not, he has added oil and vinegar to the landlord to go out; as for the existence of Xiaohei, he did not mention it at all.

So, in a short period of time, many people went to the Tianwu Continent regardless of the cost. In addition, the General Hall of the Heavens also sent people to the Tianwu Continent, and strangely, they also took the passage of the secret land of the sea.

However, the emperor who issued the order to find Chu Nan was still in the totem mainland. After the emperor used countless means, he and Xiaojing were almost like glue, but the emperor was not tired of "to make the game more interesting, it seems that the strength of the Yutu clan has been greatly improved."

Soon after that, the emperor told Xiaojing that his people had found a relic, which was a little strange. He was going to investigate. Xiaojing, with almost zero IQ, agreed, and Ruyan and the mountain people were more suspicious.

In the land of the Far West, the witch shot recovered 40% of its strength. He felt that the Far West had the atmosphere of the blood demon clan. He was more convinced of his guess, so he secretly looked for the person who harmed him. Then, he heard the name that everyone was talking about - Chu Nan, and also heard the counterattack about repelled Wu She was sure that he was killed, which definitely had something to do with the man named Chunan. Then, he left the far west and went to the sea...