Wu Rebellious Universe

1712 Avenue Sect, Moutu people

1712 Daozong, Moutu 1 update Chu Nan grabbed the door sword and punched the door sword. When the young man saw these pictures, he felt that Chu Nan did not pay attention to him. At that time, his heart was burning with anger.

When he heard Chu Nan say that he was going to sacrifice the fire, the young man sneered, casually set up a fire escape array, and said, "Your fire can't burn me, sword gate, roar..." The following words have not been continued. The young man looked at the normal flame, and the conditioned reflex showed contempt.

However, in the young man's heart, the feeling of uneasiness is even stronger; in an instant, the virtual fire burned along the door sword to the young man's body and burned on the young man's flesh and blood. The young man felt no harm. He felt a little at ease and said, "I looked at this fire. Such a fire Then there is no breath. How can it break my fire escape array?

As soon as the sound fell, the virtual fire attached to the surface suddenly disappeared. Just as the young man was puzzled and looking for the traces of the fire, he suddenly became furious. Inside the Dantian, the virtual fire was engulfing the young man's emotions.

After swallowing the emotion, the virtual fire became stronger. The young man roared. In his angry eyes, he scratched a look of fear from time to time and exclaimed, "The virtual fire, you actually have an empty fire..."

"Give me the formation you know, and I'll give you a happy way to die."

"If there is a virtual fire, it will be the enemy of everyone. You are dead!"

"I don't know if I'm dead, but I'm sure you will die in front of me!" Chu Nan punched again, the door was shocked, and the huge power spread to the young man.

A young man who is suffering from a false fire, can't afford to gather energy all over his body, has no resistance, his five fingers can't help loosening, and the door sword falls off from his hand.

At the same time, the light on Chu Nan's right fist was a few more intense, but he swallowed the array on the door blade sword with the pattern. Chu Nan stared at the young man and said, "As you said, it's very dangerous to have a virtual fire. Of course, I won't give you the opportunity to leak the news

Chu Nan took the door sword and punched the young man's feet. Immediately, his feet were broken.

"The painful death or the happy death is in your thought."

Another punch fell, and below the waist, it turned into a puddle of flesh and blood. The young man's body also lit a fire and was burning his flesh and blood. This pain was hundreds of times worse than the pain caused to him by Chu Nan's fist.

The young man didn't want to endure it anymore, but he couldn't even self-exploding, because Dantian was also surrounded by the false fire. In desperation, the young man who couldn't stand the severe pain pulled out a kit and said painfully, "I... all the... arrays, all... in it, give me...

Chu Nan took the kit, broke its mark, explored, and said to the young man, "Don't meet me again in the next life, or I will make you miserable again!" After saying that, the door blade was photographed.

At this time, the young man in endless pain smiled at the corners of his mouth and used his last strength to say, "The disciples of the Dao Sect can't be killed casually, and my things can't be taken casually. If you want to take it, you have to pay the price of your life."

The voice fell out, and the door blade sword hit him firmly on his body, directly smashing him into a meat pie. This young man, who did not know his name, fell into the grassland array, and the armored man in the distance was full of deep fear in his eyes. Not only Chu Nan killed the young man of There is also the virtual fire; although he is only one of the thousands of children of the Turkish patriarchs, he also knows how terrible the martial artist with the virtual fire is. What he knows more about such a person must not be confused by his superficial cultivation.

Chu Nan was thinking about what the young man said before he died. He looked at the kit in his hand, frowned tightly, and said, "Da Daozong? What kind of clan is it? For Da Dao Sect, Chu Nan knows nothing except the name, but Chu Nan knows that this Da Dao Sect is by no means an ordinary sect. The young man's cultivation just now, but in the divine ancestral realm, the array he showed is even more profound. If it hadn't been for the anti-soul and virtual fire, if he wanted to kill him, !

"Will Da Daozong find me?"

Chu Nan guessed in his heart, but another idea came up, "If I replace it, what will happen?"

At the thought of this, Chu Nan smiled at the corners of his mouth, "Appearance is not a problem. Shenxing can be solved, but this cultivation..." Chu Nan hasn't used "Shenxing Baihang" for a long time. I don't know whether Jin will upgrade his cultivation to the realm of Wuzu. "However, cultivation is just At that time, he will restrain his cultivation, or pretend to be seriously injured, and his cultivation will fall down; the most important thing is to integrate all his formations, as well as his attacks, all of which are proficient, so that it is not easy to expose his identity, with the help of the anti-soul, and it is not difficult to learn his formation!"

At that time, Chu Nan took out the arrays recorded in the kit. As he studied and thought about it, he walked to the armored man. When Chu Nan was still hundreds of meters away from the armored man, the armored man knelt down suddenly and said in a trembling voice, "Your Excellency, thank you for saving my life. "

Before Tuba could continue to talk, Chu Nan went straight out, took his essence and blood, and refined it with the Secret of Life and Death. Three minutes later, Tuba trembled all over, and his hard body seemed to suddenly turn into noodles and fell softly to the ground.

Chu Nan ignored him, took out the medicinal herbs, and spent several hours refining an elixir. He said coldly to the Tuba, "Swallow it."

"Your Excellency, what kind of elixir is this?"

"It just makes you forget something that you should forget."

After saying that, Chu Nan bounced the elixir into Tu Ba's mouth, and a stream of energy poured in and immediately urged the power of the elixir to send out. Soon after that, some confusion appeared in Tu Ba's eyes. He felt that he had forgotten some very important things. However, as soon as he saw Chu Nan, the memory "I can make your cultivation soar and enter the realm of the divine ancestor!"

Tuba is puzzled.

"I can make you stand out among thousands of brothers and sisters, be appreciated by your father, and make all the people who looked down on you before are afraid of you and afraid of you!"


The bully blurted out that he had long wanted to trample on those who looked down on him on the ground.

Chu Nan said again: "Prerequisite, you have to listen to me! Disobedient, die!" With this sentence, Chu Nan operated the "life-and-death secret". Tu Ba was in pain and had a feeling of explosion. He hurriedly said, "Your Excellency, I listen to you. I will do whatever you say."

"Now, tell me everything you know about the Tu people!"