Wu Rebellious Universe

1703 array, two words to kill

1703 array, two-word fight 1 update

It's like a beautiful man with wide clothes, you can pick it up!

Chu Nan looked at the arrays that were clearly presented in front of him, and he was quite unaccustomed to it. Before, he had spent a lot of effort to see one or two, and then peep at the whole picture.

But now, as soon as the word "reverse" shines, it can be seen clearly; this feeling is like that the goddess who used to want to be wanted by millions of people suddenly took the initiative to come to her and throw herself into her arms.

Although he was shocked, in his mind, Chu Nan was already remembering the array at a glance. At the same time, he was wondering, "This 'reverse' light can shine out the array. Compared with before, it has evolved a lot. If you continue to evolve, will you break the array directly?"

"The current situation is like a child with weak digestion eating meat. They can only eat cooked meat, not raw. It must be roasted. If they can eat it raw directly, they can also find meat to eat by themselves, and can evolve to this point..."

Chu Nan thought of those benefits and couldn't help but get excited. After writing down all the arrays of the table, table legs and other tables, Chu Nan did not delay at all and immediately began to deduce the way of the table.

The appearance of those meridians and acupuncture points, and the cracking of the formation, made Chu Nan's deduction ability greatly refined. It was not to mention the peak, but it was absolutely perfect. It was easy to find a breakthrough from the vast and chaotic array.

So, it broke all the way, and the momentum was like a bamboo. In just two hours, the four roads of the table array were opened up. All four roads could crack the array. Chu Nan did not consider the situation of consistency with other roads, but still used four roads to crack all the arrays.

Then, Chu Nan drew all the arrays on the table on the paper. Every time he drew a little, he swallowed a little, and soon swallowed all the formations contained in the table.

At this time, the range of the light of the word "reverse" is expanded again, and the ground with a radius of five meters near the table is shrouded in the light of the word "reverse". At that time, the formation on the ground is presented.

Although Chu Nan has seen the power of these arrays in front of him, looking at the heavy array forming a line, such as a picture similar to ordinary bricks, he can't help marveling, marveling, remembering the array, deducing the array, cracking the array, and drawing the array for the word "reverse" to swallowing.

Swallowing the light of the word "reverse" of the formation, it keeps getting stronger and stronger, and the coverage is getting wider and wider. In a few days, the ground of the whole study was cracked by Chu Nankai Road, and then the word "reverse" was swallowed.

Swallowing the whole ground, the walls around the study, and the roof of the study were all illuminated. The only door was still intact. In five days, Chu Nan solved all the surrounding walls. In another three days, the roof was captured again. The word "reverse" was extremely bright, and the word began to be slightly Squirming, it seems to have life.

Although other places have been cracked, Chu Nan still can't go out. Chu Nan knows that the key lies in the door, and the key of that door lies in the word "matrix".

turned around and returned to the word "matrix"!

For this situation, Chu Nan did not frown, but was full of war spirit. After getting so many new formations, Chu Nan's understanding of the word "array" was much deeper, and the vague traces left by a flash at the beginning became clear again.

Chu Nan picked up the ink stone and continued to study the ink. Only then did he find that the ink stone had developed a lot of ink, which was not less, exactly the same as the original. After a moment of thinking about it, several formations flashed in Chu Nan's mind, and Chu Nan understood.

From the brush, the word "matrix" comes out.

At the beginning, a thousand "array" words were written just for the sake of the words. After the thousand-word "array", Chu Nan wrote the array with the array, so that the pen did not stop. After hundreds of thousands of "array" words, the "array" that continued to write was no longer disappearing without a trace immediately, It will still appear, but it was immediately swallowed up by the word "reverse".

However, this situation has shown that the formation in the left ear was all mastered by Chu Nan, and Chu Nan's confidence doubled. At the same time, the word "reverse" squirmed more violently, as if he wanted to stand up from the paper.

After the word "matrix", there is an extra horizontal array!

After the word "matrix" of tens of millions, there is an extra diagonal fold!

After the billion "matrix", there is only the last vertical left, which is not mastered!

The last vertical is thousands of times more difficult than the previous one. The words written by Chu Nan have exceeded 300 million, and he can't realize it. "What's missing? The array in this study, except for that door, has been exhausted. How to write this last vertical?

Although the light of the word "reverse" shines on the door of the study, the array contained in the door still does not flash at all. Chu Nan wrote, thinking about the vertical one in his mind for a while, and thinking about the door of the study for a while.

One vertical, one door, one door, one vertical...

Cycle back and forth!

Suddenly, a door and a vertical flashed, like a meteorite hitting the earth, hit each other fiercely. Suddenly, the door turned vertically, the door became vertical, and Chunan shook all over. "Isn't this vertical a door? Isn't the door just vertical? If you don't break down the door, just look at the door as a whole.

Chu Nan's eyes were locked on the door, and the starlight flashed with the ten-colored light in his eyes. The brush in his hand danced. Most of the front of the word "array" was done overnight. When it came to the vertical, Chu Nan's brush stagnated.

Then, the door flashed in Chu Nan's mind, and the brush was pulled down and erected!

The word "matrix" is made!

When pulling down the last vertical, the word "Array" was great, Chu Nan was full of excitement, as if there was something weak, which crashed into his mind and had a faint connection with something.

Chu Nan did not think, but looked at the door of the study. He saw that the light on the door was not the light shrouded by the word "reverse", but the light of the door itself. The array in the door rotated. With the rotation of the array in the door, the whole study was changing.

There are changes, not only in the study, but also in paper.

A word "array", a word of "reverse", the word "array" did not disappear, but collided with the word "reverse", just like two people fighting, but the word "reverse" still has the upper hand at present.

However, when the light on the door of the room was projected on the word "array", the word "array" seemed to have suddenly upgraded and its strength had risen sharply. Instead, the word "reverse" was suppressed. Seeing this situation, Chu Nan did not hesitate to draw a formation for the word "reverse" to

The word "reverse" was created by him. It is impossible for him to disappear, especially the word "reverse" may also have a soul. Even if the word "reverse" may be related to the array, it is the same. It belongs to Chunan's rebellion! RO