Wu Rebellious Universe

1792 protection? Kill?? Grab it!

1792 protection? Kill?? Grab it! 4 More "This feeling..."

Chu Nan felt it carefully, and the shadow of the crystal coffin and the Jiuxiao Tower came to his mind. He said to himself, "Is it the Jiuxiao Tower or the crystal coffin? Can this grave energy network force them out?

The more you think about it, the more possible it is. The Jiuxiao Tower is not simple, and the grave is not simple?

Impo, Chu Nan passed on the thought to the reverse soul of the array, and let the reverse soul of the array spread the energy network of the grave more densely. Try to force the Jiuxiao Tower out. The Jiuxiao Tower, which is a thing that is very likely to belong to the thought, is left in the body. No matter how you look at It can't be better.

"There is a coffin in the body, and the body is still in the grave. Coffin, grave, is it a coincidence?"

After these thoughts flashed in Chu Nan's mind, he concentrated on pulling the greatly weakened energy into Dantian. This little bit of energy can't clearly see the power he has here, but Chu Nan is sure that if he throws this little bit of residual power in the law in the sea, he is afraid that the sea will no longer exist. .

The power is terrible. Fortunately, there is a vortex channel formed by the energy of the grave. The damage suffered by Chu Nan is indeed much smaller. He sent it into the Dantian relatively smoothly, and controlled the soul elixir beads in the tomb energy clothes. When they collided, the broken law power was broken again and again, and the yin and Refin slowly.

The remaining wisp of powerful substance, Chu Nan clearly felt that it was jumping excitedly!

Just like ants carrying food, Chu Nan refined the law power that was smashed on his body bit by bit. Because of the protection of the grave energy network, the five elements of element liquid and other energy slowly resumed operation, and the speed of the meridians can also circulate every day.

The emperor drove the power to attack Chu Nan, and it became more and more powerful. Fortunately, he swallowed the reverse soul of the eighteen "souls of the heart". The speed was very fast, and the net was thicker and tighter and tougher.

Just a little stable, when Chu Nan was considering whether to use the fierce power to open up a few meridians, he saw the strange things of the emperor and the elder who had considered his previous mind more thoroughly, and suddenly shouted, "Five brothers, protect that boy!"

The elder, who was overwhelmed by infinite pain and anger, was stunned when he heard the elder's words, forgot the pain, and then roared more angrily, "Big brother, he made me look like this. Why do you still want to protect him?"

The emperor, Lei Rui and others, including Chu Nan, who was the party concerned, didn't understand. Before the elder answered, the owner of Yangdong laughed and said, "You can't understand this. We said before that if you want to destroy it, we will protect it. Elder Mo is borrowing our hand to kill it. What about the boy! Why don't you hurry up and protect him?"

When the owner of the Yangdong said this, most of them think it is so reasonable, but there is a look of thought between the emperor's eyebrows, and Chu Nan's intuition is not so simple. If he really protects him, the elder doesn't have to say it out loud. Isn't it enough to spread the voice secretly? Do you have to say it and let the man mock him? Is it possible that the elder is the kind of person who only increases his strength but does not increase his IQ? This is obviously impossible. If so, the elder would not have attacked the nine souls of the heart with the elder's blood.

At this time, the elder's voice sounded, "Five brothers, have you forgotten our task? This son has pocketed most of the treasures of the sect, and now occupies the tomb that may be inherited in it, and because of him, the tomb melts. That is to say, if we take this son back, the task will be completed; Therefore, let go of the hatred in your heart, not only to protect him wholeheartedly, but also help him. When it comes to the inheritance of the sect, it is always easier to take one person than to bring everything back.


"No, but we are from Dazong! Any shame is insignificant compared to completing the task!"

The elder was sharp for the first time, and he did not allow anyone to refute it. The elder turned his head and thought that it was indeed such a reason, so he walked to Chu Nan full of resentment and said, "I haven't tasted the pain for thousands of years. Today, you not only let Chu Nan taste it, but also Not only physical pain, but also heartache..."

"I also want to live. If I hadn't done that, you would have slapped me to death."

"Very good, now you also live hard for me, pass on the array to me to get it, and take back the virtual fire to me, and I will help you get the inheritance of the array!" It sounds like this, the elder's mentality still turns faster, but looking at the deep eyes of the elder's eyes, and the fist that has been clenched to the point of bleeding, you can know how much the elder hates.

Chu Nan smiled miserably and replied, "I'm really sorry, I can't control the virtual fire now. I'm also suffering from the virtual fire..."

"I'm really helping you, at least in the current situation!"

Of course, the elder doesn't believe it. Obviously, it is the false fire he sacrificed, and there is a reason not to take it back?

"If you don't believe it, just think I'm a villain. I want to guard against you and deliberately don't take back the false fire." Chu Nan said lightly. He frowned and chewed the elder's words tens of thousands of times in an instant. He still couldn't figure out the true meaning of the elder's Yangdong master. He said, "Shuidong master, you go and kill the surname Hu. Whether they want to protect the real killer or the real protection fake kill, control the Respond to all changes!"

The water cave owner left the battlefield, and the three elders wanted to stop him, but they were willing but weak. The moon cave owner had killed him only the skill of fighting, and there was no power to fight back. The water cave owner was killing to the elder. The elder coughed up blood and stared at Chu Nan.

Chu Nan is also extremely dignified. None of these people in front of him really want to protect him. It's all because of stakes. Chu Nan believes that if they find that his chess piece is useless, they will definitely erase him as soon as possible without any.

The feeling of being a chess piece that may die at any time is really very unpleasant, but no matter how unhappy Chu Nan is, he can only bear it. He doesn't have the strength to be a chess player at all now. What he can do is to show his own interests as much as possible and make them feel a little interesting, just like the emperor.

Although there is a grave energy net on his body, at this moment, if a strong man in the ancient realm has to kill him quickly, he will probably not be able to escape; therefore, Chu Nan should try to balance the strength of both sides, so that he can live longer.

So, Chu Nan said to Elder Hu, "I really can't take back the virtual fire. Even if I can take it back, it's not now. However, I can let him..." Speaking of this, Chu Nan paused, but there was a ball of virtual fire directly at the owner of the water hole. The owner of Thousands of Mars covered the water cave owner. At the same time, the elder's speed was not slow. He took action quickly, and finally let the virtual fire enter the body of the water cave owner.

Then Chu Nan continued to say, "It's also a false fire!"