Wu Rebellious Universe

1794 arrogant tower

"Nine-storey Sky Tower!"

Even if there was a hunch that the nine-story sky tower would be forced out, the shock brought to Chu Nan was still not small. However, the greater shock, or pain, the next moment, was like a volcano erupting.

The nine-story sky tower crashed randomly in his body. Although it has not yet broken the grave energy network, the grave energy network has been twisted, and many blood vessels and meridians have been damaged...

Most importantly, the prosody of the fluctuation has been broken!

The rhythm fluctuation is disordered, and Chu Nan's feeling of being reborn is gone. Some of them are just a sense of going crazy. The virtual fire rises in an instant and wraps Chu Nan in it. Not only that, all the energy in the body is like a runaway wild horse, out of control, all of which are desperately attacking It is also the target of attack.

The reverse soul of the array is a little more rational, but the reverse soul of the array can't stop so many attacks, and the reason is lost very quickly. A reverse intention bursts out from its soul, like pouring oil on the fire, and the fight is even more intense.

Even Chu Nan's soul elixir beads, which rely on to resist the law of power, kill each other. At one time, the powerful soul has the upper hand, and at another time, the rules of water and fire burst out together. It also automatically gives the meaning of the three rules created by Chu Nan. The pearl suppresses the soul. If it is If so, it can also bring some comfort to Chu Nan, but now it brings only endless pain.

There is also the yin and yang fish that can refine a lot of things. The yin and yang fish, which has always been integrated, also have problems. Sometimes they work together to attack other energy, and sometimes they attack each other. The most important thing is that the wisp of powerful material that has become very strong again has also rioted. This wi Including the virtual fire, only when the yin and yang fish and the soul elixir beads do not attack each other can they block a little...

The nine-layer sky tower is like a big hand, stirring all the energy chaos. Chu Nan had already felt that the nine-layer sky tower had brought him a lot of harm, but unexpectedly the harm was so great that it killed him.

The emperor immediately sensed something wrong with Chu Nan, but he didn't take action, so he stared so closely and observed that he smelled a little danger from Chu Nan, which surprised the emperor. What other means can Chu Nan threaten him?

After thinking for a long time, the emperor thought of the thing that injured the three elders, so the emperor immediately became interested and thought to himself, "Maybe there will be unexpected gains!"

The elder also noticed it, stopped his hand coincidentally with the owner of the water cave, and shouted and asked Chu Nan in unison, "Kid, what's wrong with you?"

"I also want to know what's wrong with me?"

Chu Nan muttered in his heart, what was going on outside and what they thought in their hearts? Chu Nan didn't have time to take care of it. He thought that everything was on the right track, and he would be blessed again because of misfortune and have a great growth.

Who would have expected that the nine-story sky tower destroyed all this. What caused these changes was to turn the meridian of the universe. Chu Nan wanted to control the energy and no longer enter the nine meridians of the universe. Unfortunately, it was not controlled by Chu Nan at all. The energy operated the meridians by itself. It seemed that at Just like a bystander.

"How to do it?"

Chu Nan has a splitting headache. He knows that he must contain the current situation. Otherwise, he knows how to think about the consequences with his toes. However, Chu Nan can't control any energy, and he can't just have ideas, not to mention that he still has any ideas at this time.

Just when Chu Nan was in great pain and couldn't figure it out, a slightly old and helpless voice sounded in Chu Nan's mind, "Didn't I say, don't disturb me? You have to force me out!"

"It's not me, it's not..."

As soon as Chu Nan heard this sound, he knew that it was a crystal coffin. Sure enough, there was a crystal coffin with cracks, which also flashed into Chu Nan's body. Before Chu Nan finished his words, the crystal coffin was a violent shock and shouted, "Kid, what have you done? How can you have so much energy Pure energy is also attacking you. What is this thing..."

"The Sky Tower!"

"The Sky Tower? I seem to have heard of it. What is this energy?

"It is the energy of a tomb left by the array. It is said that the secret of the inheritance of the array may be in the tomb..."

Chu Nan turned back, and the crystal coffin had crashed into the nine-story sky tower. When it collided for the first time, the crystal coffin was bounced back, which made the crystal coffin angry. "If it hadn't been for the serious injury last time, how could your little broken tower be so arrogant?"

Roaring, the nine-story sky tower hit the crystal coffin again. The injured crystal coffin retreated again and again, the injury was more serious, and the crystal coffin was even more furious. When he was angry, the false fire became more vigorous. Chu Nan shouted out, which was really unbearable. In such a situation, the tomb was Of course, it is swallowing that is not controlled by Chu Nan, but it is much faster than when Chu Nan can control it. According to the present speed, it will not take long for the tomb to be completely swallowed.

"Trap this broken tower."

"I want to, but..."

When the crystal coffin was hit again, the old voice stopped and shouted, "Break the tower, are you going to force me to make a unique move?" In this way, the crystal coffin that was hit and continued to retreat still did not use the unique trick. It is estimated that the price of using that unique trick is too high.


This is the sound of Chu Nan's broken bones. The broken place comes from the chest and abdomen. The place of the special bone is not waiting for Chu Nan to be shocked. The third eye in the middle of the eyebrows, and there is a sharp pain.

Then, the third eye opened, and a powerful power swung out fiercely. It was no longer as powerful as the previous few times, but full of blood, like the arrival of the abyss demon. The owner of the water hole just stood in front of him. Without notice, he was hit by this power. Suddenly, his arm was broken by more than

The owner of the water cave was shocked and furious, and the emperor's eyes were suddenly extremely fierce. Generally speaking, he rarely showed this kind of eyes, but once he appeared, it showed that it was big!

"Such power can only be owned by the one said by the Father. No wonder the cloak and armor evoke my vague memories. No wonder Zhao Qing came to kill him. So that's it, so it, but why does he have blood energy? What is his relationship with that person? Disciple? Or..."

There are countless questions in the heart of the emperor. When asking these questions, the emperor regrets that he showed such strong strength before. If he behaves weakly, according to the previous script, he can definitely interpret the most dazzling game under the sky, and he can With this game, take that step and enter the dream realm!

In regret, the emperor looked at Chu Nan and muttered, "Maybe there is still a remedy. Anyway, it's an opportunity. I can't let go of this opportunity! Absolutely not!"