Wu Rebellious Universe

1716 can be broken without array

The bronze man disappeared.

Those dozen people didn't believe the picture they saw in front of them at all. The conditioned reflex had to sacrifice their divine thoughts to investigate. After the sacrifice was out, they found that the divine thoughts were useless in this array. In desperation, they had to blink and rub their eyes hard, and then looked carefully. There was indeed one bronze man missing!

"How can it be less?"

This is the question of all of them. Those who came early are very clear. Whether they break through the bronze array or die in the bronze array, the bronze array will recover as before and wait for the next entry.

But now, there is one less copper man.

Just as they were shocked, someone exclaimed, "Look, another bronze man is missing."


"It's not two, it's three, no, it's four!"


After a burst of exclamations, they were all crazy. In just half an hour, eight copper people disappeared. In shock, they wondered, "What happened in the copper man array? Did that boy make it?"

In the bronze array, Chu Nan looked happy. According to the previous breaking speed, the formation of the copper array is not easy to break in this short time. However, when Chu Nan breaks some of the starting arrays and lets the reverse soul of the array swallow, and then breaks it again, the reverse soul of the array will give him a little. A very important hint, and also because of this hint, Chu Nan broke the formation of the copper man array, which was as fast as a broken bamboo, as fast as flowing clouds and flowing water, without a trace of obstruction.

The formation was broken, and it was easy to break through the bronze array. Chu Nan was also ready to pass through the copper array. At this time, Chu Nan saw those bronze men and remembered that the power they showed was very powerful. Even if he punched it, he could not smash it into pieces. Thinking of this, Chu Nan's heart surged "These bronze people are more powerful than many magic weapons. They are not like everything in the study. They are condensed with arrays, but entities. I don't know if this bronze man can swallow it up with the 'pulse secret' like a magic weapon."

Doubtful, Chu Nan captured a copper man and operated the "pulse secret". To his surprise, the "pulse secret" was very powerful. The copper man was swallowed, and the copper man's energy was huge. Although he was not satisfied with opening up the meridians, it was enough to open up the star cave.

A bronze man let Chu Nan open up five star caves!

The "pulse secret" has been used in a row, swallowing and melted a total of eight. The new forty star acupuncture points flashed in Chu Nan's body. Chu Nan wanted to continue to open up, but the location of the next three star acupuncture points is very important and needs to be calculated through a very precise deduction, so he has to give up

Although the star cave can't be opened up, Chu Nan did not mean to let go of these copper people. "The copper man is useful to me, and it must be more useful for the earth wheel soul." Immediately, Chu Nan continued to swallow, turn it into energy, and then poured it into the earth wheel, so that the soul of the earth wheel could be absorbed.

As soon as the earth roulette soul received this energy, it immediately cheered, "Brother, where did you find this energy? It's so wonderful!"

"It's delicious."


So, more than a dozen people outside saw the reduction of the bronze man one by one. They didn't know what language to use to describe the shock in their hearts. About an hour later, some people said sadly, "There is only one bronze man left. Will this bronze man disappear?"

The voice just fell, and the last bronze man disappeared in front of them, so more than a dozen people could see the scene in front of them completely and clearly. The first thing they saw was two figures.

"Impossible, why are both of them still alive?"

"I obviously heard a scream, and one should have died."

Tuba looked at the adult, and then stepped forward, straightened his chest, and said, "Who screamed, it must be dead? Take a look at the guy who looks down at people. If you say one more word, I will pull out your tongue.

Others don't know the hidden situation, but Tuba himself knows it very well. If it hadn't been for the help of an adult, he would have been killed by a whip. When he saw those people, he was shocked and looked frightened. Tuba liked it very much. At the same time, he also believed in the benefits that Chu Nan said "If I can shock these people now, then, I will definitely be able to shock those brothers and sisters, trample them under my feet, and never dare to face me again."

Chu Nan did not interfere with the Tuba to play the prestige, but also supported him, because he wanted to cultivate the mood of the Tuba. In between, Chu Nan thought about the bronze array that had just been broken. "In this bronze array, although the formation is also very sharp, it is strong enough. For example, the strong man in the divine ancestral realm It's not difficult. What does it mean to make such a array of relics? Strength, formation..."

Then, Chu Nan thought of the anti-soul of the array that showed its power in the bronze array, and said, "The effect of the anti-soul of the array is really too large. If the anti-soul of the array grows strong enough and can swallow and break the array, it will save me a lot of time. Time?"

Chu Nan immediately thought of the array given to him by the forbidden fog, which may be related to time. He has not yet cracked this array, but it is still possible to draw the array according to the pattern with energy. Chu Nan put the array in his fist and let the reverse soul of the array devoured.

When the Tuba had enough power, Chu Nan said, "Let's go." Then, after stepping on the thirteen steps that appeared after breaking the battle, Chu Nan said, and the Tuba naturally did not dare to stay for a while and quickly followed closely.

Seeing Chu Nan and the two left, everyone's hearts slowly fell down. After the two figures completely disappeared, one of them took a long breath and said, "These two people are too evil, but in this way, they will completely break the bronze array, and we will no longer have to break the copper array. We can do it directly. Go upstairs, so that the two of them have done a great thing..."

This man was talking excitedly and enjoying the feeling of getting something for nothing, but the voice suddenly stopped, because the ladder to the second floor also disappeared with the disappearance of Chu Nan's figure!

That is to say, the road from the first floor to the second floor is gone.

At that time, everyone was in an uproar.

"What's the matter? He broke the battle, so that we have nothing to break, and we don't even have a chance to work hard!"

"What should I do? We can't go up or out. Are we going to be trapped here? Damn it, if we had known that the two of them should have been taken down and killed together, we could have gone up smoothly.


Chu Nan couldn't hear what they said. He was walking on a narrow path on the cliff. There was a strong wind roaring around him, and there were boulders falling on it. Chu Nan walked in front and bombarded the boulders with "Breaking the sky fist". Looking at the boulders being bombarded, not to pieces, The boulder can't be swallowed like a bronze man, can it?

At present, Chu Nan sacrificed his right fist, called the reverse soul of the array, and broke the array together. Immediately, on the cliff, the array appeared!