Wu Rebellious Universe

1858 heaven and earth in a cage

1858 Heaven and Earth One Cage 2 Update

Mr. Shu's eyes lit up because he thought of the idea that he could decide the situation. Looking at Qian Lei, he thought to himself, "I thought he had succumbed like this. It turned out that it was to retreat as progress, make this attitude, set the situation, and deliberately lead Chu Nan into the game. It's really a good

"Since you can make this sacrifice, what can I pay some price?" Shu Lao made up his mind to use that move to cooperate with Qian Lei, and then Shu Lao was ready.

While Shu Lao was preparing, Chu Nan was still wondering, "Breaking the ninety limit?"


"So how do you expand and strengthen your internal space?"

Chu Nan suddenly thought of this very important question. Qian Lei was a little suspicious. Looking at Chu Nan's appearance, he also opened up the internal space. Moreover, from the perspective of swallowing the "empty pot" and "reason pen", his internal space is not weak, otherwise he could not swallow these things, but Mr. Chu, who has such a internal How can I not know how to make the space in my body stronger?

Doubtful, Qian Lei still said, "This has something to do with himself, the thickness of qi and blood, the amount of energy, and the level of strength..." Chu Nan listened, and the more he listened, the tighter his eyebrows became, but he didn't say anything. He still listened to Qian Lei quietly, "If the energy is exhausted and Then the space in the body will weaken, wither, and may even disappear completely.


Chu Nan was shocked. He really didn't think about this problem, but he understood it. It was like flowers and trees, losing sunlight, soil, nutrients and other growing environment, and the flowers and plants only had a withered life.

However, what Qian Lei said just now is very inconsistent with his situation. Qian Lei and others use their own qi, blood, energy, etc. to open up internal space, but Chu Nan's constantly swallows external objects, turn refines and nourishes the body after turning them into energy.

Chew Qian Lei's words again. Chu Nan some understood why the crystal coffin warned himself again and again that he must keep leading to the disaster of destruction until the inner space is complete, because if not, the inner space in this way will degenerate.

"If you go back, the space in your body will disappear; then move forward, what is the end of the space in your body? When will my inner space be complete, and what will happen when it is perfect?

Chu Nan said this in his heart and asked Qian Lei, "In that case, is it necessary to open up internal space? With some special storage rings and spirit animal bags, isn't it also a wonderful use in the inner space?

Hearing this question, Qian Lei's pupil suddenly put it to the maximum. He looked at Chu Nan with barbarian-like eyes. His face was full of incredible expressions. Qian Lei was really confused by Chu Nan. He condensed his mind and replied, "First, the space in the body is safer than the storage ring and the spirit beast bag; second, The inner space can also be regarded as a killing move; third, it is also very important. When the inner space grows to a certain level, it can store energy, and the storage amount is also very large, which is much more convenient than swallowing elixir. Because of this, many people have opened up more than one internal space; what I know so far, These are the only functions, but I believe that this is by no means the whole of the inner space, and the rest needs to be known at a higher level.

"Storing energy, can't you produce your own energy? If possible, it's a little similar to Dantian.

Chu Nan muttered, because there was no such thing as shielding, Qian Lei heard it clearly, but as soon as these words entered his ears, Qian Lei was also stunned, "Yes, can't the inner space produce energy by itself? Dantian?"

Qian Lei's thoughts were tosed and seemed to fall into the feeling. However, his feelings were immediately broken, but Shu Lao shouted, "Qian Lei, seize the opportunity and take him down!" Set the universe in one fell swoop!"

"Eh? What?"

Qian Lei, who was interrupted by his thinking, had not recovered, but he saw Shu Lao spitting blood in his mouth, like a fountain. In this bloody rain, something flew out of Shu Lao's abdomen. In an instant, Shu Lao's face was extremely pale, without a trace of blood.

As soon as it flew out, the space in all directions shook violently. Jiuwu and others were forced to retreat by a pressure, and some people were injured. Chu Nan also felt that there were many air currents rushing out of the old abdomen.

Chu Nan guessed that these airflows were mostly caused by void fragments, and the thing sacrificed by Shu Lao stared at it, and the word "inside space" floated in Chu Nan's mind.

At the same time, Qian Lei, who saw Mr. Shu's action, was also completely sober. His face was full of panic, and there was anger in the panic. The sacrifice he had just made were all in vain by Mr. Shu. He couldn't help shouting, "Mr. Shu, what are you doing?"

"What do you do? Aren't I cooperating with you? What are you still doing there? Hurry up and trap him, don't let him get out, and get ready to take him down!"

" cooperate with me?"

Qian Lei was puzzled, but Shu Lao shouted loudly, "Heaven and earth are in a cage!"

With the sound of shouting, the suspected "inside space" that gathered and absorbed a lot of void fragments flew straight to Chu Nan. Shu Lao saw that Qian Lei did not do anything and was about to shout at him, but he saw that Chu Nan did not move, and his heart was relieved.

"Don't panic, I won't move."

Chu Nan said something, and his tone was full of comfort. Although Shu Lao was angry, he suppressed it. He saw what Chu Nan wanted to do. He didn't want to say anything to anger Chu Nan, but at this moment, Qian Lei was doing a fierce ideological struggle. He hesitated whether to join hands with Shu Lao Shu to take Chu Nan down, or Continue with the previous "reason".

It seems that the former is the most advantageous. If it can ensure success, Qian Lei will not hesitate to take action, but Qian Lei has a vague feeling that he will not succeed in doing so, especially after a conversation with Chu Nan, this feeling is even stronger.

"Block the attack!"

This roar came from Mo Youduo. Mo Youduo saw it most clearly. When he roared out, his body rushed forward. Because of Mo Youduo's roar, Qian Lei remembered the wrong performance in front of Shu Lao. At present, he no longer hesitated. He stained blood with his ten fingers and wrote the word "reason" together!

"Are you crazy?"

Mr. Shu was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood. He couldn't figure out that the target of Qian Lei's attack was not Chu Nan, but him, and Mo Youduo. Shu Lao roared, "Is it up to you, can you stop it?"

Taking advantage of Shu Lao's anger, the false fire soared and broke through Shu Lao's suppression. Shu Lao's body was shaky, but he tried to stabilize his figure and maintain the operation of "a cage of heaven and earth". At this time, Qian Lei attacked, and the word "reason" hit, but before he collided with " Even Qian Lei was bounced out. As for Mo Youduo, the speed was one step slower. "A cage of heaven and earth" has been shrouded in Chu Nan and imprisoned Chu Nan in it.


Seeing this scene, Shu Lao laughed loudly. He thought he had succeeded. "Sonent Chu, you are the first prisoner of my husband. You should feel honored. You can enjoy it in it, and I will take you back to Da Daozong."

After saying that, he shouted at Qian Lei and others, "What's the move with emotion? Look, this is the most useful thing. It's a prisoner. Shu Lao has taken the expressions of Jiuwu and others in their eyes. Jiuwu and others are indeed a little flustered, and the fighting over there has also stopped. Shu Lao said to Jiuwu and others, "Let's go together, Dazong is waiting for you."

"What's the result? It's not necessarily true!"

Lei Rui said, a purple thunder. As soon as he split the domineering purple thunder in the past, there was no shadow, and he didn't know that it was in the void fragment. Seeing this, Shu Lao laughed and said, "It's useless!"

Although it was useless, Lei Rui's actions inspired others. Jiuwu cut the sword, the god of war smashed the stick, Chang Mingge spit blood and tried his best to cut another song... Many attacks, bombarded to "a cage of heaven and earth".

"It's useless, hahaha..."

The laughter stopped abruptly, because Chu Nan's voice came from "a cage of heaven and earth", "Don't panic, everyone, I'm fine!" RO