Wu Rebellious Universe

1889 recovery memory, the fifth heir

"At least a poisonous means."

After Master Fuxi explored Fuxi's body and soul, he said coldly, "This son actually erased part of your memory, so that you can't remember the things in it. It's really vicious."

Hearing the sentence that confirmed his guess, Fu Xi panicked and hurriedly asked, "Master, can I recover the memory I lost?"

"The little skill of carving insects, in the Qiankun Sect, can't show off its power. The teacher guarantees that the memory you have lost will be restored at all." This sentence reassured Fuxi. Fuxi's eyes showed hatred, and he said in his heart, "When I recover my memory and know what you did to me, I will never forgive you, and I will definitely let you live and die."

Hate and hateful, Fuxi also expressed his doubts, "At the way, Master, this man named Chu Nan can also know the martial arts skills of our Qiankun Sect..."

"What?" Fuxi was very surprised, and then asked, "Are you telling the truth?"

"Master, what the disciple said is all true. He can do it, such as Qianyuan Zhan, Qiankun Yizhi and so on. However, he did not fully exert the power of Qiankun martial arts. The disciple guessed that it should be caused by him only practicing one kind of martial arts secret."

"Where did you first meet this person?"

Master Fuxi asked solemnly. Fuxi shook his head to show that he couldn't remember. Master Fuxi didn't know what he thought of and said, "If you know my martial arts of Qiankun Sect, you must investigate it carefully. No matter how he got it, with this means to you, he will definitely let all his skills be useless and You can have a good rest here first, and you can go back as a teacher.

Master Fuxi quickly reported the news to his superiors.

After a while, Master Fuxi and the other two came back. Both of them were taller than Master Fuxi, and the solemnity on their faces was thicker than Master Fuxi's. The two didn't say anything else and said directly, "Restore his memory first."


Master Fuxi answered, turned around and let Fuxi swallow a Dan y. As soon as Dan y entered the abdomen, Fuxi fell into a com. The original plan was for Master Fuxi to help Fuxi recover his memory, but now the two superiors took action together. The reason is very simple. They want to ensure that Fuxi's memory is a None of them can be missing.

At the same time, the Tuba returned to the land of the Turks, and when he went back, the Tuba did not return to his hometown in clothes, but was even more depressed than before. As he expected, he was ridiculed a hundred times more than before.

"Well, isn't this that rubbish?"

"I heard that you went to Tianwu Continent to practice. What was the result?"

"Don't sprinkle salt on other people's wounds. Don't you see that they are naked?"

Before he finished speaking, the person who seemed to have helped the local bully laughed wildly first. A wild laugh triggered all kinds of laughter, such as ridicule, ridicule, contemptuous laughter, and indifferent laughter...

Tuba lowered his head cooperatively and walked forward. He clearly remembered all these humiliating words in his mind and said silently, "Wait, wait and see how I can give you a loud slap."

Maybe the brothers and sisters of Tuba haven't seen Tuba for a long time. They haven't made fun of him for a long time. They want to make up for the humiliation of Tuba's days when they left. They didn't leave immediately, but followed Tuba and laughed all the way.

More and more people gathered around Tuba, and the laughter was getting louder and louder. But slowly, someone felt something was wrong and laughed and said, "Tuba, your nest is not on this road. Shouldn't you go out and become more stupid?"

"Wrong, wrong, you are all wrong. Take a closer look at where this road leads to. Isn't it that black-faced girl?"

"So it is, hahaha..."

The black-faced girl flashed in his mind. In the past, he did make fun of the black-faced girl, but when he heard about it at this moment, there was a feeling of pity in his heart, so he wanted to save the black-faced sister after he took power.

Turn, turn, turn again...

Just like walking to the mí palace, after dozens of turns, the laughter following the Tuba is much weaker. However, this is not because the Tuba is weak, but because the Tuba is getting closer and closer to their old man, the Tuzhang's bedroom after seven turns and eight turns. Although the voice is weak, the contempt in It's thicker. All of them want to see the good drama of Tuba, waiting for Tuba to be beaten or killed.

Tiger poison does not eat children, this sentence must not be put on the Turkish patriarch; in the words of the Turkish patriarch, anyway, there are so many descendants, and it is useless to go out and is also killed by others. It's better to do it yourself, so as not to go out and be ashamed.

The most important thing is that this is the time when the Tu people grow up to create people. If the Tuba goes like this, isn't he going to die and do it? Tuba's brothers and sisters all think that Tuba's brain is broken, but many people think that Tuba will turn around and run away at the last minute.

However, a few minutes later, the earth bully knocked on the meén, and all of them held their breath and waited for the roar from inside. Sure enough, the palace roared, "Which rabbit is so ignorant that dares to disturb my good deeds. Come, someone, I will be caught and cut."

"Sure enough, it seems that we will lose another person to make fun of in the future."

A group of people whispered and thought that the Tuba was dead. Just as they lamented that they had lost one less person, the Tuba suddenly raised his head, came out his light, and roared in his voice, "Dad, I'm the Tuba. I have important news to report!"

"Tuba? Who knows which one it is!"

The voice in the palace continued to ring, "However, listening to this sound, it is much thicker, and it also contains attacks. Boy, come in and speak. If you can't say the answer that satisfies me, I will definitely twist your head down as a ni pot."

Tuba resolutely walked in. Those people outside were very surprised. Of course, they still didn't think that Tuba would survive. "It's just that coward, but it's just struggling for a while, and it will definitely be cut into thousands of yuan later."

"That's right, the bully is dead."


Time passes quickly. In a blink of an eye, half an hour passes. This half an hour is a kind of purgatory-style suffering for them. The longer it takes, the more panic they are. These people naturally understand how they will end up if the Tuba really turns over and gets up.

Finally, the palace men opened again. What shocked them was that the first thing that appeared was the figure of the Tuba. The Tuba was not only intact, but also changed his clothes from beginning to end. If the previous Tuba was not even as good as a flowing lng dog, then now The bully is a majestic tiger, and a bad feeling spread in the hearts of everyone.

Then what appeared was the figure of the Tu patriarch. The Tu patriarch's clothes were not neat, and the edges were not trimmed. Looking at it with rough eyes, it was no different from those who were looking for Liu, but it was such a person who was the absolute master of the Tu people. He could make people live or die.

"From now on, Tuba will be the fifth heir!"

After saying something casually, the Tu patriarch turned around and went to the palace again, as if nothing was more important than his creation, but it was this light sentence that made all the people below dumbfounded.

Although the fifth heir is not the only heir, there are four above the earth bully; there are three more under the earth bully; but in any case, the heir is already the existence they look up to. To put it more bluntly, the earth bully at this moment can already determine their life and death!

"Everyone goes to see the black-faced girl with me. If anyone leaves without permission..."

Tuba stopped talking. When he walked to the black-faced girl's residence first, the people behind him were stunned and reacted quickly. He quickly came forward to pile up a smile and flattered.

Compared with the local bully's eyebrows, Chu Nan and his party reached the periphery of the Heaven Hall in a very low-key way. T