Wu Rebellious Universe

1719 Rift Sea Xuankui Niu

1719 Rift Sea Xuankui Niu 2 Update

Where there is no water, the earth is suddenly exposed!

It's really earthy!

The shadow feels bad. In this array space, everything is water, the bridge is water, the pillar is water, and the steps are also water. Except for water, there is no ice.

But now it's a moment, and that piece of water has turned into earth.

Shadow is not a fool. After a breath of shock, he thought that the boy in front of him must have broken the array, and then rearranged the array showing the earth. "His array has reached such a depth that it can be said that it is handy..."

Thinking of this, the shadow's thoughts suddenly turned again, "No, I can't give him any more time. Kill him before he has turned the territory here into his territory. The rebel is on him."

Immediately, the shadow attacked and left, and the momentum was like a river in the sky. Chu Nan smiled at him and was ready, and the speed of the meridians had been circulating for 20 weeks, and the figure suddenly disappeared in front of the shadow.

In fact, in terms of speed, the shadow is actually quite good, but compared with Chu Nan, that is, the little witch sees the big witch and can't catch up with the horse. Seeing that he can't catch up with Chu Nan, the shadow looks at the earth bully and wants to find the trouble of the bully, but he immediately thought that I just didn't take action, and I didn't even look at it.

Thinking of this, the shadow was sure that he would beat the Tuba to death, and the man would not react, but if he really wanted to attack the Tuba, he would definitely waste time again. As soon as his mind was tosed, the shadow chased Chu Nan to kill him again.

The shadow opened his full power, released all the energy, and did not dare to relax at all. In this way, after chasing for about an hour, the shadow not only did not catch up with people, but exhausted himself, and a feeling of weakness surged up in his body. Looking at Chu Nan, his face did not change his face and his heart did not beat His face was extremely solemn and gloomy, "His cultivation is lower than mine. How can he have more energy than me? Here..."

While thinking, the shadow suddenly saw Chu Nan stop and stood still. Although the shadow felt strange, the opportunity could not be missed. He shouted, "Aren't you running away? Why didn't you escape?"

"Suddenly I feel bored. Why did it take so much effort to deal with people like you?" Chu Nan rubbed his fists. In fact, in the hour of running just now, he had touched the third layer of the array space almost and almost broken. There was only the last stroke left. If the finishing touch of the dragon fell, it would be an earth-shaking change immediately.

Shadow doesn't know this. He is furious with Chu Nan's words. "Joke, you were chased and killed by me for an hour, and you dare not fart. Now you dare to say such a big word. I really don't know whether to live or die. The rules of water are raging!"

The killing move rose again, and Chu Nan fought back and made a big move at the beginning, "Yin and Yang Tornado!"

So, the attacks continued one after another!

"Breaking the Sky Fist!"

"Heavenly Fist!"

"Earthquake Fist!"

"Swamp Fist!"


Chu Nan's powerful moves have been mastered in the bronze array. Chu Nan's current attack is faster. Although because of the soul elixir beads, Chu Nan did not sacrifice the rules of water and fire that gave the meaning of the rules, but so many fierce attacks made the shadow big. Killing moves, beaten to pieces, beaten to make the shadow retreat...

"Good boy! What a violent energy, this is not the energy that the ancestor can have at all. It simply competes with the strong people in the divine ancestor realm. Moreover, the attributes of this energy are so miscellaneous, but they are not messy. Instead of weakening the power, it is greatly enhanced. Is this the reason for the formation? Or does he have any secret method?"

The shadow was shocked. In this fight, he felt that the other party's attack was like a surging wave, and he was a poor boat. When did the shadow have such an experience? He couldn't help but be very angry and roared, "I don't believe that you can make such an attack come out!"

"I'm satisfied with you!"

Chu Nan's figure suddenly flashed in front of the shadow and beat out all the previous attacks with "Ran Feng Gang Zhan". The shadow tried his best to block him, but he was still seriously injured. His body splashed blood, and the shadow also turned into a blood shadow.

After a few breaths apart, the shadow lay in a pool of water and glared at Chu Nan, "You pissed me off!"

"I'm afraid you won't be angry!"

Chu Nan's fingertips lit a wisp of fire. Although it was only a wisp, the shadow felt his anger, which was inexplicably several layers higher. He did not think about it carefully, because he was already very angry. In addition, the water restrained the fire, and the fire was not afraid to attack him.

The blood on the shadow flowed out without pity. Immediately, the water in the array space turned into the red of blood at a fast speed, as if all the water had turned into blood.

"Kon, fight for a big drop in strength, and I'm going to kill you too!"

The shadow's smile was even more ferocious. In this ferocious smile, the dark shadow's body exploded. Chu Nan's eyes flashed a touch of light. Seeing the replacement of the dark shadow's body, there was a bigger and huge body. This body is not a human body, but like the body of Warcraft.

"Rip Hai Xuan Kui Niu!"

The shadow shouted loudly, and the body of the local bully suddenly trembled. He has heard of the prestige of "the rift sea Xuankui cow". He is one of the top ten fierce beasts in the aquarium, and it is rumored that the people who can be transformed into the top ten ancient fierce beasts are all a hidden force of the aquarium; Rift Sea Xuankui Niu?

With that, the shadow's head is also changing. A horn has grown out of the shadow's head. When Chu Nan saw this, he turned his head to the Tuba and said, "Do you Tu people have this secret method to incarnate into Warcraft?"

"Yes, but my strength is so poor that I'm not qualified!"

"It's okay. You will be qualified soon."

"Your Excellency, this mysterious cow in the Rift Sea is not simple. I heard rumored that he turned into an ancient fierce beast, and his strength has soared more than tripled, and..."

Chu Nan waved his hand to stop Tuba, and turned to the shadow and said, "Are you sure you can incarnate into a Xuankui cow in the Rift Sea?"

With the previous two "you're sure" experiences, the shadow's eyes were extremely cold and asked, "What do you want to do?" At this time, there were already two horns on the shadow's head, and the body was completely transformed into the body of the Rift Sea Xuankui cow, and the feet turned into four hooves.

"You said, what would you do without water?"


The shadow roared without asking questions. Naturally, he thought of the picture of the water turning into soil, and immediately swallowed the essence and blood, and completely incarnated into the ancient fierce beast Rift Sea Xuankui Niu. At this time, Chu Nan pointed forward that in that place, the ripples were shining and the formation appeared.

Lead one hair and move the whole body.

At the moment, the water passes, and the earth appears! RO