Wu Rebellious Universe

1644 is also virtual!

1644 is also empty! 2 Update

"Didn't I tell you what I want to do?"

Chu Nan laughed. He sacrificed the soul of the dragon and the soul of the wolf, and made up the six-in-one array, just to let the nine martial arts not be too affected, and if he did not participate in the battle, he would fight the seven villains alone, and fight the seven-star and seven emotions.

It's not to be a hero, but to refine yourself and complete the cultivation of the seven emotions!

The boss of the villain is not stupid. He suddenly figured it out and said viciously, "Do you want to fight with us alone? It's really self-reliable. You are just a god of war. We are seven martial arts ancestors, either the upper ancestor or the real ancestor. Can it be up to you? I want to make you afraid, make you tremble, and make you sad!"

Five figures of the seven evil people have disappeared, melting into the void, leaving only the fear of the wicked and the sad wicked. However, the power of the other five people does not disappear, but hidden in the dark, so that the enemy is always on guard. Generally, they are in a high degree of tension, and it is easier to have problems. At that In addition to the reason, it is also the need of the seven stars and seven emotions.

Fear and sadness permeated, and the invisible power hit the raging in the array, attacking the souls of the people and affecting the hearts of the people. However, after the Jiuwu formed the Liuhe array, the impact was greatly reduced. The walkers and they could even distract themselves and pay attention to Chu Nan's behavior, but Jiuwu could not De distracted, he stood in a dead position, under a lot of pressure, and he needed to concentrate all his mind to deal with it.

At this moment, Chu Nan's eyebrows were tightly locked. It was not afraid and sad, which could not be seen and touched, which could be clearly felt. It had such an impact on him so much that he could not exert his strength. On the contrary, it was these emotions that had no effect on him that he frowned.

When he first came into contact with the seven emotions and six desires, Chu Nan still remembers clearly the kind of damage it brought to Chu Nan. Now, the ambush array specially laid out by the strong men at the level of seven martial arts is hundreds of millions of times stronger.

There is an old saying: sorrow is greater than death!

No matter how strong your strength is, as long as your heart is dead, your combat effectiveness will be gone. What's the use of strong strength? It's even more sad than the death of the heart, and the lethality is amazing. If he had fallen into this array at the beginning, I'm afraid that as soon as the seven-star and seven-evalrous killing array had just started, he would have died in sorrow and died in fear. At that time, Xiao Hei had not yet been born,

Although Chu Nan's strength has increased greatly, it can't be so easy. He turned his head and looked at the Sirius soul and the dragon soul. The two of them were less affected than the walker and the master. Looking back on all the fights of seven emotions and six desires he had experienced before, he had some feelings and muttered, " Related to fear, sadness and other emotions, isn't the target the heart, will, soul and so on? The more powerful the soul is, the more useless those emotional attacks that make people defenseless..."

"I can't see or touch it, but I can feel it, like that desire..." Chu Nan suddenly thought of the virtual black hole made out in the battle with Lei Yuan, and a spiritual light flashed in his mind. "The Shura prison is virtual, and the divine mind, soul and spiritual power that make up the Shura wolf are virtual; the ; The current sadness, fear and other emotions... are also empty!"

"The body is real, the soul is virtual, the real is real, the virtual is virtual, and between the two, the virtual and the real are integrated..."

Chu Nan was thinking of the key point. The villain's voice interrupted his thoughts. He only heard the villain say coldly, "Kid, it seems that you still have some points to resist these two attacks. However, this is only the beginning. The next killing move, I see if you can still resist it!"

"Fear of the stars into sorrow! The sad star is afraid!"

The villain drank, and the formation changed again. This time, there were not only emotional attacks, but also physical attacks against the physical body. Chu Nan stared coldly and was ready to continue his thinking, but there was no feeling. The inspiration was no longer there, and he felt something was wrong no matter how he thought.

Chu Nan's intuition can figure out this "virtual and real" problem, and his strength will definitely go up a few floors, which will be of great benefit to his future practice. However, when he was drunk by the evil man, Chu Nan was naturally unhappy, and there was still some anger on his face. He took out an spiritual artifact refined on the way from the Sword, thinking of killing fear and mourning martial arts, wave the sword and cut it down!

"Big boss, look at this boy's face with an angry expression!" The laughter of the angry villain sounded in the void, and the villain shouted, "How can such a little anger be enough? You are facing the seven evil people, so you have to be more angry and angry!"

The angry figure flashed, and another killing move was integrated into it. The meaning of anger shrouded Chu Nan. The anger was more powerful than the sadness and fear in front of him, and the impact on Chu Nan was stronger. This was because there was anger in Chu Nan's heart.

"It's not a good thing for you to make me angry."

"Is it? Then I have to see what's wrong with it!" The wicked man said fiercely and gave an order, "How can you be angry alone? If you share the same difficulties, if your accomplices are not angry, that won't work!"

With this voice, anger surged to Jiuwu and others. The evil attack Jiuwu was to distract Chu Nan. The eyes of the evil man locked Chu Nan and sneered, "How much combat effectiveness do you have under your distraction?"

As soon as he read it, the evil man's eyes narrowed, and his expression was a little gloomy. It was because he saw that the spiritual weapon-level sword in Chu Nan's hand was not broken under the power of star killing power, and the power cut out by the sword had a certain containment effect on fear and sadness. Seeing this, The sword moves are still relatively unfamiliar, and now they are more intruding to Hunyuan.

"Is this the sword skill he just practiced? Is he practicing in the fight?

Realizing this problem, the villain has a feeling of being more angry than Chu Nan. He quickly controlled it and shouted to Chu Nan, "Since you don't like anger, how about we smile? Do you choose to laugh out of your stomach? Or do you look up to the sky and smile?"

The figure of the laughing villain flashed. Jiuwu had a smile on his face, and his facial muscles squirmed extremely exaggeratedly. This was because Jiuwu wanted to laugh loudly, but he was desperately controlled by Jiuwu. He knew very well that if he really laughed loudly, it was likely to laugh until his soul was annihilated.

Jiuwu is pregnant with a sword, a laughing sword!

The walker can still control it. The Sirius soul and the dragon soul really laughed, but this smile is different from what the villain thinks. It is a contemptuous smile. The Sirius soul is still saying, "Spiritual attack and soul attack are boring."

Chu Nan has no smile on his face, but he has sadness and fear, which is extremely strong!

(P: 8 p.m., crooked voice: 182773, waiting for your brothers and sisters!) RO