Wu Rebellious Universe

1648 You are so ugly

1648 You are so ugly 2 update

"Aren't you going to complete the cultivation of the seven emotions? You can't kill love, so how can you practice to achieve great success? The villain shouted coldly, and what he said seemed to remind Chu Nan, for the thought of Chu Nan, but in fact, he directly hit the weak point of Chu Nan!

In response to this, Chu Nan said seriously, "If you have to cut love to cultivate to Dacheng, no matter how profound and strong such a chopping skill is, what's the use of refining? It's okay if you don't repair it!"

The villain seemed to have known for a long time that Chu Nan would say such a thing. He sneered, and then cursed in a decisive tone, "In this way, you will have irreparable great defects!" You will never reach the level of perfection, and even your cultivation will stagnate!"

"Well, then I'd rather have defects! I'd rather not be successful!"

Chu Nan said this with a smile, which made the villain feel that his purpose had not reached the expected goal. He said angrily, "Since you can't cut off love, it's much easier to do. You will never want to break the seven-star and seven emotions. Today, let's die in the battle!"

Then, the wicked man ordered: "Love the wicked, let him love! Let him be affectionate!"

Although the wicked man was so angry that he vomited blood by Chu Nan's thank you, because Chu Nan did not cut off his love, the wicked man did not have the footsteps of the three great villains of fear, sorrow and joy, and it did not take much effort to exert it.

The wicked man made his second-hand preparation and said to the evil man, "Emotion, desire surge, desire evil man, let him burn his body! You are a man with seed. Let me see if you can cut off your desire!"

Thought fiercely, the evil man's eyes were tightly locked on Chu Nan. The killing moves of the seven-star and seven emotions were still surging out. The evil man thought to himself, "If there is love, there must be desire. If you can't cut off the desire, I will make you unable to desire, make your heart be resentful,

At the same time, the lustful evil person who got the order immediately displayed her deep desire, no longer simply making those ** actions, seducing voices, and most importantly, releasing a breath of desire, which melted into the rules of the lustful man and rushed to her face.

Chu Nan couldn't help laughing.

In fact, the attack of loving the wicked still has an impact on Chu Nan, and the impact is not small; however, when the wicked spread love and desire one after another to form a big killing move, the influence turned 180 degrees and was gone.

Originally, there was no mistake in the move of the wicked, and it can even be said that it is the most correct. For others, it is a fatal killing move, but it is useless for Chu Nan, because Chu Nan has long been cultivated into the martial arts skill of "killing desire".

The wicked did not know this, and he thought that Chu Nan still had to be like other emotions. In fact, strictly speaking, there is still a little omission in Chu Nan's "cuting desire". This omission is born because of love. In the face of the people he loves, he can't be cut, such as Zi Menger!

However, the evil person in front of him is not loved by Chu Nan!

Chu Nan said with a smile, "Be honest, you haven't grown up yet. There are thousands of kinds of 'desire', such as greed, greed, lust, etc., and flesh-desire is only one of them, and it is still the lowest level!"

The evil man did not react abnormally at all. Instead, he smiled and said, "Then why don't you fall in love with me? Let's have sex first?" According to the evil person, love the evil person and spit out the blood again, and try your best to make Chu Nan fall in love with the evil person.

However, Chu Nan shook his head.

The evil man asked pitifully, "Why?"

"You are so ugly!"

It's still this sentence. The desire for the wicked person is dissatisfied, and the mood fluctuates a little greatly. Chu Nan looked up and down at the desire for the desire and said in a positive tone, "Well, really, it's really ugly."

"You, I want you... desire - fire - burning - body!"

The evil man tried his best, just like the hatred that Chu Nan and she had for tens of thousands of years. Chu Nan gathered energy, held his sword, and said, "I forgot to tell you, I have already refined my martial arts..."

At this point, Chu Nan's eyes swept over the evil person. The evil person's heart was not good. He immediately realized that something was wrong. Chu Nan continued to say, "No, I won't deal with you with my desire!"

The villain who was thinking about how to win back the war situation. Hearing this, he reflexively thought that what Chu Nan said was false. Since he practiced, how could he not use it? Just as he was about to smage, he heard Chu Nan say again, "What I want to use is to borrow your power to cut - want to kill!"

Cut it down with one sword.

The delicate body of the wicked suddenly stagnated, and the already red face turned red in an instant, like a burning cloud in the sky, and it is still accelerating rapidly; the body is exuding thousands of amorous feelings, the taste of amorous feelings is ten times stronger, and the surrounding breath is even more exciting, heartbeat, soul...

Such a state is a bit like the state of the villain's explosive full potential and extraordinary performance!

Unfortunately, the evil people and others felt that something was wrong. The anger of the evil person was not aimed at Chu Nan, but herself. At this time, the "desire" diffused with rules in the void began to gather from all directions and rush to the evil person himself.

The love of the wicked is stunned. They have never encountered such a situation. He doesn't even dare to attack, because as soon as he does, it has a role in promoting the evil people.


The villain shouted loudly, and his body trembled at the frequency of chaos. The charm in his eyes and the desire exuded were as thicker. The villain wanted someone to satisfy her, but no one came forward.

If you want to do it, the evil person will become even worse.

When the villain saw all this, his face was extremely gloomy. His follow-up plan was to make Chu Nan want it, but as a result, he became the villain himself. "What should I do now? It seems impossible to save the evil person. Moreover, in the state of the evil person, whoever goes up will be..."

Suddenly, the wicked man thought of an idea. When he saw the eyes of other wicked people, he began to light up, that is, a feeling of itching surged in his heart. He was busy shouting at the evil, "The evil man, rush to that boy, he can satisfy you, quickly!"

I don't know whether there is still a trace of clarity in the mind of the evil person, or the word "satisfaction" makes the evil person crazy, or the reason why Chu Nan's "wishness to kill" is flawed. Anyway, the evil person rushed to Chu Nan, with a smile on his face and looked like death.

Seeing this, the wicked shouted again: "At all costs, take the villain as the center, and kill!"

The killing move of the seven-star seven-emotional killing array has reached the thirty-sixth. Although the nine martial arts standing in the dead position are less affected by emotional attacks, the pressure is a few points. The sword that was about to be born was suppressed again.

"No matter what, it can't stop my sword!"

Jiuwu said, and over there, Chu Nan, who was originally indifferently looking at the evil man rushing over, suddenly, his face suddenly changed! RO