Wu Rebellious Universe

1617 eighteen thousand nine thousand

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The thunder was involved in the whirlpool of Chu Nan because of a wisp of purple thunder, causing him to lose all his thunder now, but the owner of the purple thunder is now leisurely swaying among the continents, enjoying all kinds of scenery and saying: "It's really true to look at it, smell, and look through the thunder mirror. The same general feeling..."

As he spoke, there was a life-saving voice in front of him, "Miss, help me, someone is going to kill me!"

The woman glanced at a woman who shouted for help. Her face was full of panic and her face was pale, and about a kilometer behind, there were three men chasing. The leading one held a thick mace in his hand and roared, "Little girl, don't mind your own business, or you will catch it together."

This sentence, but stabbed the hornet's nest, the woman snorted coldly, thundered in the sky, the thick thunder split, and the big man who spoke harshly directly became a piece of black charcoal, and the remaining two people read: "Lei, Lei people, run..."

How could the two run? What happened next was that the two men were captured, and the woman was rescued. After a conversation, the two exchanged names. The woman called herself Lei Rui, and the rescued woman said that she was Peisiyu.

I don't know whether the name is true or not, but the two of them have been together all the way.

On the mainland of Tianwu, Zi Menger took a stupid bear and couldn't help walking to an ancient cave. After turning 999 turns, Zi Menger saw a tree. The tree was full of fire, and these fires were originally stationary. After seeing Zi Menger coming, the earthquake shook violently, and the shocked Zi Meng'er felt the joy in it.

"The tree is wood, and there is fire on the wood. I happen to be the double attribute of fire and wood. Is this the legendary adventure?"

When Zi Menger muttered, she suddenly felt the abnormal movement in her body. It was from the lotus plate. Speaking of the lotus plate, Zi Menger was also confused. Why did she run into her body?

Slowly, the movement of the lotus plate coincided with the shaking of the fire tree. Zi Menger felt that there was some power and urged her to move forward. Zi Menger was very resistant to this. She didn't know whether it was an adventure or a disaster!

Zi Menger desperately suppressed the power, and also practiced cross-legged. What he practiced was not some kind of profound martial arts formula, but the "heart refining formula" used for refinery. Where Zi Menger didn't pay attention, the pair of firewood double-attribute yin and yang fish left by Chu Nan began to rotate.

At this moment, Chu Nan, who is in the Tianwu Hall, is also practicing the "heart refining formula", because he has detailed and incisive theoretical guidance, and in addition, Chu Nan's own strength is very high, so he can see far away, so he can get started quickly!

It took nearly three months for Chu Nan to turn the five refinery materials full of a room into 189,000 magic weapons at the level of real weapons. Although they are only real weapons, the number is really a little scary, especially these magic weapons are all refined by Chu Nan alone!

Everyone in Tianwu Hall looked at the mountain piled up with magic weapons and was shocked, "Is this still a human? Doesn't he have to rest? Even if it's made of Jingxuan iron, I'm afraid it will collapse after such a high intensity, right?

But the Chu Nan they saw has always been energetic, energetic, and extremely focused. They treat every magic weapon like their lover. The embroidery girl said, "I finally know why Brother Chu Nan is so strong. It's completely life-threatening. ."

Jiuwu said, "It's more desperate. You haven't seen it yet."

After saying that, everyone left with shock, admiration, admiration and other emotions. Then, they also began to practice crazily. They were tired and annoyed. As long as they looked at the magic treasure mountain, their hearts would be quiet and full of energy.

Four seasons are thinking about spring, summer, autumn and winter, Jiuwu is practicing swords, and the embroidery girl is melting divine thoughts and energy. Xixi sisters are practicing with a volume of ancient books given by the master of the palace. Shen Moxin is still closed in the secret room. Dieyi is also like Chu Nan, practicing crazily. To now, One day, Xiaohei brought back a piece of jade from nowhere for Dieyi. This jade was very strange. After Dieyi dripped into the blood, he could hear the sound from the jade.

Chu Nan also hit the iron with his fist. Everyone only saw that Chu Nan had refined a magic weapon mountain, but they did not know that the real magic weapons refined by Chu Nan were by no means the same as ordinary real magic weapons. On the magic weapon, it not only let Chu Nan refine some energy or rules, but also refined the array, all kinds of The reason for all kinds of formations is to prepare for refining the epee.

Among the refinery, there are other gains. Chu Nan's understanding of the rules of gold is getting deeper and deeper. It is not far from creating his own rules of gold, but he still needs an opportunity, but Chu Nan is not in a hurry to find this opportunity. He decided to wait for the accumulation of the two lines of rules of wood and earth to accumulate .

In addition to the rules of gold, fire is indispensable for refining magic weapons. Chu Nan had a hunch that the second fire disaster was coming. For this, Chu Nan had some expectations, "I hope the second fire disaster will be more fierce, which is very good for the refinery!"

In addition, Chu Nan found that the refining machine was very helpful for the recovery of spiritual power, and the divine thought and soul were also greatly refined. Chu Nan himself could clearly feel that the soul was much stronger!

The refiner is indeed a little tired, but when he was tired, Chu Nan did the experiment of mutant runes. After three months of accumulation, his mental strength was stronger than at the previous peak. Chu Nan's use of "convering runes" again was no longer hindered. Just as happened, the seven elders also recovered.

On the way to the custody of the seven elders, Chu Nan said, "The way of the rules has water lines. I don't know what the meaning of the rules is. Is there also water lines? If there are water lines, and it can also break the water lines and destroy their power, it can also be proved."

Originally, the rules of the second door could also be easily used by the master of the temple, but the master of the temple understood the rules of gold. Chu Nan now needed the rules of water more. Soon, Chu Nan came to the place where the seven elders were imprisoned.

When the enemy meets, it is very jealous. The seven elders shouted and immediately sacrificed a killing move to kill Chu Nan. Chu Nan said, "Don't use your rule way. Your rule way has not completely stepped in, and you can't kill me at all. Now you only need to use the rules of the second door, so I will give you enough Time allows you to step into the third door. At that time, maybe you can kill me!"

"Is this true?"

"Is it necessary to lie to you?"


The seven elders answered. It's not that he didn't know Chu Nan's purpose, but he was also waiting for the opportunity. Just as the seven elders were about to implement the rules of the second gate, Chu Nan looked stunned and said, "Wait a minute."

However, the sleeping water soul woke up. RO