Wu Rebellious Universe

1816 three reasons, deal with it alone

Hearing Chu Nan's question, the look on the moon cave owner's face, several changes, anger, easing, resentment, greed, etc., no matter how many times he turned, it finally turned into a helpless and fate-ending expression.

"Life and death are in your mind. What else can I think?"

"You can choose to self-explod, then I may not be able to stop you. After all, your cultivation is much higher than me..." Chu Nan said calmly, but his eyes were fixed on the gradually calming blood vessels of the moon cave owner. The moon cave owner reflexively wanted to take action, but he immediately realized his identity and the person in It's not the person who let them hold it before the disaster. He still thought about the breath. The moon cave owner finally lowered his head, and Chu Nan continued to say, "Since you don't explode yourself, then choose one person to die for you. Who should you choose? You know better than me, right?"

Chu Nan let go of him and stood aside. Just now, he had a fight and let him stop collecting energy for the epee. Seeing that the master of the moon cave hesitated several times, he finally pinched his fist and walked to the battle group of the elders. After staring at the master of the Yangdong, Chu Nan quickly continued to collect in his body The previous collection is complete.

At the same time, Chu Nan also glanced at the little finger of his right hand, and there was a flash of surprise in his eyes. He was sure that the bones that had been melted in the little finger before had been broken under a heavy blow. However, when he used the "one finger of the universe" just now, the strength of the little finger of

On the other side, the owner of the sun cave saw the owner of the moon cave coming towards him, and a trace of panic flashed in his eyes obviously flashed in his eyes. He shouted fiercely, "Moon cave owner, what do you want to do?"

"Live, and climb higher."

"Have you forgotten that we are all from Yantian Cave?"

"It used to be, but not now."

The moon cave owner said very calmly. The sun cave owner was a little stunned. Originally, he thought that even if the moon cave owner was controlled, he would not give in as easily as the elders. However, at this moment, it seemed that the moon cave owner seemed to be worse than them, and he was sure to follow Chu Nan. "What on earth did The means, what did you say to him to make Yuehua like this!"

Thinking in his heart, the owner of Yangdong was not idle. He wanted to try his best to prevent the owner of Yuedong from joining the battle group. In that case, his situation would really add insult to injury. "Yuehua, even if you are not from Yantian Cave, you also know very well how the master of the cave treats the traitor, What's more, how serious the consequences of killing me are? I won't say it, you know! You have to think it over!"

I heard that the owner of the moon cave said that the master of the moon cave really stopped. The owner of the moon cave really put a lot of pressure on him, but when he thought of that breath, the owner of the moon cave suddenly had a bottom card, "If I can reach that realm, what is the master of Yantian Cave?"

Thinking like this, the owner of the moon cave continued to move forward. The owner of the sun cave was shocked. He avoided the attack of the elder, retreated, and said coldly, "Have you really figured it out?"

"I think very clearly, first, I'm not a betrayal. If you can save me in time, I will definitely not come this far; second, if I kill you and provoke the master of Yantian Cave, I will die in the future, but if I don't kill you, I will die immediately; third, if I kill you, I may Three reasons are enough.

The voice of the Lord of the Moon Cave fell, like a gust of wind blowing forward and joined the battlefield. The Lord Yang Cave knew that he had never said anything more. He no longer wanted to kill anyone. All he wanted was to escape from here. His eyes still shook his eyes in Chu Nan and said to himself, "If At that time, it would be better to take him away and force him to ask about the skills of control with blood.

The mastermind of Yangdong began to plan.

At the same time, on the Sword Mountain in Nanchuanzhou, I fell into a coma, and no more gold disaster fell on him. The breath between his nose was also as thin as silk, but there was a faint strange golden light on his body, and the swords in Jianshan were still like guards, protecting him.

In the air, Fuxi also found Lei Rui and others. Just as he was looking for the trace of Chu Nan, Lei Rui shouted loudly, and the ordinary old man and Wan Zhen's ancestors worked together to take Fuxi down.

On the other side, the old man in purple saw that the ordinary old man and Wan Zhen's ancestors were protecting Lei Rui and others. He had no chance to take advantage of it, so he had to follow the landing place of the five elements. As soon as he arrived, he saw Chu Nan standing leisurely on the side. When he saw the battle between the elders Isn't it the owner of Yangdong? Why did they kill each other?

When the owner of Yangdong saw the figure of the old man in purple, a surprise appeared on his face and shouted, "Come on, Chu Nan has been seriously injured, and he can be easily taken away!" The owner of Yangdong shouted like this to ask Chu Nan to call two or three people back to protect him. In this way, he had a chance to get out. As for whether the old man in purple is dead or alive, he will not care about it!

The old man in purple instinctively shows joy. He has an intuition that Chu Nan, who inherited the inheritance of the array, is likely to be the purpose of his trip. Even if he is not, he should also know where it is.

Just as the old man in purple was about to kill in the south of Chu, the old man in purple suddenly stopped and stared his eyes on the emperor. The emperor said lightly, "As long as you don't bother me, I won't care what you do."

The old man in purple, who got the answer from the emperor, was very determined. However, he did not believe it all. At the same time, he also suspected that the Yangdong master asked him to take Chunan as a bureau, but he thought about it thousands of times, but he didn't think of what it would be. In his eyes, he thought Similarly, when Chu Nan spent the five elements disaster, he would not be his opponent who stepped into the ancient realm.

Therefore, the old man in purple is getting closer and closer to Chunan.

Chu Nan stared at the old man in purple and said, "Do you really want to attack me?"

"As long as you go back with me."

"What if I say no?"

"Then I have to do it to you. You forced me to do it."

"If I can't force you, I'm really sorry for what you said."

Chu Nan said, and then gathered the energy in the space in his body, and the old man in purple also accelerated his speed, but at this time, Chu Nan's figure disappeared. The old man in purple was shocked and stared at it, but saw a shadow rushing towards him, "He actually attacked me first!"

This is something the old man in purple never thought of. However, the old man in purple did not panic much. He sneered and said, "If you do it first, can it be better?" The old man in purple grabbed it with his big hand, and Chu Nan's "Heavenly Fist" had arrived. His fist blasted out a channel in the power of the law and hit the old man in purple. The old man in purple heard the crack of his finger bones, and Chu Nan was also splashing with blood.

"In my attack just now, there was no law power?"