Wu Rebellious Universe

1777 plus double time, beauty talent

The fight around the pool does not look too fierce. There is no dense knife light, and there is no thick sword shadow. Some are just one punch and one foot, or one knife and one sword, a wave of hands; but these seemingly light movements contain unimaginable power and murder, that is, the three ancestors of Da Daozong. Disciples of the realm, if they enter the scope of fighting, the most likely outcome is that before the thinking can react, the flesh and blood will be annihilated.

However, the pool at the center of the fight is nothing at all!

After a period of time, the elder side had the upper hand, and the third elder said, "If we don't leave, we will kill!"

Hearing this, he came from the other side of the deep sea. His face was very embarrassed. They never wanted to give up easily, but the current situation was really bad. The old man in purple was confident that no matter how bad the environment was, he could leave safely, but the others were in danger, leaving him alone. If one person is not, it is difficult to compete with the three strong men of the other party.

"What should I do?"

The old man in purple stared at the pool, "Do you really want to give up? But that thing is very likely to be in here... If there is one more strong man in the ancient realm now, it will be much easier to do.

"If you don't want to go, then stay all."

The elder's faint voice sounded, and he had already set up a battle. Just as the old man in purple ordered to retreat, avoiding the sharpness of the other party and then Xu Xu Tuzhi, a very ordinary old man appeared in the distance, but the old man in purple was overjoyed and shouted hurriedly, "Sir, this pool is

The ordinary old man took a look. It has nothing to do with him. As long as he finds the young lady as soon as possible and does not find the young lady's figure, the ordinary old man will go away. The old man in purple is a little flustered. He doesn't want to miss such a great opportunity. He quickly said, "S I will do three things for you!"

"Three things?"

The ordinary old man stopped, looked at the pool again, and thought to himself, "If the monument is placed in this pool, it will definitely cause a big sensation here. Maybe the young lady will also come here." Thinking of this, the ordinary old man said, "You don't need three things, one is enough."

The old man in purple hesitated for a moment, and the three pieces were combined. This matter was mostly very unusual. If he had to do something he couldn't do at all, it would be a little troublesome. Therefore, the old man in purple asked, "What's the matter?"

"Help me find someone."


The old man in purple breathed a sigh of relief and immediately agreed. The elder said, "We can also help you find someone." The ordinary old man had seen the situation clearly in front of him. What he needed now was not to overwhelm one side, but the balance, and the balance of strength could cause a greater sensation. Therefore, the ordinary old man ignored it and stood on the side of the old man in purple. The three elders did not look good, but they were a little helpless, although The heart drives these away, but it costs a lot of money. They still have a lot of things to do, and it will be bad to be seriously injured.

After thinking about it, the three elders decided to go down like this first. Without panic, the two sides confronted each other across the pool and waited for the arrival of the monument. They didn't wait for a long time. After three hours, Chu Nan and his party, who had been searching for a long time, finally appeared in the distance.

He has been scanning the elders around him, and immediately noticed that God's mind was a little bit on the emperor, and then put it on the "Lian Cheng Shuang". Seeing the intimate appearance of Lei Rui and "Lian Cheng Shuang", he was overjoyed and said, "Shuang is indeed an organic person. Isn't the monument in his hands?

A glimmer of light flashed in the turbid eyes of the ordinary old man, but he was still standing in the camp of the old man in purple. Later, Chu Nan and others also found the existence of the elders.

Excellent joy. Finding the master means that his keel sword has been saved, but Chu Nan looked at the emperor and said flatly, "It's time."

"Here you are!"

The emperor threw a piece of paper over. On the paper, there were dense lines and patterns. He said, "This time array, one hour outside the array, two hours in the array, that is, you have twice as much time!"

Chu Nan had a feeling of being hit by a surprise again. He didn't expect that the time array he had to think hard about appeared in front of his eyes so truly, with twice as much time. For him, it would have an incomparable significance. Whether it is refining, alchemy, or practicing runes, it has become slightly sufficient. Come on, and the strength will also increase faster due to the increase of time.

Although he was in the surprise, Chu Nan was not completely carried away. The young man in front of him could easily take out a time array to double the time, indicating that his identity is more mysterious and unpredictable, and his strength is more powerful and unpredictable. At least he can't resist now. Chu Nan's intuition doubled the time, absolutely It's not his limit; the second point shows that the forbidden fog is ultiful. The time he spent in the forbidden fog has indeed been changed. Why is it so? It's self-evident.

Chu Nan had a lot of thoughts in his heart, and the voice of the emperor came over again and said, "Remember what you said. If you can't be more fun than him and make me more interested, what I can give you can naturally be taken back. Of course, it is not just a formation!"

After the words fell, the emperor walked forward leisurely. The elders in the distance seemed to have become the scenery in his eyes. The emperor walked forward, and the rest of the people focused on Chu Nan.

Zheng Weizan said, "Brother, what kind of formation are you giving? I haven't seen a beautiful woman coming after watching it for a long time? I bet that if there is a beautiful woman hidden in it, I will definitely break the battle before him.

"You seem to be very good at it when it's related to beautiful women, and if it's not related to beautiful women, your sharpness is much worse." Chu Nan said bluntly, Zheng Wei praised clapped his hands and said, "You're right. As long as you have something to do with beautiful women, no matter how difficult it is, it's not a problem..."

"Is this a kind of talent?"

"I now find that you are becoming more and more interesting. I like to deal with people like you!"

"You said that I'm in danger."

"I mean, you are very dangerous for women, but I'm a man, and I don't want to hurt you. Besides, now that we have a common enemy, how can there be any danger?" Zheng Wei said with a smile. Seeing that Chu Nan wanted his eyes to move, he said, "Well, to be honest, I want to save Miss Lei like a fairy, and to save Miss Lei, I must first save you. I want to change your view on women, and I want you to be full of love..."

"You can study this as a beauty, even if it's not, but you think so, then it is!"

Chu Nan said a word that he couldn't touch the southeast and northwest, so he walked to the elder. Zheng Weizan, who was interrupted, read what Chu Nan said, but he was stunned on the spot. After a long time, he was overjoyed and looked at the array again. The eyes in his eyes were so bright...