Wu Rebellious Universe

1866 elixir! The magic weapon!

"It can produce great attack power on dead energy and corrosive energy. From the perspective of medicinal materials, glazed sterling silver leaves, crystal life fruit, etc. contain strong vitality, and these medicinal materials also carry a strong purification effect, but..."

The third eye between Chu Nan's eyebrows is covered by a "chuan" wrinkle. "However, for example, if the beast swallows the crystal life fruit, it will have a little impact on him, but the impact will never be too big. On the contrary, it will be very beneficial to his life growth; glazed sterling silver leaves are not the Natural enemies..."

While thinking about it, what Nujiang said also flashed into his mind, "If Haoyuanwan is sacrificed, the effect will be great. Even if it is the peak strong in the divine ancestral realm, if it is affected, it will fall into a weak situation for a certain period of time."

"Only relying on medicinal materials such as crystal life fruit and glazed sterling silver leaves is far from reaching this effect. Even with the assistance of those medicinal materials, it is not enough to strengthen its efficacy; if the medicinal materials can be done, there is only... Danfang!"

Chu Nan recalled the composition of Danfang, filtering one by one, and then connecting the previous deductions. Chu Nan was sure that there was no other possibility except Danfang. "It's just that there is something mysterious in this Danfang?"

Although the thoughts in his heart are flashing, Chu Nan did not ignore half of the refining of Haoyuan Dan. Around him, Jiuwu was refining his sword, and the God of War was digesting and inheriting. The song was ringing in his ears of Changming songs, and the melancholy was more intense in his eyes.

Zheng Weizan saw this melancholy clearly. At the same time, he felt that Chang Mingge seemed to be more dangerous. Zheng Weizan couldn't help sighing in his heart, "I thought I was a super genius, but I didn't expect that when I met these people, I was all gone. It seems that I wanted to attract countless beautiful The scene of folding the waist is a long way to go!"

After sighing, Zheng Weizan opened his eyes, looked at the sky and the earth and looked at the void. He wanted to turn everything that entered his eyes into a beauty one by one. Xiaojing seized all the opportunities that she could seize and practiced desperately. Because Xiaojing spent all her time on practice, she missed the son of heaven much less, but in When she returned, Xiaojing would still think of the man named Wang Yuan who stained the earth with blood for her to block the deadly killing and took them to escape from the mortal world.

Xiaojing had long learned from the two subordinates left by Wang Yuan that Wang Yuan had been taken back by the family. At this time, what Xiaojing said most was not thinking, thinking, loving, but sorry and so on. "Between love and the jade rabbit clan, I can only choose the jade rabbit clan, and the whole family is still enduring the How can I take care of a person's happiness with heavy humiliation?

At this moment, the emperor, who is far away, doesn't know that Xiaojing has this idea. He is busy perfecting the script, as well as preparing props for playing games. He is so busy and has been in a state of extreme excitement. He is also busy asking leisurely, "I don't know what my game partner is doing now. There is Tianwu mainland, by the way, and that little Jing, a very important chess piece, she will probably miss me very much now.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, ten hours pass.

After the steps of uniformly dispersed baking and other steps, the Haoyuan pill refined by Chu Nan is also close to the last moment. At this time, he still has no clue about the thought of Haoyuan pill attack. Although there is no clue here, Chu Nan has to put it aside for the time being and proceed. The most critical step.

In the energy alchemy furnace, Haoyuan pills are separated into eight parts. Each part begins to melt an elixir pill. If the condensate well, all the previous work will be in vain. Like the previous alchemy, the vitality is refined together while melting in the south of Chu, so that the impurities in the Haoyuan pills can be removed The color and purity of eight Haoyuan pills...

In the process of melting, a familiar feeling suddenly rose in Chu Nan's heart. This feeling was almost exactly the same as his feeling of refining magic weapons with the divine soul in the past. Suddenly, Chu Nan seemed to have suffered and was enlightened, and suddenly realized!

"The magic weapon? Elixir? Elim! The magic weapon!"

Chu Nan chewed several times and couldn't help saying, "No wonder, no wonder Haoyuanwan can achieve such an attack effect. It's not surprising to understand it as a magic weapon. In vain, I thought that my thinking was not imprisoned by the tradition, and I could think freely and think freely; but such a wonderful thing, I I never thought about it before. I only thought about the combination of the array and the elixir, and I didn't think about the magic weapon and the elixir..."

"Thinking carefully, this refining elixir and refining magic weapon have something in common to a large extent. The same is refined by fire, and the same has to go through smelting, removing impurities and other steps..."

A lot of the excitement in his heart spread to his face. While comparing the elixir and magic weapons, Chu Nan also began to have a belly case. After preparing to refine Haoyuan pills, he collected the medicinal materials from the people here to see which medicinal materials were available, and then set an elixir according to the medicinal materials. A small test knife, and Formula to refine, and then combine alchemy with refiner...

"The small array will not take long to recover."

Chu Nan thought, the excitement revealed by the red face, and Shu Lao and others also saw it clearly. Shu Laoxin said, "Is it possible that Haoyuan Wan has succeeded? If the refining is really successful, then my air-breaking elixir will be sure!"

Because Shu Lao saw the bleeding state of Pei Siyu and Ru Yan, and because Pikong Dan is what Shu Lao is eager to get, Shu Lao is easy to think so. However, compared with Shu Lao's excitement, Nujiang and others are more depressed. Even if they are not alchemists, they also know an alchemist, an excellent An excellent alchemist must have a peaceful state of mind. He must not be happy with things and worry about things. Even if the elixir will be destroyed, or the elixir will be successful, he must maintain the state of mind. It is best to have no waves in the ancient well. In this way, the probability of success of alchemy is relatively high and

But now, that excited look is not like an excellent alchemist; more of all, how can it be refined into Haoyuan pills in such a short time? Nujiang remembers clearly that it takes seven to nine days for the elders of the elixir of Daozong to make a move. Under various factors, Nujiang and others It's impossible to think about the better.

Nujiang's heart no longer dripped blood, and the dripping blood also coagulated. Nujiang comforted himself, "Forget it, then go to Qiu Shu Lao and ask him to help me collect some when collecting the materials of the empty elixir. If I haven't collected it, I'll raise it myself

As soon as the idea of Nujiang fell here, Chu Nan over there has made eight Haoyuan pills completely become elixirs. In exchange for other alchemists, it is over at this step, and you can prepare to collect the elixir, but for Chu Nan, there is another step, that is, to refine the alchemy furnace.

With Chu Nan's action, the alchemy furnace began to shrink. Nujiang and others saw that the first reaction was that the alchemy furnace was about to be destroyed and the elixir pills exploded. However, the expression on their faces did not panic at all, but only indifferent, because they had expected this result for a long time.

After a while, the alchemy furnace still only shrank and did not burst, but Nujiang and other disciples of Da Daozong did not change their minds. They thought it was the result of Chu Nan's desperate control.

"That's it. Don't think about it any more. How can Haoyuanwan succeed in less than 20 hours? Don't expect him to create another miracle to reverse the situation!"

While Nujiang was reading like this, he and his brothers began to prepare the words, trying to dispel the indifference on his face, so as to comfort Chu Nan. For Nujiang, it was completely a kind of torture, but he had to do so.

Finally, the alchemy furnace is gone!

The expected elixir explosion in Nujiang still did not happen. Just as Nujiang was about to blurt out words of comfort, the place where the alchemy furnace disappeared suddenly jumped up eight round things, exuding a strong smell of medicine...